For Valentine's Day and Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, we want to highlight the life-saving spays and neuters we provided in 2024, both through our high-volume clinics in Warm Springs with our nonprofit partner First Nations Veterinary, and through partner vets all year long. We also make sure our fidos are sterilized before fence day. #SpayNeuterAwarenessMonth
On Valentines Day and every day, we celebrate the unconditional love and sweetness that dogs bring to our lives. Happy Valentines Day. ❤🐾❤🐾❤🐾
Now through Valentine's Day, it's Have A Heart for Chained Dogs Week. Now in our 16th year with thousands of dogs unchained, we celebrate progress every day. When we started this work in 2009, there was much less awareness about the physical and mental risks of chaining dogs. Today we are honored to work with families and communities who are grateful for the chance to see their dogs chain-free. This build in June for Ryder and Bleu shows that even the most skilled escape artists can be kept safe and chain-free with a little help from our amazing fence-building volunteers. #haveaheartforchaineddogsweek
Preventing overpopulation is the biggest reason to spay and neuter all pets, but there are health and behavioral benefits as well. Here are just a few of the health benefits. February is #spayneuterawarenessmonth and Fences For Fido's mission includes spay & neuter of all fidos we unchain.
Who knew?1?🤨🤓 Today is National Motivation and Inspiration Day. So, let's take this opportunity to share some of the most motivational and inspirational people you'll ever know: Fences For Fido volunteers!😍Did you know it only takes about two hours to build a new fence and change a dog's life forever? No special skills or tools required -- just bring yourself and your love of dogs. Will you be joining us in 2025? To learn more, check out #nationalmotivationandinspirationday
Wherever you are and however you celebrate the season, we all wish you a happy holiday and hope your 2025 will be filled with peace, love & zoomies.