Heart of Caregiving Pets

Heart of Caregiving Pets http://HeartofCaregivingPets.carrd.co LLC 2018 Pet services include dog boarding, pet sitting, dog


So excited to be planning a trip to visit our Santa Cruz friends; Daisy and Magic again.

AKC Canine Good Citizen classes begins soon, send a photo of your dog's updated vaccine record now, to sonia.saldavia@gm...

AKC Canine Good Citizen classes begins soon, send a photo of your dog's updated vaccine record now, to [email protected]


"Little Pearl is a joy to be with! From her owner, "Sonia is a "Professional" dog whisperer! Pearl had a fun filled day and was a happy girlđŸ„° She was able to keep Pearl on a short notice for many long hours. I Very much appreciated her flexibility. Will definitely use her services again."

WOO-WEE!Sonia, If you’ve ever been hit with eye-watering doggy gas
Or greeted with the smelliest of dog breath
Then you ...


Sonia, If you’ve ever been hit with eye-watering doggy gas

Or greeted with the smelliest of dog breath

Then you know your pup’s stinky smells are no joke.

It might seem like no amount of dreaded teeth brushing

Cutting back on “human food” treats

Or even room spray will help.

Well, that’s because these tactics don’t address the actual cause of your dog’s stinky smells.

You see, if your dog struggles with knock-out gas or bad breath

It often means they’re deprived of ONE vital nutrient —

Which can throw their breath, digestion, AND mood out of whack.

The missing nutrient? Probiotics.

Probiotics are good bacteria in your dog’s gut...1

And your dog needs a balance of both good AND bad bacteria to stay healthy.2

But maintaining this balance is tricky.

Many things can “zap” your dog’s good bacteria —

Like allergies
 eating a random scrap of food off the floor
 and even stress.3

And when the good bacteria are “zapped”... the bad bacteria swoop in and take over —

Throwing your dog’s entire gut microbiome off balance.

THIS is what causes your dog’s notoriously stinky gas
 bad doggy breath
 and messy p**ps.

Not to mention — your pup’s gut is also linked to their energy levels and moods.4

So if your dog’s struggling with gut issues

They’re likely feeling run-down, a little off, and even anxious too.

Luckily, there IS a way to help balance your dog’s gut and nix stinky smells, tough digestion, and anxiousness:

By adding probiotics to their diet.

Sounds easy enough, right? Well

There are lots of probiotics supplements on store shelves.

But I wouldn’t recommend any of them.

X Many formulas are made with ineffective probiotic strains that won’t even make it to your dog’s gut

X And many probiotic “treat chews” are full of fake meaty flavoring and made as cheaply as possible.

X On top of that, many store-bought probiotics supplements don’t have PREBIOTICS.

Prebiotics feed your dog’s good gut bacteria to help balance out the bad.5

In short, probiotics WITH prebiotics are key in supporting your dog’s balanced gut for the long run.

As a dog parent AND veterinarian, this probiotic problem was really disappointing...

Because I couldn’t confidently recommend a solution to clients with struggling pups.

So I did some major research, and found that the BEST way to combat the takeover of bad bacteria so many dogs struggle with

AND lessen stinky dog gas, bad breath, and tough digestion

Is with 4 important “gut-restoring” nutrients:

➔ Fast-acting probiotic & prebiotic duo to support your dog’s healthy, balanced gut

➔ Tummy-soothing enzymes to promote your dog’s easy digestion and “perfect” p**ps

➔ Odor-zapping Champex to combat your dog’s stinky gas and breath

To make things SUPER easy, I blended the perfect ratio of these 4 ingredients together

And created ProPower Plus — my best-selling probiotic AND prebiotic formula to help combat digestive distress.

By sprinkling this powdered blend on top of your dog’s food

You’re directly supporting their fresher breath, “perfect” p**ps, puppy-like vitality, and smiley good moods.

(Plus, it’s flavor-free, so it pairs perfectly with your dog’s favorite food!)

In my experience, ProPower Plus is the easiest way to help ease your dog’s gas, stinky breath, and messy p**ps

While supporting their healthy, happy gut.

In fact, so many dog parents rely on ProPower Plus to support their dog’s digestion, energy, and mood

We haven’t had enough inventory for a sale in months.

Now, I want to help make taking care of your best friend easy.

So when we got a brand new shipment of ProPower Plus in a few days ago

I told my warehouse manager to set aside a small supply for a special sale.

And I’m excited to share, you can grab up to 48% OFF ProPower Plus for your pup — right now!

Special Sale! Unlock up to 48% OFF your dog’s supply of ProPower Plus — Help combat bad bacteria, stinky smells, and messy p**ps

With my premium blend of probiotics and prebiotics, along with odor-zapping Champex

You’ll likely see major differences in your dog’s odors, digestion, playfulness, and mood in just a short amount of time.

Seriously — take it from fellow dog parents.

ProPower Plus can help support your dog’s:

» Better doggy breath & less stinky gas

“Her breath is better and she has a lot more energy. She was running through the house like a young puppy again!”* - Danny E.

“I have a large Greater Swiss Mountain Dog who had the worst gas ever - after starting Dr. Marty’s probiotics he is not gassing me out of house and home.”* - Heather

» “Perfectly” solid p**ps & easy digestion

ProPower with its probiotics helped my pups to stop the diarrhea and have firmer stools in 3 weeks of use. In addition, they are more playful than I have seen in a long time and their coats are more soft and shiny.”* - Carol T.

“...My Maltese was always constipated. Since he has been taking this product his bowel movements are regular and his energy level has increased.”* - Maria L.

» Playful, puppy-like energy & youthful vitality

“My pup Bella she’s 12 yrs old and she has been on this formula for about a month and I have seen a great difference in her health. She wants to play ball which she hasn’t done in about two yrs.”* - Robin P.

“Major is eating better and almost seems to be getting younger. He dances around like a puppy when he knows he is going out for a walk. He has even started to play and enjoy treats.”* - Pauline C.

» Calm, happy moods

“Our two rescue dogs seem to have calmer behavior. One seems happier and more trusting.”* - Kim O.

“My chocolate lab is thriving! She is happy, no more bad breath and her p**p is solid. She has stopped eating grass and is a pure athletic.”* - Amy W.

“It’s easy to handle and my dog loves it from day one. He smiles more and he walks me now. At 13 that’s a plus.”* - Phillip B.

Once you target the REAL source of your dog’s knock-out breath, stinky “gas bombs”, and tough digestion

Your pup will likely experience easier-to-pick-up p**ps, more playful energy, and downright happy moods.

So click HERE to claim their on-sale supply of ProPower Plus — Up to 48% OFF my fast-acting gut-support formula.

Keep an eye out, Sonia.

Because after trying this probiotic formula, your pup might zoom through the house
 fling their toys

And wag their tail more than they have in quite some time :)

To you and your best friend,

Dr. Marty

P.S. I don’t expect our on-sale supply to last for long — in fact, we could likely sell out within the next 24 hours.

So I highly suggest claiming your ProPower Plus discount for up to 48% OFF and securing your dog’s supply now.

After all, ProPower Plus can support your dog’s solid, easy-to-pick-up p**ps

“Zap” away stinky breath, knock-out gas, and bad odors

And help revitalize their spunky, puppy-like energy.

Now, if for any reason you don’t see the results you expect

Rest assured — your purchase is protected for 90 days.

Just send back your jars, and we’ll refund your purchase price.

That said, I’m confident you’ll see night-and-day improvements in your dog’s p**ps, energy levels, and moods with ProPower Plus.

Just click HERE. https://pawtree.com/soniasaldavia to take up to 48% OFF your dog’s supply of ProPower Plus (before it’s gone)

The head tilt that says they just might understand, wet-nosed kisses, puppy breath, no matter your mood, that tail-wagging greeting that's proof that unconditional love does exist, and bad days aren't that bad. If you knew that proactive supplementing could give you just one more heart-melting memor...




Pet Adoption Checklist: 10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Pet
It’s a big decision, so check these boxes before you sign on the dotted line.
What to expect when adopting a new pet
Pet parenthood will inevitably alter your life, and you’re probably wondering how to prepare for a dog, cat, or other pet to change your lifestyle. Here are some changes you can expect:

Routine: Instead of hitting the snooze button (again), you’ll need to hop out of bed and walk the dog, dish out breakfast, and/or scoop out the litter box — and then head straight home from work to serve dinner, manage potty breaks, and offer snuggles to dogs and cats who have spent the last eight hours waiting for you.

Budget: You’ll need to spend money on food, vet care, grooming, and other costs associated with having a pet.

Lifestyle: If you rent, you’ll need to make sure your landlord allows pets — and will have to ensure that’s the case for any future rentals throughout your pet’s life as well.

“This is a big decision and a 16-plus-year commitment,” says Julie Sinaw, president and founder of Animal Lighthouse Rescue in New York City. “Make sure you’re ready for that commitment. Adopting a pet is a lot of work, as well as a large financial and time commitment. If you are ready for a commitment, there is no greater love than that of a cat or dog.”


Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
Warren Bennis - 1925-2014 - Consultant-Author

Bells, Bubblin Brook, Ocean, Purring, Rainfall...what else?

Bells, Bubblin Brook, Ocean, Purring, Rainfall...what else?


Compassionate End-of-Life Care for Beloved Pets: A Guide for Pet Owners Facing Physical Or Medical Challenges:
Are you a pet owner facing the difficult journey of navigating your beloved companion's end-of-life experience amidst medical challenges? As a retired nurse, dog trainer, and caregiver, I understand the profound bond between you and your furry friend. That's why I offer expert, loving care and peace of mind during this sensitive time.
Coping with the impending loss of a pet is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences any pet parent can face. Whether your furry friend is entering their golden years or battling a terminal illness, it's crucial to ensure their final days are filled with comfort and dignity.
In this comprehensive guide, I provide essential insights and practical advice to help you navigate this emotional journey with grace and compassion:
Identifying Pain: Learn to recognize subtle signs of pain or discomfort in your pet, ensuring they receive the care they need to minimize suffering.
Caring for Elderly Pets: Discover practical tips for providing optimal comfort and support to aging pets, including managing mobility issues and incontinence with tenderness and care.
Exploring Pet Palliative and Hospice Care: Understand the option of pet hospice care, a compassionate approach to enhancing your pet's quality of life during their final days, with the guidance of a dedicated veterinary team.
Considering Euthanasia: Gain insights into the process of euthanasia as a humane and peaceful end-of-life option, guided by your veterinarian's expertise and compassion.
Handling Aftercare: Navigate the practicalities of handling your pet's remains with sensitivity and respect, whether through cremation, burial, or other arrangements.
Dealing with Pet Loss: Find solace and support in coping with the profound grief that accompanies the loss of a cherished companion, with tips for memorializing your pet and seeking support from loved ones.
Your pet's well-being and comfort are paramount, and I am here to provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging time. Let's ensure your furry friend's final journey is filled with love, dignity, and peace.

Buddy Buddha, our first Beagle rescue waited until I got home after the hour commute home from the hospital. Buddy transitioned with labored breathing for about eight hours before he died peacefully at home.

Cheddar was an elderly Lemon Beagle that we rescued from a family that could no longer care for him. The mom and her young sons came to visit many times over the years. Even weeks after he stopped eating Cheddar became demented: he began biting when trying to leash him, and would not sleep or stop walking. He became very thin and weak, with frequent falls. A Port Angeles Vet euthanized him without sedation, Cheddar yelped in pain and we deeply regretted our decision to hasten his death. He likely would have died naturally at home within 24 hours.

Georgia Peach was a beautiful Lemon Beagle. She was so soft and sweet and the only puppy that I ever purchased. At nine years old we found a lump on her left foreleg that did not go away. At the time we lived in Santa Cruz, CA and our Vet stated good results, for her type of cancer, with surgery followed by many days of radiation. Unfortunately, when a dog receives radiation they must be anesthetized and then receive another IV drug to reverse the sedation. This meant a lot of poking and a lot of going to the Vet for many weeks. Unfortunately, $9,000 and just a couple of months later the cancer had spread and Georgia no longer had quality of life. We collaborated with a Vet to come to confirm our decision and peacefully euthanize her in our bedroom. Long ago, we buried her deep in our yard.

Leyla was a chubby Bichon Frise on seizure medication. She had a few challenges in maintaining her health over the last year. Falling through the flooring while our home was under construction resulted in frequent coughing bouts of Pneumonia.

Tucker lived a few years longer than his sister, Tutu, and he died with dignity at Huckleberry with the assistance of Vet Susy Zustiak and her excellent staff, he went peacefully,

Pawsitive Endings Membership
Introducing the Peace of Mind Plan at Pet Health and Safety Services!
Experience the ultimate care and compassion for your furry companion with our exclusive plan. Each month, your dog will receive personalized grooming and care from a retired hospice and hospital nurse with over 25 years of experience as a dog trainer, groomer, and author.
With our Peace of Mind Plan, you can rest assured knowing that your beloved pet is in expert hands. Enjoy the comfort of one-on-one attention and professional care tailored to your dog's unique needs.
Join us at Pawsitive Endings and give your dog the exceptional care they deserve. Because when it comes to your pet's well-being, peace of mind is priceless.

First TEN annual memberships are available at $400 and include consulting and travel fees ($350 to $400 savings).
Special Widow Rate
Earn One Overnight Pet Sitting in your home or Boarding in our home for Every Two Months of Special Prepaid Groom Rates:
$40 for small dogs, $60 for medium dogs, and $75 for large dogs.
Normal groom rates are small dogs $65, medium dogs $95, and large dogs $125
Consulting fee $200 for 30 minutes. Travel fee $20, within a 20-mile radius


Optimism Is True Moral Courage

Serenity:  Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in...

Serenity: Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of more than ordinary knowledge of laws and operation of thought.


More decluttering. This time it is photos. The best suggestion so far is to organize by decades, into albums. What has worked for you?

If your pet store is 50% off, what are you buying?

If your pet store is 50% off, what are you buying?


LIVE-IN INTERNSHIP: Apprentice Dog Groomer / Positive Dog Trainer
Apprentice Dog Groomer / Positive Dog Trainer Description:

Heart Of Caregiving Pets, LLC DBA Shampooches is offering a unique housing opportunity for individuals interested in joining our team as a Grooming and Training Assistant. Our organization is dedicated to providing dog families with access to health education, calm focus leadership, and bonding skills so they can positively impact their world.

Benefits for Workers:

Work locally: Gain hands-on skills and experience in a supportive environment, with opportunities to learn and practice three to six hours weekly.
Resume Experience: Receive valuable job training and build your resume with relevant experience.
Free Training: No prior experience is necessary; we will provide comprehensive training to all workers.
Mentorship: Learn new skills and receive guidance from experienced professionals in the field.
Networking: Connect with leaders and business owners in the industry.
Make a Difference: Feel fulfilled knowing that you're giving back to your community and making a positive impact.


Ability to walk, bathe, dry, brush, comb, and grind dog nails, as well as meet with clients.
Fast, independent learner, with a desire to become a certified groomer or positive dog trainer within six months to one year.
Proficient with technology is a plus.
Available to work at least 25 hours a week.
Professionalism: Promptly return calls and emails, maintain a quiet and dedicated workspace, and uphold commitments and deadlines.
Ability to pass a background and drug test.
Love of dogs, pleasant speaking voice, and willingness to interact with clients.

If you possess these qualities and are passionate about working with dogs, we encourage you to apply today!

For an interview, please email a cover letter and resume to Sonia Saldavia at [email protected].

Learn More:

Pet Health And Safety Services page

Position Type: Apprenticeship

Expires After: 03-22-2024

Very interesting:   Seagulls can drink fresh water and salt water.Not unlike certain other seabirds — including pelicans...

Very interesting: Seagulls can drink fresh water and salt water.
Not unlike certain other seabirds — including pelicans, penguins, and albatrosses — seagulls can drink both fresh water and salt water. They’re able to do so thanks to a desalination filter that begins in their bills and ends in a salt gland above their eyes, which allows the crafty birds to excrete the salt through their nostrils — often by shaking their head. Though highly efficient, this filtration system can atrophy if it goes unused. Seabirds at wildlife rehab centers and zoos are often kept in salt water with this in mind, as it ensures their glands will stay in good condition and prevent saltwater poisoning if and when they’re returned to the wild.


Dog Caregiver / Groomer Apprentice
Apprentice Dog Groomer

Volunteer Opportunity! Join Our Team!

Heart Of Caregiving Pets, LLC DBA Shampooches is dedicated to providing dog families with access to health education, calm focus leadership, and bonding skills so they can positively impact their world. We are excited to expand our team by adding a Grooming and Training Assistant with Administrative Skills.

Here are some of the benefits our volunteers enjoy:

Local Work: This is a 100% hands-on skill to be learned and practiced three to six hours weekly.
Resume Experience: Gain valuable experience to enhance your resume.
Free Job Training: No experience is needed; we'll provide comprehensive training.
Mentoring and Skill Development: Receive guidance and learn new skills from experienced professionals.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with leaders and business owners in the industry.
Make a Difference: Feel fulfilled knowing that you're giving back to your community.
We’re looking for someone who:

Is able to walk, bathe, dry, brush, comb, and grind dog nails, as well as meet with clients.
Is a fast, independent learner, especially if you aspire to become a certified groomer or positive dog trainer within six months to one year.
Is proficient with technology.
Can commit to volunteering at least 3-6 hours a week.
Is professional, prompt in communication, and reliable in meeting deadlines.
Can pass a background and drug test.
Has a genuine love for dogs, a pleasant speaking voice, and enjoys interacting with clients.

Submit RĂ©sumĂ© to [email protected]
Call or text, 831 588-2152, Heart of Caregiving Pets, LLC business owner, Sonia Saldavia to answer questions and arrange an interview.

Animal Caretakers


Positive Dog Trainer Apprentice
Volunteer Opportunity! Join Our Team!

Heart Of Caregiving Pets, LLC DBA Shampooches is dedicated to providing dog families with access to health education, calm focus leadership, and bonding skills so they can positively impact their world. We are excited to expand our team by adding a Grooming and Training Assistant with Administrative Skills.

Here are some of the benefits our volunteers enjoy:

Local Work: This is a 100% hands-on skill to be learned and practiced three to six hours weekly.
Resume Experience: Gain valuable experience to enhance your resume.
Free Job Training: No experience is needed; we'll provide comprehensive training.
Mentoring and Skill Development: Receive guidance and learn new skills from experienced professionals.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with leaders and business owners in the industry.
Make a Difference: Feel fulfilled knowing that you're giving back to your community.
We’re looking for someone who:

Is able to loose leash walk dogs post introductory period, learn and understand how to effectively practice cues for calm focus behaviors with a pack of ten dogs, as well as meet with clients.
Is a fast, independent learner, especially if you aspire to become a certified positive dog trainer within six months to one year.
Is proficient with technology.
Can commit to volunteering at least 3-6 hours a week.
Is professional, prompt in communication, and reliable in meeting deadlines.
Can pass a background and drug test.
Has a genuine love for dogs, a pleasant speaking voice, and enjoys interacting with clients.

Special instructions only
Submit Résumé...
Submit your resume to [email protected] or text to 831 588-2152.

Call for questions and to schedule an interview, 831 588-2152.

Animal Trainers


Administrative Assistant
Volunteer Opportunity! Join Our Team!

Heart Of Caregiving Pets, LLC DBA Shampooches is dedicated to providing dog families with access to health education, calm focus leadership, and bonding skills so they can positively impact their world. We are excited to expand our team by adding an Administrative Assistant.

Here are some of the benefits our volunteers enjoy:

Local Work: This is a 100% hands-on skill to be learned and practiced three to six hours weekly.
Resume Experience: Gain valuable experience to enhance your resume.
Free Job Training: No experience is needed; we'll provide comprehensive marketing training.

Mentoring and Skill Development: Receive guidance and learn new skills from experienced professionals.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with leaders and business owners in the industry.
Make a Difference: Feel fulfilled knowing that you're giving back to your community.
We’re looking for someone who:

Can commit to volunteering at least 3-6 hours a week.
Is professional, prompt in communication, and reliable in meeting deadlines.
Can pass a background and drug test.
Has a genuine love for dogs, a pleasant speaking voice, and enjoys interacting with clients.
5. Is proficient with technology: Create and distribute monthly educational newsletters, as well as meet with clients. 6. Is a fast, independent learner, especially if you aspire to become a part of the permanent staff within six months to one year.

Special instructions only
Submit Résumé...
Submit your resume to [email protected] or via text 831 588-2152.

Call or text with questions or to schedule an interview.


Dog Training and Grooming Apprentice with Administrative Assistant Skills
Apprentice Dog Groomer / Positive Dog Trainer Apprentice

Volunteer Opportunity! Join Our Team!

Heart Of Caregiving Pets, LLC DBA Shampooches gives dog families access to health education, calm focus leadership, and bonding skills so they can impact their world.

We’re looking to add a Grooming and Training Assistant with Administrative Skills to our team.

Here are some of the benefits our volunteers enjoy:

Work locally. This is a 100% hands-on skill to be learned and practiced three to six hours weekly.
Get resume experience
Free job training. We'll train you. No experience is needed.
Get mentoring and learn new skills.
Network with leaders and business owners.
Make a difference. Feel good knowing that you’re giving back. We’re looking for someone:

1. With training: Able to walk dogs, bathe dogs, dry dogs, brush dogs, comb, dogs, grind dog nails and meet with clients.

2. Fast independent learner, especially if you want to become a certified groomer or positive dog trainer within six months to one year.

3. Good with technology

4. Available to volunteer at least 3-6 hours a week

5. Is professional (you promptly return calls, and emails, have a quiet dedicated home or other office space, etc.) and can keep your word when it comes to meeting deadlines

6. Can pass a background and drug test

7. Has a love of dogs, a pleasant speaking voice, and does not mind speaking with clients. If this is you, apply today!

For an interview, email a cover letter and resume to

[email protected]






APPEARS ON Animal Caretakers

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Animal Caretakers

February is Dog Training Month:  Special Rate is only $750 for three sessions in your Clallam County home. $295 for one ...

February is Dog Training Month: Special Rate is only $750 for three sessions in your Clallam County home. $295 for one session to eliminate barking, biting, jumping, leash pulling, not coming when called, and inappropriate potty. Sessions may be shared with one other dog family.


Papillon (pap-ee-on) TOY SPANIEL 8-11 inches high, weighh 5-10 pounds, life expectancy 14-16 years. Alert, Friendly, Happy, and Affectionate with family, and g reat with young children.. “Say it how it looks” does not apply to this small breed’s unique name. Proper pronunciation is Pap-ee-on, contrary to popular belief. Wing-shaped butterfly ears, plumed tail, and long flowing silky coat, these dogs are excellent with agility, tricks and thrive in cool or warm climates. Down-hanging ears are called Phalene.


Creating a loving atmosphere around yourself to support the well-being of your body, mind, and spirit is a powerful practice. Share your self-care rituals, and let's inspire each other to prioritize holistic health and happiness! 🚀🌈


115 E 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 8pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 8pm
Thursday 6:30am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 8pm




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