Shasta and doing some beautiful off leash heeling with some squirmy dogs around her 😍
Annie working on her obedience and impulse control around my boy Lincoln. These two really are like the bad kids at the back of the bus always goofing off when they get together, so I'm working on simple things with her to help her keep her brain when he's around. I'm keeping this session really calm for her in an effort to keep her from getting even more excited. She does some pretty good work for me! Good job, Annie!
Roy being the absolutely best boy with the agility jumps today! Watch this superstar go ☺️
Cosmo practicing her recall while she is just minding her own business and out of play. Very nice work lady!
When you accidentally get all the -oodles out together 😂
Well this plan was an abject failure. I wanted to work on recall from play but o couldn’t get them to stop following me!!!
They will do it but I have to catch them playing when I’m busy doing something like posting a video. If not I they are all up in my business 🤣🤣🤣
Our group exercises included Dante, Fitz, Bug, Romeo, Phillie, Pepper, DimeBag, Martina, Blue, Boz, and Gerti.
Impulse control demonstrated by the calm sit or down on the group and especially when I hand out treats by name.
We also did recalls from play, individual OB commands and some heeling.
Very nice group of dogs!
✨ A flying Savannah appears ✨
Kronk and Annie showing off some serious impulse control while my wildest lab in the building runs between them. We switch to an informal heel afterwards and some recall work from Kronk. Good dogs!!
Merlin holds a bed stay like a champ, Zoey works her obedience skills, and Bozley...wants food but does nothing for it 😂
Marlow getting her play time in with her bestie Pepper this morning 🥰