I love you all, with all of my heart...
3 years and 5 months ago, with a supportive push from my husband, I ventured out on my own and started D's Dishes Dog Grooming here in Princeton. My focus was to provide a stress free environment for every dog and dog family so they would receive the best care possible and the results have been astounding! I had many customers follow me from my pervious employer and have found a matching love in all of the families that I have been caring for since...
It is with a VERY heavy heart that I am informing you that I will be closing my business at the end of this summer so my husband and I can move to Florida. This decision hasn't been an easy one to make, it breaks my heart and it will continue to do so for many days to come.
I thank you all for your support, for your referrals, your kind words, your love and your friendship. I am so very blessed to have had the opportunity to provide my services for you and for this beautiful community.
Love Always,