This weekend Jay will be one of the speakers taking part in the Canine Conference. This is a VIRTUAL conference taking place over two weekends and will feature over 40 speakers so it’s a great chance to hear a lot of different viewpoints from the comfort of your home.
You can get your tickets here:
Sue has made more dog friends in the year we’ve had him than our entire last pack did put together. He is fascinating to watch as he navigates the wildly different personalities of the dogs that come in the gym. He’s even able to become friends with dogs that are generally unable to be around other dogs. The most interesting thing to watch is how it’s not just his personality, he modifies his style with every new dog and finds a way to draw them out or make the play seem enticing to them. Because he is so socially fluid and builds trust with dogs pretty quickly they are able to handle the natural ebb and flow that happens when dogs play, including appropriate corrections when needed. He is also hilarious to watch every single time. Make sure to turn the sound off if you’re super opposed to swearing 😂
Product Review:
I've been using hides forever as a way to get possession games (tug) going with dogs not super into toys.
Tried a new one.
Genuine Dog Gear bovine toys.
Sue is not a toy dog. He's hit or miss with it. But.... He LOVES this thing. We have a 2 handle for wall climb and I'm trying to get them to make some specifically for that GRC!! If you've ever used an old school hide and found them awesome but not portable this is the sh*t.