With Babcock Concierge, if you have any type of request, including those that I personally can’t accommodate, I’m looking to create a database of ALL businesses from which I can easily provide residents with contact options. This will include not only resident businesses but ANY business any resident has used and would recommend.
For those of you that don’t know me or my background, I’m a data/database geek as this is the foundation of any and all businesses. My former career consisted of databases, marketing, project management, analytics, and quality assurance for marketing agencies with clients such as Delta Airlines, General Motors, PODS, CVS, etc.
With that said, if you’d like to be included in this master database that I will be creating and maintaining, please PM me with the information below.
Or, if you would like to have a consultation on how I can help your business with your own database and data capture/utilization, please reach out. I have over 30 years experience helping businesses optimize their data and its usage, including providing recommendations on loyalty programs and other data-related initiatives.
This is not only for resident businesses but other businesses outside the Ranch residents have used and recommend (restaurants, doctors, vets, repair services, cleaning companies, etc.)
I want to start 2025 providing as much support and resources through Babcock Concierge, LLC to our existing and future residents.
I do have a copy of a prior database another resident started years ago. I’m going to go through that and reach out to the existing businesses on there to request any updates. This way we’re not starting completely from scratch.
This will not happen overnight and will be a fluid database as businesses come, go, expand, etc.
Here is the information I’m looking to include. If you have any other fields of information you think would be beneficial, please let me know! This is a COMMUNITY INITIATIVE 🙂
Company Name
Company Contact Full Name
Company Address
Neighborhood Company is Located (If Applicable)
Company Phone Number
Company Email
Company Website
Company page Link (If Applicable)
Business Category (Arts & Crafts, Entertainment, Electrical, Automotive, Etc.)
Business Sub Category (Installation, Repairs, Making Hair Products Like Bows, Car Detailing, Car Repairs, Etc.)
Are You Licensed, Insured, Bonded (Yes or No) - Not All Businesses Require This
Is This a Non Babcock Business Referral (Yes or No)
Referer’s Contact Name
Referer’s Phone Number
Special Notes About Service