Look at all of the bees enjoying this Korean agastache!
#savethebees🐝 #plantsbeingpollinated #pollinatorplants #savethebees #verdanttiers #permaculture #organicgardening #homesteading #openpollinated #organicfarming #nongmo #urbanfarmer #organicfarmer #zone8b #urbanfarming #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #sustainablefarming #barefoothomestead #homestead #pnwfarming #farming #urbanfarm #solarpunk
I found this bee enjoying my bergamot (aka bee balm) and she let me watch for a bit. Anyone know what kind of bee it is?
I sprayed these collards about a week ago with azadirachtin and Beauveria bassiana spores. You can see the white aphid mummies and even some where the spores have burst out and those spores can go on to infect other aphids. Unfortunately the transmission isn't reliable enough, so
repeat sprays are needed every week.
#verdanttiers #permaculture #organicgardening #homesteading #openpollinated #organicfarming #nongmo #urbanfarmer #organicfarmer #zone8b #urbanfarming #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #sustainablefarming #barefoothomestead #homestead #pnwfarming #farming #urbanfarm #solarpunk #openseedsource #heirloomseeds #beautifulbackyardbounty #whywegrow #aphids #beneficialorganisms
I sprayed these aphids yesterday with Beauveria bassiana sprores and Azadirachtin. The spores turn the aphids into mummies eating them from the inside out and the azadirachtin prevents metamorphosis. Let's see how long it takes!
I spotted a tiger swallowtail butterfly enjoying the sweet williams in my pollinator garden!
They are growing up so fast, but they are still adorable!
An awesome neighbor gave us a load of bricks they'd torn out. I'm excited to use it to make a fresh boarder for the pollinator meadow!