Have you been experiencing conflicts with bears in your neighborhood or community? Sharing from BearWise… 🐻
Now is the time during the winter months to get started on creating a BearWise neighborhood and launch an action plan for communities in bear country. Implementing two proven, long-term solutions will help protect people, property, and bears by 1) Switching to bear-resistant trash containers and 2) Implementing effective ordinances / bylaws. The process starts by investigating your community. Ask: Are bears getting into neighborhood garbage trash cans or breaking into other food sources? Are local authorities getting calls about bear issues? If so, get your community involved by organizing and motivating to make changes to be BearWise and educated, working with your state wildlife agency. Use the BearWise resources, articles, and bulletins to spread the word and see examples of BearWise communities. Get the action plan steps and examples here: bearwise.org/community-resources
Photo credit: Black Mountain neighborhood in North Carolina (photo: Fred McCormick)