Meet Pretzel, Dog of the Week! Pretzel is a Golden Retriever/Irish Setter mix. Isn't he something?? Plus, he's bilingual... read on!
"What's the most embarrassing thing your human has done to you?"
🐶: Sniff me from head to toe all the time.
"If you could have dinner with any famous pet, who would it be and why?"
🐶: Bradley Cooper’s pet, 'cause my mom is the biggest fan of him.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
🐶: Chef, 'cause I can eat all the human food.
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?"
🐶: To be able to fly, 'cause I can get EVERY SINGLE SQUIRREL!
"If you could be any other animal, which would you be?"
🐶: Monkey.
"Who is your best friend?"
🐶: MY MOM, always.
"Who is your celebrity doppelgänger?"
🐶: Can be anyone who pats me.
"Do you have any quirks?"
🐶: I drool immediately when someone opens a bag.
"What your special talents?"
🐶: I’m a bilingual dog. Chinese and English.
"What's your favorite thing to do with your human(s)?"
🐶: Tug of war, duh.
"What is your biggest fear?"
🐶: Everything… I’m scared of everything!
Does your dog or cat have star quality? 🌟 They could be our next Pet of the Year! Just fill out our entry form. If your pal is selected as a Pet of the Week, they could go on to win Pet of the Month (with a $50 prize and photo in our Pet of the Month gallery), or even Pet of the Year! Pets of the Year win a $150 prize, a framed photo to take home, and the fame and adoration of being displayed in our stores throughout the year! Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/bdr52yzc