1. Big announcement coming Friday
2. We're hiring! Email cover letter & resume to [email protected]
3. Dumpling week starts the 7th and goes through the 15th!
#kristen #bringtreatsfordogspdx #welovedogs #dogtreats #nowhiring #dumplingweek #baowow
It is techically Woofle Wednesday so I figured we'd finally announce our puppizzas are back and now we have own own pup-sized pizza boxes and I'm like so excited I can't believe I kept it under wraps this long!
To kick off our pizza packaging celebration, I made these spinach pesto pizzas topped with beetzaroni and Italian cheeses. Your dog will be like over the moon! We can heat them up for a dinner date here at @midtownbeergardenpdx or you can take them to go!!!
So pleased to pizz-ya!
#bringtreatsfordogspdx #dogtreats #bring #wooflewednesday #portland #love #bringtreatsfordogs #puppizza
Please enjoy the making of a duck cake β€οΈπ¦πππ₯³
Wishing you & yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! I hope you have a wonderful day with those you love, especially the ones with fur π
See you in the New Year!
Love, Kristen & Moxie
Because #strep isn't fun. Sorry, everyone, I thought I could do it today, but I just can't. See you Tuesday!!
Our new favorite thing is giving our birthday buddies edible pup cups with coconut whipped cream to celebrate his paw-some they are!!! Happy birthday @benneandbeatriz we love you!
Our flag from @transpainter was stolen in May (a lot of people out there don't feel loved, so I choose to believe it was a message someone really needed to possess) and I'm so beyond pleased that our new flag has arrived and is waving proudly.
We love you, we choose love in all things, and will always choose to go forward with love in our hearts. But, just like my favorite canine companions, I will also fiercely protect the rights of others to love whom they want, identify as they wish, and live their life as freely as every human has the equal right to do. I do not stand for hatred, but I will never stand by and watch any human be mistreated. #pride #equality #humanrights #lovewins #iloveyou #bringtreatsfordogspdx
Who doesn't love a SNOWBALL? Mixed Berry bundt cake with dragonfruit icing and a finely shredded coconut dusting β€οΈπΆπ₯°
When people ask me why I love Portland, I have so many reasons. Today was a spectacular expression of one of those reasons - the people who come out to support small businesses. You all showed up and showed these very hard working cart owners some seriously needed love. It's hard to properly say thank you, but from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH. This is a city full of wonderful, thoughtful people, and I'm so damn glad I live and own a business here. Love to you all β€οΈπ₯°
Omg it's cold and lonely. Shout out to @ironstrikesmashburgers for holding down the other end of the pod!