Goku started his journey to recovery when he was adopted by a wonderful couple, following months of street life and near starvation. His new owners decided to start a new life in Maine with Goku and Jack last year! With so many obstacles to over come, Goku has regained his faith in the goodness of people, and has evolved into a fun and playful pup since our time together began almost 6 months ago!
His owners write:
Goku is doing great!! This past month was really busy & social for us. He handled everything like a champion! We are really so proud & thrilled with the progress that he has made so far. He & Omar have been playing fetch a lot recently, which is really sweet & heartwarming. He comes up to Omar for love & affection, even rolls over & shows him his belly sometimes!
He’s made such a big transformation, he’s really almost a different dog. I’d say he’s at a 7 compared to where he was initially. I want to rate higher, but I know that he is not at his peak and that we are going to continue to make progress together. I really can’t thank you enough for your guidance, patience, kind words & encouragement. We came to you feeling completely desperate & hopeless and have now been able to achieve a calm, peaceful environment in our home with a comfortable, and -dare I say – confident dog.