The pups are gearing up for the festivities.
Make sure you contact your vet now for meds if your dogs have issues with the fireworks, do not wait any longer!
Old lady Soni got a cute haircut and is adorable asking to get down off the table. I enjoyed doing this one a lot.
#portangelesgroomers #lapdoglegends #portangelesdogs #fearfreegroomers #happydoggo #spaday #haircuttime #shihtzulove
The adorable little fluff ball Stella came in for a makeover and is feeling her self.
#portangelesgroomers #lapdoglegends #portangelesdogs #fearfreegroomers #happydoggo #spaday #bathtime #pomlove #pomeranianlove
Brinley Rose 🌹 came in for her play date 😅 with grooming on the side. First thing she does every time is go straight over to the toy box and decide which toys she wants to play with. After her groom she decided she wanted to play ball, she’s so good she brings the ball over and gives it to me and then waits patiently for me to toss the ball so she can go run across the floor to get it and repeat the process until dad picks up.
#portangelesgroomers #lapdoglegends #portangelesdogs #fearfreegroomers #happydoggo #spaday #bathtime #sheddingseason #playtime #goldenlove