National Pet Hydration Awareness Month is observed in July to help raise awareness about the importance of pet hydration. While humans have resorted to hourly reminders to keep up with their hydration needs throughout the day, our pets rely on us to keep a full bowl and a hydrated body.
Pet dehydration can quickly take a turn for the worse. There’s no better way to fight back the blazing hot sun of July than by keeping your pets hydrated. Pet dehydration is a highly overlooked yet critical area that concerns your pet’s general health and well-being. Just as human bodies are 60% water, pets’ bodies are 80% water, and abruption in consistent replenishment can seriously limit their mobility and strength. A severe case of chronic dehydration can turn fatal as well. What are a few of the early warning signs of dehydration? Pets can present with dry and sticky gums, loss of appetite, panting, lethargy, loss of skin elasticity, etc.
The month also raises critical awareness about the dangers of water intoxication, which occurs due to constant exposure to water bodies such as pools or garden hoses. Some of the early signs of water intoxication are excessive salivation, seizures, vomiting, and bloating are some of the early signs of water intoxication.
Each time you reach for a glass, think of your pets. The annual observation also asks us to limit their exposure to extreme temperatures. It is important to keep freshly-filtered water in the vicinity of your pets at all times.
#nationalpethydrationmonth #pearlpets
We are closing today at 12:30 pm to allow our staff to safely commute home. Tomorrow we plan to open at 9 am. Stay safe out there!