Howl is blowing his coat and there's a pair of Ravens in waiting. This guy grew an epic winter coat to handle our wet cold winter here on the Olympic Peninsula, I feel for the mustangs that come here from a dryer climate, and from what I can tell, the older the mustang the harder it is, but they do adjust. A little extra vitamins and minerals help, and lots of grooming. Anyhow, when I was done with this epic mission, the pair of Ravens swooped in and started doing their little hops and gathering as much hair into their beaks to take back to their next, their babes will have the softest home. #pwhowl #blmmustang #sheepsheadhma #mustangsanctuary #passthesafeact #ProtectWildHorses #olympicpeninsula #mustangsandravens
Buds 💛 a little mi #d breakfast mutual grooming. These are the big boys in the herd, Kix and Jasper ~ Kix the palomino is almost completely blind and Jasper the paint has DSLD, they are both living living their best lives at our sanctuary in their little herd of misfit senior and special needs mustangs, plus Cosmo and Jetta. #pwkix #pwjasper #blmmustang #passthesafeact #haltthehelicopters #protectwildhorses #staywild #mustangsanctuary #horserescue #pnw
🖤 Howl is grateful for all the support that came in to help feed the herd this week, and so are we! #pwhowl #blmmustang #mustangsanctuary #horserescue #protectwildhorses #worldhorseday #staywild #gratitude #pnw
Boop! ♥️
It’s $5000 Friday, Just kidding! (No ones ever really kidding)
Haha, yes! It’s $5 dollar Friday (any amount accepted, obviously) and we’ve got bills galore!
All donations today go to the general fund covering the following necessary items below.
If there’s something specific you’d like to cover please DM us and we can send you a link and a mailing address. 🙏🏽
We are running out of everything and we have 10 trims on the schedule, sometimes everything happens at once!
Here’s our list:
10 trims $600 🐴
Peggy O’s Pracsend $240⛑️
Cal Trace minerals for the whole herd $200 a month. ⛑️ link in comments
Jasper and Cosmo’s Osteo Max is on sale for $195 - 2 month supply normally $295 ⛑️ link in comments
We always need hay, senior hay $33.50 a day 🌱
Young herd hay $26 a day.🌱
The list goes on, but I think I’ll stop here.🦄
Thank you for being here and thank so much for any and donations for the herd. 💗
All donations are tax deductible, donations can be made to:
Venmo @paradisewaitsherd
Zelle 530-307-0417
ZEFFY - Sponsor A Herd Member - link in pinned post ✨top of FB page
Snail mail:
PO Box 94
Carlsborg, WA
#followers #Friends #FiveDollarFriday #SeniorHorseCare #mustangsanctuary #fundraiser #horserescue #equine #pnw #blmmustang #warmspringsmustang #community #grateful
Earlier this morning at feeding time Freya’s herd was on high alert, something was either lurking in the forest above us or had gone through. There’s been a big cougar around lately and of course the elk come through sometimes. Had to have been pretty spooky though, they were more intent on keeping watch than food.
#mustangsanctuary #pwyoungherd #intruders #pwfreya #pwjasper #pwhowl #pwmaple #pwfee #pwcedar #mustangs
I’ve been present at the births of numerous human babies but being present for hers changed my life and hers in ways i can’t begin to find words for.
So the last time I unknotted Jaspers mane was when he last had his hooves trimmed, week before Christmas.
He’s clearly due for a spa day!
#pwjasper #blmmustang #faerieknots #witchesknots #maneandtailohmy #specialneedsmustsang #paisleydeserthma #passthesafeact #painthorse
One of the sweetest, most resilient and fiercest mares, mama Luna.
BLM Warm Springs Mustang gathered in 2001 and sold directly to a kill buyer for $300 in 2020, pregnant and severely underweight. If we had not postponed our trip to pick up another very senior, sick BLM Mustang, Traveler, she wouldn’t be here today, and neither would Maple.
#blmmustang #horserescue #mustangsanctuary #passthesafeact #protectwildhorses #sanctuary #mare #horse #seniorhorse #longtermcare
Hoofbeats ♥️ took the OG’s for their evening walk, Jetta is a fast walker but has slowed down and Peggy O has slowed down considerably.
Every day with these two is a blessing and a gift as they are hands down two of the most incredible horses. At 29 and 30 something we can assume they both went through rigorous breaking and training, gentling or natural horsemanship weren’t a thing back then. Judging by the rope burns on Peggy O’s neck she was either violently roped on the range when rounded up or they occurred during training. Either way she’s carried these scars for a life time and a reminder of how cruel humans can be. If you have had the privilege of spending any time with either of these mares you are one of the lucky ones. ♥️
#whizettalou #pwpeggyo
Our big drafty senior BLM Mustang, Kix is in search of a sponsor or sponsor or sponsors going into the new year.
Kix is around 30 years old and from an unknown HMA in Oregon.
Kix was abandoned at a boarding facility east of us in WA.
Things we were told about Kix.
His name was Horse.
He is crazy.
He had whip welts all over.
If you don’t take him, he’s going to auction.
It was discovered that Kix had cataracts and couldn’t see at night.
He is spooky is you don’t announce yourself when approaching, he will blow up, run through fences if he’s in flight mode.
He assimilated into our herd and Fee immediately took to being his seeing eye horse, Willow has also stepped in as she’s in the senior herd with him, they seem to have a special connection.
What we discovered is that he is the biggest giver of unconditional love, he does not let his eyesight hold him back, he memories paths to water tanks and shelter.
If you are interested in sponsoring Kix you can DM us or send us an email at
[email protected]
Due to Kix’s age his monthly expenses come in at $300 a month, this includes hay, senior feed, minerals and supplements and hoofcare. 🙏🏽
#pwkix #blmmustang #senior #mustangsanctuary #abandonedhorse #horserescue #rescuehorse #mustang #palomino #passthesafeact #pacificnorthwest #givingtuesday #grateful
Another one from yesterday, the seniors plus Cosmo parading behind Cedar.
#pwcedar #warmspringsmustang #mustangsanctuary #passthesafeact #protectwildhorses #givingtuesday #grateful