Easy Aquariums - Portsmouth

Easy Aquariums - Portsmouth New England’s one stop aquarium shop. From information and inspiration to fish, plants, coral & more!


Reptile Weekly Availability!

Patternless adult crested gecko
Amazon tree boa
Normal leopard gecko
Albino leopard gecko
Pastel Mohave ball python
Normal ball python
Pastel lesser highway ball python
Pastel enchi ball python
Pastel Mohave ball python
Bearded dragon
Common boa BCI
Black and white tegu
Albino corn snake
Normal corn snake
Buckskin patternless crested gecko
Tiger Dalmatian crested gecko
Red eared slider turtle
African side-neck turtle

Asian Forest Scorpion Captive Bred Baby
Green Bottle Blue Tarantula 2inch
Mexican Fire Leg Tarantuka 2inch


Freshwater Weekly Availability!

SM Angels
MD Angels
LG Angels
MD Peacock cichlids (limited)
SM Peacock cichlids
Asst African cichlids
Female Koi Betta
Female Halfmoon Betta
Cambodian Betta
Tangerine Betta
Black Orchid Betta
Super delta double tail betta
Yellow Vanda Betta
Koi plakat betta
Veiltail betta (white, green, red)
Crow tail betta
Dumbo betta
Garra gotyla
Gertrudae Rainbows
Apistogramma Macmasteri
Longfin bronze cory
Cherry barbs (all male)
Siamese algae eater
Lemon tetra
Flag killi
Apistogramma baenschii
Dwarf gourami
Celestial Pearl danios
Habrosus Pygmy cory (only few left)
Dwarf rosy loach (only a few left)
Erythromicron Rasbora
Sparkling gourami
Convict cichlid
Gold barbs (only a few left)
Ember tetra
Hatchetfish (only a few left)
Albino cory
LG Tiger Oscar
Dorityi Rainbowfish (only a few left)
Strawberry Rasbora
Neon Tetra
Turquoise rainbowfish (only a few left)
Marginatus Pencilfish (only a few left)
Beckfords pencilfish (only a few left)
Skunk loach
Rice fish
Leopard ctenopoma (one left)
Asst Female guppies
Asst Male Guppies
Pictus catfish
Wakin Fantail Goldfish
Asst Imported Koi
Odessa barb
Green fire tetra
Betta Rubra
Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus
Fire mouth cichlid
Electric blue jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
Serpae Tetras
Gold gourami
Gold white cloud
Mascara barb
LG Aussie rainbowfish
LG upside down catfish
MD upside down catfish
Zebra spiny eel
SM Bristlenose pleco
Julidochromis transcriptus
Pearl gourami
Glolite danio
Albino Senegalus
Round tail paradise gourami
White cloud
Apistogramma Hongsloi
Zebra obliquidens
Red tailed shark
Bleeding heart tetras
Neolamprologus Multifasciatus
Julidochromis Kipli (one left)
Thick lip gourami
LG Geophagus Tapajo
Shubunkin goldfish
Black moor goldfish
Red cap oranda goldfish
Calico Ryukin goldfish
Dojo loaches
Black skirt tetra
Banjo Catfish

FW Inverts:
Mystery snails
Nerite snails
Asst Cray fish
Orange cray fish
Cherry shrimp
Snowball shrimp
Dwarf Mexican crayfish orange/blue
Bamboo shrimp
Blue velvet shrimp
Bloody Mary shrimp
Red and Black crystal shrimp


Saltwater Weekly Availability!

Sw Fish:
Scissortail Dart Goby
Tomini Tang
Darwin clownfish
Maine Mocha Clownfish
Snowflake Clownfish
Aquacultured Sunrise dottyback
Scopas Tang
Starry blenny
Yellow clown goby
Aquacultured links goby
Aquacultured Watchman goby
Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish
Nebula Picasso Clownfish
Flameback Pygmy Angel
Longfin Mocha Clownfish
Aquacultured Indigo Dottyback
Aquacultured black belly dwarf goby
Mocha storm clownfish
Aquacultured pink smith damsel
Aquacultured Majestic Angel
Sailfin tang
Red fin fairy wrasse
Blizzard Clownfish
Aquacultured Yellow line goby
Aquacultured Bullet Goby
Aiptasia Eating filefish
Diamond watchman goby
Black Storm clownfish
Flurry clownfish
Black Photon clownfish
Orange storm clownfish

Sw Inverts:
Pink serpent star
Feather dusters
Margarita snails
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Arrow crab
Tuxedo Urchin
Trochus Snails
Nerite snails
Turbo Snails
Bumblebee snails
Tiger Conch
Spider decorator crab
Gold lightning maroon clownfish
Red tip hermit crab
Chocolate chip starfish
Sand sifting starfish
Nassarius snails
Randall’s pistol shrimp
Blue leg hermit crabs
Cerith snails
Astrea snails
Rock flower anemone
Green bubbletip anemone
Pencil urchin


End of Year Sale!!
50% off used tanks and equipment
25% off new tanks
25% off corals/plants
20% off reptiles and all reptile supplies!
From today through the new year!
Happy holidays and we hope to see you soon!


Freshwater fish
Male guppies
Female guppies
Rice fish
Silver tip tetra
Doritiyi rainbows
Small angel
Albino Cory’s
Ember tetra
Marginatus pencil fish
Beckfords pencil fish
Leopard ctenopoma
Erythromicron rasbora
Sparkling Gourami
Dwarf Rosie Loach
Platinum rice fish
Snow White bristle nose pleco
Celestial pearl danio
Apistogramma baenschii
Dwarf gourami
Flag killi
Black spot algae eater
Cherry barb
Longfin bronze Cory
Gertrude rainbow
Stiphodon goby
Apisogramma macmasteri
Orange flash apistogramma
Emperor tetra
Garra Gotyla
Convict Cichlid
Large angel
Gold barb
Tiger Oscar
Hifin catfish
Medium angel
Assorted medium peacock Cichlid
Yellow lab Cichlid
Pictus catfish
Assorted African Cichlid
Cambodian Betta fish
Tangerine Betta fish
Black orchid, Betta fish
Super Delta double tail Betta fish
Yellow vanda betta fish
Koi plakat Betta fish
Veiltail Betta fish
Crown tail Betta fish
Dumbo Betta fish
Calico ryukin goldfish
Black moor goldfish
Red cap oranda goldfish
Shubunkin goldfish
Dojo loach
Ranchu goldfish
Assorted Koi
Green fire tetra
Betta rubra
Paracox rainbow
Gold gourami
Haplocromis nachisquamblatus
Fire mouth, Cichlid
Electric blue jack Dempsey Cichlid
Electric blue acara Cichlid
Jack Dempsey cichlid
Bichardi cichlid
Mascara barb
Medium upside down catfish
Large upside down catfish
Large Aussie rainbow
Gold white clouds
Zebra spiny eel
Serpe tetra
Small bristle nose pleco
Julidochromis transcriptus
Koi swordtails
Pearl gourami
Glow light danio
Dino Senegal polypterus
Albino Dino senagal polypterus
Round tail paradise gourami
White cloud mountain minnow
Apistogramma hongsloi
Neo mulifasciatus
Julidocromis kipli
Bleeding heart tetra
Bumblebee catfish
Thicklip gourami
Black skirt tetra
Banjo catfish
Zebra obliquidens
Geophagus tapajo
Pond comets
Butterfly koi

Freshwater Invertebrates
Thai devil crab
Orange crayfish
Amano shrimp
Assorted rili shrimp
Snow White shrimp
Vampire shrimp
Cherry shrimp
Dwarf orange Mexican crayfish
Blue velvet shrimp
Yellow banana shrimp
Bamboo shrimp
Sunkist shrimp
Dwarf blue Mexican crayfish
Mystery snails
Nerite snails
Chocolate shrimp
Bloody Mary shrimp
Black crystal shrimp
Red crystal shrimp
Assorted crayfish


Saltwater Availability:

Saltwater fish
Sunrise Dottyback
Gold, lightning maroon clown
Longfin mocha clown
Lawnmower blenny
Aquaculture links goby
Aquaculture aiptasia filefish
Nebula Picasso clown
Aquaculture watchman goby
Orchid Dottyback
Bicolor blenny
Aquaculture black belly dwarf goby
Royal gramma
Aquaculture indigo Dottyback
Aquaculture, lemon, peel, angel
Redfin fairy wrasse
Aquaculture bullet goby
Aquaculture yellow line goby
Black line blenny
Fire fish
Storm clownfish
Diamond watchman goby
Snowflake clown
Melanarus wrasse
Dusky wrasse
Mocha clown
Darwin clown
Scissor tail dart goby
Aquaculture pink Smith damsel
Aquaculture, majestic angel
Aquaculture Yellow Tang
Yellow Clown Goby

Saltwater invertebrates
Scarlet hermit crab
Red tip, hermit crab
Decorator crab
Randall’s pistol shrimp
Frilly arrow crab
Emerald crab
Bumblebee snail
Turbo snail
Pom-pom crab
Nerite snail
Anemone crab
Porcelain crab
Tuxedo urchin
Sexy anemone shrimp
Sand sifting starfish
Arrow crab
Margarite snail
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Nassarius snail
Blue leg, hermit crab
Cerith snail
Astrea snail
Pincushion Urchin
Babylonia snail
Tiger conch
Golden coral banded shrimp
Pink serpent starfish
Chocolate chip starfish

Our reptile room is officially running and filled with critters! We have a fun assortment of reptiles looking for homes....

Our reptile room is officially running and filled with critters! We have a fun assortment of reptiles looking for homes. Listed below is what we have in stock as of 12/13/24. We also have an assortment of live plants that can be used in your bioactive terrariums or kept as house plants!

Patternless adult crested gecko
Amazon tree boa
Normal leopard gecko
Albino leopard gecko
Pastel Mohave ball python
Normal ball python
Pastel lesser highway ball python
Pastel enchi ball python
Pastel Mohave ball python
Bearded dragons
Common boa BCI
Black and white tegu
Albino corn snake
Normal corn snake
Buckskin patternless crested gecko
Tiger Dalmatian crested gecko
Red eared slider turtle
African side-neck turtle

Terrestrial Invertebrates:
Asian Forest Scorpion captive bred baby


Don’t forget our Black Friday sales are still ongoing today until 6pm!

Black Friday Sales!All Corals and Plants 30%off All Tanks, Tank kits, Filters, Heaters, Substrate 20%offAquascaping Wood...

Black Friday Sales!
All Corals and Plants 30%off
All Tanks, Tank kits, Filters, Heaters, Substrate 20%off
Aquascaping Wood/Rock and Decor 20%off
All Dry Goods including Lights, Food, Supplements, skimmers, Cleaning supplies and More 15%
Friday through Monday
Open Normal Hours

Our reptile room is coming along beautifully, though behind schedule. We are now opening it to customers! We do not have...

Our reptile room is coming along beautifully, though behind schedule. We are now opening it to customers! We do not have livestock at present, but we have dry goods, two turtles, isopods, frozen rodent feeders, and feeder insects.

What reptiles would you like to see in our new reptile room? Let us know in the comments, messages, or when you stop in and visit!

Halloweekend Sale!!Corals/Plants 30% off Tanks/Tank kits 15% offSale on from 10/31 through 11/3!Happy Halloween!

Halloweekend Sale!!
Corals/Plants 30% off
Tanks/Tank kits 15% off
Sale on from 10/31 through 11/3!
Happy Halloween!


Coral Sale This Weekend! Corals are 30% off from 27th through the 29th.

Send a message to learn more


Easy Aquariums-Portsmouth will be closed today for the holiday! We hope everyone has a great long weekend and we will see you on Thursday!

**END OF SUMMER SALE!**Week long sale! 8/26 through 9/1!Plants and Corals all 30% offSW Fish and Inverts 15% offFW Fish ...

Week long sale! 8/26 through 9/1!
Plants and Corals all 30% off
SW Fish and Inverts 15% off
FW Fish and Inverts 15% off
Come on in and grab up the deals while they last!

First set of enclosures into our reptile room it is coming along nicely! Our first live insect order has come in this we...

First set of enclosures into our reptile room it is coming along nicely! Our first live insect order has come in this week and is available. We are limited on selection at the moment but we do have 1/4inch, 1/2inch, and 3/4inch banded crickets, mealworms, red wigglers, and superworms.

We are currently looking for a new employee who has knowledge and experience with reptiles, amphibians, and insects! Inquire with us over Facebook, call the store, or come on in!

Easy Aquariums Portsmouth is stepping into reptiles! We currently have a reptile room in the making and will be stocking...

Easy Aquariums Portsmouth is stepping into reptiles!
We currently have a reptile room in the making and will be stocking live insect feeders starting next week! If anybody is interested in bulk buying crickets we are going to begin special ordering 500 count boxes of crickets for $30. Our crickets will be banded crickets due to their longevity. They will be available regularly in 1/4inch, 1/2inch, 3/4inch, with pinhead crickets available via special order only. We will also be carrying roaches, mealworms, superworms, etc. If there are any specific bugs or feeders you are looking for please feel free to reach out to us here on Facebook or contact us at the store at 603-241-1889!

Crickets will be priced:
18 cents per cricket purchasing singles
6 cents per cricket purchasing 500 count boxes

We are hoping to have our reptile room up and running by the end of summer/beginning of fall so stay tuned!

Plant and Coral sale! 30% off corals and plants this weekend 7/20-7/22! Come on down and grab some beautiful new additio...

Plant and Coral sale!
30% off corals and plants this weekend 7/20-7/22! Come on down and grab some beautiful new additions.


599 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, NH

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 11am - 6pm
Friday 11am - 6pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm




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