It’s Talk About It Tuesday!
This week toxic household items and medications for your pet.
Note: Cats are twice as sensitive when it comes to digesting toxic medications, because they lack the enzyme to help digest. All pets metabolize drugs differently and can develop organ failure or GI issues. High concentrations can cause permanent kidney damage, seizures, inability to walk, coma, or death.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen
Cold medications
Herbal supplements
These medications can be dangerous for animals to digest, symptoms can include rapid breathing and/or heart rate, vomiting, seizures, pale gums, excessive salivation, and coughing or vomiting blood. Some toxins can cause instant reactions while others can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours depending on the substance.
Household products such as paint, glue, cleaning products, edible bait products to kill rodents can cause internal bleeding, high calcium levels, brain swelling, and even poison gas production in their stomachs.
When using pesticides, read the label(s) carefully in order to choose a pet safe or non chemical pest control.
Ingesting batteries can cause hyper salivation, oral inflammation, ulcers, and vomiting due to the battery acid exposure.
Anti freeze is very toxic, 2 1/2 tablespoons can kill a medium sized dog in 2-3 days.
Bread dough may seem harmless but will rapidly rise and produce ethanol gas in the stomach.
Sugar or the ingredient name Xylitol can cause liver failure and/or hyperglycemia ( High blood sugar).
Chocolate has caffeine in it which is toxic to dogs.
Some other household things both toxic to cats and dogs can include:
Fabric softener sheets
Limescale remover
De-icing salts
To***co products
Moth balls
and even tea leaves
A lot of these can show similar symptoms when digested. Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, kidney or liver damage, seizures, and excessive drooling.
If you suspect your pet has ingested anything toxic contact your vet immediately, just like we have a poison helpline they have animals helplines as well.
For a dog or cat, an emergency vet visit can cost anywhere from $250.00-$10,000, if hospitalized it may be more. To help prevent your animal getting into these toxic items you can store in a high place, put child locks on cabinet doors, and most importantly research any item you suspect could be toxic to your furry friend.
Next week we will keep the topic of toxic things, and talk about toxic household/ common plants.
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Helpline- 888-426-4435
If you have any concerns on what can be toxic to your pet, you can consult with your vet along with any pest control companies to make sure their pesticides are animal safe.