Bows And Bandanas Pet Salon & Resort

Bows And Bandanas Pet Salon & Resort Pet Grooming, Pet Boarding and Doggie Daycare.


Are you looking to work with animals? We’re hiring! The position is 3/4 working in our Salon, and 1/4 helping in other areas/departments. To start, the days are Thursday-Saturday, late mornings until about 6pm. More days may become available and offered later in the year.
Please email or drop off resume.
[email protected]

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃🍗We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day!Hug your loved ones including those furry f...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃🍗
We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day!
Hug your loved ones including those furry friends!
Have a Paw-fect Day! 🐾❤️

🍂🦃 Make Thanksgiving Dog-Friendly!

However, not everything on the table is safe for your pup. Here’s how to keep the holiday dog-friendly and delicious

🐾 Extra ideas to share:

💙 A pup-approved plate with plain turkey, green beans, and sweet potatoes.
💙 A festive dessert of plain canned pumpkin topped with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt.
💙 Fun frozen cups of cranberries, yogurt, and applesauce for a refreshing treat!

Because sharing the love (and the right foods) is what Thanksgiving is all about.


We realize it is hard for pet owners to leave home and place their pets in the hands of others, so we came up with a boarding facility that we believe will ease the burden.


View Topher's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more.


For those of you who don’t know, our beloved Christopher (Topher) was in an accident Wednesday, July 3rd and received burns to over 60% of his body. He fought for two weeks - until he had no fight left and on Tuesday, July 16th he gained his angel wings and ascended to Heaven.

Due to the circumstances, in the short-term, our grooming services will be affected.
Our Staff is well trained by Topher, and will continue carrying his legacy as we move forward.
As of right now, we are scheduling grooming appointments about a week and a half out. Please be patient with us as we navigate this new normal. If anyone has questions or concerns you can reach us via Facebook, email, phone or stopping by.
We thank everyone who has sent their thoughts and prayers and appreciate the continuous love and support Chris and Topher have received.
Hug your loved ones. Tell them you love them.
Funeral services are still being planned, and will be announced once finalized.

Thank you
The Bows and Bandanas Crew


Happy Tuesday! 🐾
We’ve done a lot of topics that discuss dogs, so this Tuesday we are discussing cats!

Has anyone wondered what that saggy, soft flap of skin under a cat’s belly is?
It’s their Primordial Pouch and all cats have it, even Lions and Tigers. The pouch runs the length of a cat’s underside and it’s a mix of skin, fat, and fur. All cats are born with one and it develops around 6 months to a year. Some believe that only spayed or neutered cats have these pouches but that’s simply a myth. Many believe that the Primordial Pouch gives a cat a couple advantages.
Protection- the fatty cushion provides protection to a cat’s internal abdominal organs from fights or injuries.
Flexibility- it helps the cat cover more ground with each stride such as escaping predators or chasing prey. It helps the cat extend their bodies allowing to leap, wiggle, and twist without injury.
Energy- some believe that the pouch acts as a fat reserve used for energy when meals are unavailable, or provide more room when a cat over eats.
Even some believe it helps regulate a cat’s body temperature.
The size of the Primordial Pouch can vary with breed, a healthy lean cat can still have a large pouch. Such as a Bengal cat, it’s often a breed standard to have a larger Primordial pouch. Age can play a role in the size as well. Just like humans, cats tend to lose muscle mass and skin elasticity as they age. This excess skin can often be similar to the excess skin on their necks or what some call the scruff (which is what mother’s use to transport kittens at a young age).
Some may think that because their cat has a bigger pouch it must mean they are overweight. That is the exact opposite, a thinner cat’s pouch may appear more prominent than an overweight cat’s pouch. There are some characteristics to identify your cat’s Primordial Pouch.
- [ ] Swings when walking
- [ ] Feels loose and floppy
- [ ] Visible waist indentation when viewed from afar
The stomach of an overweight cat will be firmer and be round in shape. If you do have concern for your cat’s weight, you can always contact your vet to learn a way to get your cat to lose weight. But just know a loose, floppy pouch that swings as your cat walks doesn’t always mean you have an overweight or unhealthy cat.


🐾We’ve been busy! Therefore with all the craziness out of the way, here is Talk About It Tuesday: Dog Socialization! 🐾

Some people think puppy socialization only means introducing your dog to other dogs, but it actually means a lot more than that.
Introducing your puppy to new people, experiences, and places will be a lifelong process, but it’s best to start young.
Expose your puppy to just about anything and everything such as:
•People of different races, genders, and ages
•People with or without disabilities
•Different animal species ( Cats, Chickens, or other household animals)
•New places, sounds, and smells
Now it can be a lot for a young puppy to handle, but your dog’s brain is actually capable of processing and accepting all the experiences between 3-14 weeks old.
3-14 weeks old can be called the puppy socialization period and this is when you should aim to expose your puppy to as many different positive experiences as possible.
A strong key word is positive. Avoid any frightening experiences, because this can make such a negative impact on your dog. Puppy’s minds are very impressionable so an encounter with an aggressive dog or negative vet appointment can leave the pup with a fear of other dogs or people. Do not hesitate to remove them from the situation in which they could appear afraid or anxious. Take your pup approaching new things with curiosity more than fear.
Puppies or even dogs who miss out on these experiences tend to be more anxious, after 14 weeks their brain becomes more inflexible when it comes to how they understand things. As dogs get older they become more wary of new things.
Some dogs can be born more timid and fearful, but if you expose them to new things, they are less likely to freak out. The main goal is to make sure your dog stays comfortable in new situations or experiences, such as walks, car rides, extracurricular games, friends’ homes.
Some may ask, what’s the best way to socialize a puppy?
It’s best to work through steps, again the goal is to create positive experiences.
- [ ] Your attitude can affect how your pup sees certain experiences(smile, give treats, offer praise) these can help your pup see the positive in a situation
- [ ] Puppy proof- puppy proofing your home and letting your pup sniff and explore leads to more positive interactions with mail-carriers or passing by bikers
- [ ] Get them used to touch- such as touching paws/belly, mouth(teeth), petting in different spots and or sitting positions. This helps teach your pup that your touches are kind and loving no matter how it’s approached. This can also help vet and grooming experiences.
- [ ] Make sure to not overwhelm your pup. Keep each experience about 10-15 mins long. It’s a common mistake that too much happens too fast too soon.
- [ ] Don’t force your pup, it can be frightening and will achieve the opposite in what you want to achieve
- [ ] Avoid unsafe interactions- unvaccinated pups can pick up something even just walking along the street.
- [ ] Try one-on-one puppy play dates before group settings, this helps puppies learn other dogs’ cues and/or body language.
This crucial stage of development can determine the future behavior of your dog. Training can help a dog channel energy in an appropriate manner helping to reduce unwanted behaviors. Where you get your pup from is important as well. Ask lots of questions if you purchase from a breeder to ensure the puppy has had a proper start to life. The saying “old dogs can’t learn new tricks” is not true. It may take a little more effort, but an older dog can be socialized.


Toxic Household/Common Plants

Lilies are extremely toxic for cats, even a small amount or licking a bit of pollen causes kidney failure/death.
Snake plant or devil’s ivy contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals which can cause burning to mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting.
Other toxic houseplants can include Aloe, oleander, hyacinth, chrysanthemum, tulips, daffodils, azaleas, begonia, poinsettias, and spider plants. Most of these can cause burning of the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, liver damage and/or seizures.
Even though grass is not toxic, when ingested it can cut the intestinal track. This will cause blood in p**p, dogs cannot digest grass therefore they vomit and defecate grass. Cats on the other hand can benefit from eating grass. Some studies have shown that grass can be a natural laxative, and helps break up fur balls in the digestive track. Although eating grass is not harmful, remember if your lawn has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals it then can be harmful.
Always do research on any plant before bringing it into your home, especially if your pet is a chewer. Not only are many plants toxic, certain smells can be toxic as well.
Those who use essential oils be aware that some can be toxic. If exposed to your pet’s fur and they lick it off during grooming, it can cause digestive upset, neurological issues, or other serious concerns. Oils can also irritate your pet’s skin.
If you use essential oils, heavily dilute them to help reduce the impact it can have on your pet. In any case always ask your vet before using certain oils
Harmful to cats:
Ylang Ylang
Harmful to dogs:
Tea tree
Sweet birch
Ylang Ylang

Some common symptoms of poisoning in pets can be fatigue, difficulty breathing, redness and/or burns on skin, tongue, or gums, and vomiting. While some scents in small quantities may not be harmful for your pets, just remember some can be very harmful.

If your animal has ingested any of these plants or oils or has any symptoms contact your vet immediately.


Congratulations to our winners!
Amanda Wilson
Kelly Trathen
Maria Corbine
Jamie Lynne

Tuesday through Saturday 12:30pm-5:30pm come in for any walk in service! Don’t forget, we don’t only do Nail Trims!
We also do:
A**l Gland Expressions
Dremel/File Nails
Sanitary Trim l
Ear Cleaning
Inner Ear Hair Removal with an Ear Cleaning
Trim Grinch Toes with a Nail Trim

Stop in, even if it’s not for a walk-in. We are more than happy to answer any questions you have in regard to our services! Happy Friday and we hope everyone enjoys their weekend


It’s Talk About It Tuesday!
This week toxic household items and medications for your pet.
Note: Cats are twice as sensitive when it comes to digesting toxic medications, because they lack the enzyme to help digest. All pets metabolize drugs differently and can develop organ failure or GI issues. High concentrations can cause permanent kidney damage, seizures, inability to walk, coma, or death.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen
Cold medications
Herbal supplements
These medications can be dangerous for animals to digest, symptoms can include rapid breathing and/or heart rate, vomiting, seizures, pale gums, excessive salivation, and coughing or vomiting blood. Some toxins can cause instant reactions while others can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours depending on the substance.

Household products such as paint, glue, cleaning products, edible bait products to kill rodents can cause internal bleeding, high calcium levels, brain swelling, and even poison gas production in their stomachs.
When using pesticides, read the label(s) carefully in order to choose a pet safe or non chemical pest control.
Ingesting batteries can cause hyper salivation, oral inflammation, ulcers, and vomiting due to the battery acid exposure.
Anti freeze is very toxic, 2 1/2 tablespoons can kill a medium sized dog in 2-3 days.
Bread dough may seem harmless but will rapidly rise and produce ethanol gas in the stomach.
Sugar or the ingredient name Xylitol can cause liver failure and/or hyperglycemia ( High blood sugar).
Chocolate has caffeine in it which is toxic to dogs.
Some other household things both toxic to cats and dogs can include:
Fabric softener sheets
Limescale remover
De-icing salts
To***co products
Moth balls
and even tea leaves
A lot of these can show similar symptoms when digested. Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, kidney or liver damage, seizures, and excessive drooling.
If you suspect your pet has ingested anything toxic contact your vet immediately, just like we have a poison helpline they have animals helplines as well.

For a dog or cat, an emergency vet visit can cost anywhere from $250.00-$10,000, if hospitalized it may be more. To help prevent your animal getting into these toxic items you can store in a high place, put child locks on cabinet doors, and most importantly research any item you suspect could be toxic to your furry friend.
Next week we will keep the topic of toxic things, and talk about toxic household/ common plants.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Helpline- 888-426-4435
If you have any concerns on what can be toxic to your pet, you can consult with your vet along with any pest control companies to make sure their pesticides are animal safe.

🐾Happy Friday everyone! 🐾We are doing another drawing for a free walk-in service!Like our page, share this post, and com...

🐾Happy Friday everyone! 🐾
We are doing another drawing for a free walk-in service!
Like our page, share this post, and comment your favorite dog breed for an entry in the drawing! We will draw for a winner/winners on Friday, May 10th!

We do walk-in services Tuesday-Saturday 12:30pm-5:30pm, so stop right in!

Don’t forget, if you have any questions in regard to our services ( Boarding, Grooming, and Daycare) message our page, send us an email, give us a call at 315-265-DOGS

Good luck! 🐾


It’s Talk About It Tuesday!
Did you know there are 3 main paw pad shapes?
There is webbed, hare, and cat.
Webbed paws are connected (like a duck foot) and are normally found in hunting, retrieving, and swimming dogs. Some breeds include Portuguese Waterdog to even a Dachshund.
Hare paws have two longer central toes, this helps with explosive speed. Some breeds include Greyhounds to Samoyeds.
Cat paws are small and round in shape, this helps with balance and agility. Some breeds include Akita to a Doberman.

Have you ever wondered why your dog’s feet smell of corn chips?
It’s a byproduct of yeast and bacteria that your pups wet paws can grow. Wet paws are the best environment for fungal growth. The smell is very common and can even happen to clean paws. Licking of paws is completely normal, but excessive licking can cause fungal growth and can also be a sign of allergies or an injury.
Your dog’s paw pad is unique. Like our fingerprints dog’s paw pads can also be a way to identify your dog.
Paw pads contain sweat glands to help regulate their body temp and have a high concentration of sensory receptors, hence why your dog might be sensitive to pressure, touch, and/or temperature changes. Like us, dogs can be ticklish as well!

Your dog’s pads toughen up as they use them, that’s why a puppy or handicapped dogs can have softer pads. Have you ever noticed the pad above your dog’s paw pads that sits higher up on the leg? It’s called a Carpal pad and it provided traction and stability during movement, it’s kinda like a dog’s big toe.
What type of paw does your pup have?

If you’d like to read more about dog paws and their shape, here is an article! -


Flea and Tick season is upon us as well. Another dreaded thing every owner despises. They can cause illnesses for your household pets and let’s be honest a pain to get rid of.
Fleas transmit diseases such as tapeworms, allergy dermatitis, and even cat scratch fever. They are excellent jumpers, they can jump vertically up to 7 inches and horizontally 13 inches. Adult fleas cannot survive or lay eggs without a blood meal but can live from 2 months to a year without feeding. Flea larvae can infest pet bedding and are more commonly found in these areas . Fleas can lay 20-40 eggs per day for several weeks and prefer warmer temperatures.
A common disease given to dogs by fleas can be anemia and allergy dermatitis. Symptoms can be weakness, fatigue, loss of pink colored gums, hives, hot spots, excessive itching. If you notice any of these symptoms please contact a vet as soon as possible, especially color loss of pink gums. Your pup could be losing too much blood from the flea infestation.
Ticks transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, theileroosis, and anaplasmosis. Although they can’t jump, ticks are good climbers. They spend most of their time off their hosts but can live from a few weeks to 3 years. They can lay thousands of eggs at a time and can survive near freezing temps.
A common disease given to dogs from ticks are Lyme disease and Anaplasmosis. Symptoms can be joint swelling, fatigue, loss of appetite, lethargy, and fever. If you notice your pet has any of these, please contact your vet immediately.

Flea and tick treatments will always help prevent these parasites. Consult your vet for advice about a proper product for your dog/cat. Always wash bedding and vacuum daily if you notice fleas on your animal. Vacuuming daily will help reduce larvae population in high traffic areas. Steam cleaning can kill eggs and larval. Bathe pets with a flea shampoo and use a flea comb to comb out any fleas/eggs on your pet.
For ticks keep lawns mowed and edges trimmed, clear away any brush or tall grass. To safely remove a tick use a pointed set of tweezers to grasp the tick by the head. Do not jerk or twist the tick, pull firmly outward. Once tick is removed put in a small container of rubbing alcohol to kill it. Monitor the site for roughly 30 days and if you notice any symptoms stated above bring your pet to the vet. If you do not feel comfortable removing the tick on your own you can contact your vet or local groomer to remove them for you.
If you do any home remedies to prevent fleas and ticks please research if any of the items you use are toxic to your dog or cat.
Happy Wednesday!🐾

Update: Storm has been located! MISSING DOG in Norfolk.This is Storm. Who ran off on their owner this morning. Please co...

Update: Storm has been located!

MISSING DOG in Norfolk.

This is Storm. Who ran off on their owner this morning. Please contact 518-879-1758 if located.


It’s Talk About It Tuesday!🐾
It is that season, when the black and white kitties make your pup victim of their horrible smelling spray.
Warning: your dog will still smell of skunk whenever they get wet. Until those skin cells die and fall off, you will be victim to the smell.
Once their coat dries it will be harder to get the smell out, the smell can linger for about 3 weeks or longer depending on how soon you realize your pup had a skunk encounter
The first thing you should check when noticing your pup has been sprayed is Skunk Spray Toxicosis: this could be respiratory issues, temporary blindness, nausea, drooling, vomiting, red irritated eyes, foaming out of the mouth, and in rare cases anemia. If your dog experiences any of these please seek Veterinary care as soon as possible. As some may think, tomato juice actually does not make the smell go away. Try and keep the pup outside so the smell doesn’t get carried into your house.
The secretions from the skunk’s a**l glands contains a mixture of sulfur containing thiols and thioacetates. Thiols are responsible for the odor just like in onions and garlic. Thioacetates turn into thiols when wet. That’s why when your pup gets wet you smell skunk even after a bath.
Always wear gloves when using anything to de skunk your dog. You can mix 3-4 parts 3% hydrogen peroxide to 1 part baking soda with a teaspoon or so of dish detergent. Apply the mixture to the dog while it’s still bubbling. Hydrogen peroxide can lighten darker coats to a bronze color.
If you have exhausted all ideas contact a groomer as soon as possible and they may have a stronger shampoo/mixture to use on the dog. Reminder you will still smell skunk anytime the dog gets wet, the smell can stay for weeks or months.


7019 State Highway 56
Potsdam, NY


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