Please let me remind everybody again that how your dogs groom turns out, depends on multiple factors such as how much time we have and that we are given by the owners how many dogs we have in the coat condition of your dog and your dogs behavior. Some things are just not feasible when grooming your dog. if your dog has a thin coat in the picture you’re showing us that you want your dog to look like has a thick coat. We can try to groom the dog as best as possible to that photo, but there are no promises that you’ll get the same thing because I and another groomer are two different things and we groom two different ways.
I am just reposting this on our page because of the fact that I had the most rude encounter with a client, which is no longer going to be a client and I will not take back. Days like this make me want to  quit. I am one person I can not make everyone happy I’m sorry