Come join our Club Family and enjoy and learn more about these incredible creatures we call Miniature Horses! You don't have to own one to be a member or to enjoy them at our events! Just let us know how you'd like to participate. Miniature Horse and Pony enthusiasts of all ages!
Do you like to just be involved and volunteer? We're good with that and welcome you! Maybe you don't have the time to volunteer and that's okay too, you can always help out monetarily with no other commitment besides knowing you helped us attain our goals to inform people about the Miniature Horse, and put on our annual show for all to enjoy!
Our website will be up and running soon and will have all the information available first hand. If you don't find what you're looking for, just ask.
You don't stay a viable club for 30 years without having something special about you! You'll find joining won't empty your pocketbook and we do everything in our power to keep the expenses for attending our events affordable for all. This show will be offering Miniature Horse, Pony, and a variety of Carriage Classes!
Welcome in!