‘Twas the night before Christmas and all across the big lands it was a much needed break for all the top hands, the tall tops were set by the chimney with care in hopes that ol Santa soon would be there, the little cowpunchers were tucked snug in their beds while visions of wild broncs danced in their heads. Ma in her wild rag and I in my lid had just finished coffee and were headed for bed.
When out in the yard I heard such a clatter I rushed to the door to see what the heck was the matter.
When what to my wandering eyes did appear was a big ol fat man and 8 wore out deer.. They skid to a stop and then with a thud.. He said “I’m in a tight spot could ya help me out bud?”
With all of his travels his deer were wore slick he asked if he could borrow a big stout ranch stick. I said “Sir we got one as strong and fresh as you please but the trouble is keepin him right ‘tween your knees” he said “that’d fine” that “I sure saved the day” so I cut him out the ol roman nosed bay... He tied that toy bag on the back of my rig, then up in the saddle and he gave him a gig... I heard Santa exclaim as he shot through the night, “THIS OUTLAW’S PLUM GOOFY AND WON’T TURN TO THE RIGHT!!” He raked the old bay and got him in line and the ranches got gifts just right on time.
I awoke the next mornin to find the deer gone and the bay in the round pen standin alone.. And tied in his mane was a note jotted down.. “You ought to break these dang things before you send em to town...”
- Ryan Mileham
All poem copyrights belong to Ryan Mileham.
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