Meet Juno! Juno finished up her Stay & Train this week and we are so proud of her transformation. Juno came in terrified of just about everything. Her owners were having a challenging time with her because while she had built trust in them, she would be aggressive towards other people. She was very challenging to handle at first because she would lose her bowels when touched, dart away from us, snap, bark, growl…do just about anything she could to let us know she was uncomfortable and wanted to create space. We took it very slow the first week and spent many hours creating relationship, building trust and gradually introducing skills and structure into her life. She turned a corner about half way through her stay and didn’t look back. She has grown tremendously in her confidence and as a result, gained a number of practical skills to help her owners continue to make progress. We are proud of this girl and so happy to see that she calls us all friends now!