Sustainable Equine Solutions

Sustainable Equine Solutions Offering the most integrative neuro-fascial somatic care for your pro athlete šŸ“ partner, rehab candidate, or backyard bff.

Professional sitting and grooming by freelance FEI/5* groom and barn manager serving New England and beyond Servicing within 100mi of 20841, travel fee applies depending on mileage

During my clinic in Brazil last year I canā€™t summarize what I saw better than this. The condition of the horsesā€™ bodies,...

During my clinic in Brazil last year I canā€™t summarize what I saw better than this. The condition of the horsesā€™ bodies, aside from training, compared to the job they were being given was completely inappropriate. There was no sustainable, healthy, comfortable way the horse was going to be able to do his job and he was never allowed to say so. My hope is the collective will open to this notion that we are stewards of these animals and see things in a way that is more fair, more accurate, so as to be better people, and better horsemen before we are just riders.

On Overemployed Horses and Anxiety

Iā€™m thinking that there are lots of grown-up horses out there who have pretty poor foundations. The thing about a poor foundation is that a horse could go through their life, and who knows what kind of foundation the horse had, if you donā€™t ask him. So a horse could get to be 10 years old, and people could just get to where they expect a 10 year old horse to be able to ___________, because, after all, heā€™s 10, and heā€™ll let you ride him. Some horses, this is how they live their lives. Overemployed. Forever.

The human analogy would be, you get a job. So you show up the first day, and there's a phone system with all these colored buttons, and a big computer that you don't even know how to turn on. Or it could be you show up and there's a locomotive to drive, or a crane to lift beams up to the 34th floor, you get the picture. You might be 50 years old, but if you havenā€™t been trained to drive a locomotive, or turn on and navigate that kind of computer, or to operate a huge crane, youā€™re likely not going to be very good at it. And trying to do that thing, that you donā€™t know how to do, because you havenā€™t been trained to do it, might be very anxiety-provoking.

Furthermore, you don't know how to do the things required by the job, say, and your supervisor comes and yells at you to get going, or even beats you. And you can't quit.

I think that's the situation a lot of horses are in. So yes, they might live a very anxious life. And once they've been anxious for years and years, and maybe they just think that's how they're supposed to feel...

This is why I have such a passion for foundation. It's the thing that will keep horses out of that boat, so they don't have to feel that anxiety of overemployment for the rest of their lives.

šŸ“· of Jack, four years old and getting the best foundation I can give him, so he can be appropriately-employed.

Gorgeous šŸ“· by Montana Canter Photography

Clipping season is upon us! FEI/5* groom at your service: quality show clip guaranteed, expertise handling young/nervous...

Clipping season is upon us! FEI/5* groom at your service: quality show clip guaranteed, expertise handling young/nervous horses, stallions, show horses with the main goal being a positive and safe experience for all, and of course a flawless clip. Hundreds of additional pictures, references available.

Please only pm or text 774 232 245o I do NOT see PMs thank you

Also offering braiding, farm sitting, and more!


Something that radically changed my view on life was asking myself at night if today were my last day, would today have been a satisfying last day? Am I happy with leaving things as they happened today? The people, places, and things I chose to dedicate and invest my energy, time, and attention to? If I wake up the next day, I ask a similar sequence: what needs to happen so that the answers are YES!!!!!!! ?

Driving home today from an incredible lesson with our favorite trainer The Joy of Horses not because of the content but because of the effort my horse gave me, showing improvement in every way, I reflected on Doni the OTTB cow pony, SES Cinco Estrellas, my best birthday gift šŸŽ that keeps on giving. I donā€™t let anyone ride this horse because primarily of anyone gets hurt from me it will be me but also because Iā€™ve worked so hard with him that I wonā€™t tolerate anyone messing him up. There are really no trainers save the BTMM and an EDL instructor Abby Addleberg that I trust. Joy is in this select handful and today took him for a spin to help with the rope gates. It was lovely to get to watch them take care of each other and Joy guiding him towards confidence through breaking it down. Doni can do gates but often ends up in border collie mode as Stacia says and his brain is firing at 100mph so we looked to Joy Mackay Gallupe to help with technique and controlled repetitions to help him slow down better. She amazes me with how much of a horseman she is, every lesson and itā€™s obvious by the way Doni steps off the trailer knowing heā€™s in a very happy place. He always is content in this work and especially in our lessons because her energy is patient, peaceful, positive.

A lightbulb went off as I asked myself from the quote ā€œof all the things I ask God, mostly may He never tell me when my last ride isā€ if, if this were actually our last rideā€¦ would I be satisfied leaving it like this? Would I be content with how I acted and how I treated him? I smiled as the answer was a resounding YES!!!!! While not all rides will be satisfying or happy ones, my goal now will remain to ask myself every ride: if this in fact IS my last ride with my boy particularly, what do I need to do to make that an answer a YES!!!!!! ?

The broken, throw-away ECVM horse that Pat Cleveland and her husband Frank have helped bring him off the verge of imminent death. The one Lockie Phillips says I canā€™t and shouldnā€™t ever think of riding because Iā€™m not an Olympic level rider so donā€™t know how to manage (thanks, Lockie!!) that no ECVM horse should be ridden. One that 4/5 vets told me to put him down and definitely never think of riding based off rads alone. One that is defying the odds. One that an ECVM rehab expert called a Maserati recently, that said he is eye candy apart from true class and that he is improving the most as is possible for him physically and approved for safe working. I guess heā€™s a fighter like his momma and just canā€™t give up. I have your back for as long as you want to fight with me, baby. Thank you for blessing my life every day with your presence and for choosing me, of all the 8 billion people you could have on this planet, to spend your life with. Thereā€™s no one else Iā€™d like to do it with šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶

Miracles only happen for those that believe they are possible. Sometimes we have to adjust our agenda - Doni may never be my prelim or 1.20 horse like I hoped but look at him absolutely crushing the Halloween obstacle challenge šŸ„° he is HAPPY to have this job and itā€™s our job to give them jobs they like. Now, donā€™t you think we owe it to ourselves to do the same for us??? If today were your last day would youā€¦.

Since weā€™re on a roll, just one of my lovely VA barn guys after some neuro/fascia work ā¤ļøFEI eventer who works quite har...

Since weā€™re on a roll, just one of my lovely VA barn guys after some neuro/fascia work ā¤ļøFEI eventer who works quite hard had quite a bit of tension we worked out. Lines in the shoulder can indicate atrophy and/or lack of proper development but also an overload of tension. Combining Magnawave, RLT and various techniques aimed at waking up the neuro pathways via various nerve receptors, giving the nerves space, and freeing up the traffic jams around them in the fascia, all contribute to the softening you see šŸ™šŸ“


Very, very important!

Happy at SES we only use fly masks on the worst of days at the highest part of the day- maybe a couple times a season, a...

Happy at SES we only use fly masks on the worst of days at the highest part of the day- maybe a couple times a season, and only the very fine mesh ones around the eyes- not UV blocking. Very neat discussion

Could your horseā€™s fly mask be interfering with their gut function?

(Edited 11/11/24 to include studies to support my inquiry, and added information on the importance of sunlight)

This is a question I have been wondering about for a while now. Let me explain why.

The science of circadian rhythm is a newly emerging field. Although the cycle of the sun has been a large part of societyā€™s well-being dating back to Egyptians most likely earlier. After all the sphinx does face towards the rising sun. And the culture at Sarmizegetusa in Romania has an entire village set up to reflect different times of day, winter and summer solstice, and even has a large sun dial in the center of their worship.

Circadian clocks in our brain and all around our body controls most (if not all) of our biological processes, which is governed by natural sunlightā€¦ or disrupted by artificial light or lack of natural sunlight. Research now proves that our light environment is as fundamental to our health as air, water, and food. Some would argue it is even more important than what we eat. [PMID: 32668607]

Light is one of the most powerful influencers on all mammalian physiology. Every cell in our body that forms every tissue, organ, skin, everything, relies on a circadian rhythm. And this comes from deep in our brain through our naked eyes.

All mammals have whats called a superchiasmotic nuclei (SCN) that goes from our eyes to our hypothalamus, and is considered our internal time clock. Taking in the light in our environment and interpreting it as to what time of day or night it is in order to synchronize millions of physiological tasks that have to happen inside every single cell at every moment.

Recognizing what blend of light (or darkness) that is happening in present time is crucial to the functioning of all the things that our body needs to accomplish at a cellular level. The back of our eyes captures all of these light frequencies.

When we are attuned to nature, and to natural light, every physiological process is not only synchronized in a circadian rhythm, but this also is how our mitochondria creates a coherent domain water that internally hydrates every surface of our body. This water gives our cells the negative charge needed for optimization. It acts not only as a protective barrier around every hydrophilic surface, but also is how every process in our body communicates with each other. Our internal exclusion zone water transmits signals, emits signals, gathers information around our body, and creates a protective coating so the lining of for example, our endothelial walls, are protected. The water we create is more important than the water we drink. And it is the light from the sun that is crucial for the creation of internal water from our mitochondria.

When we are attuned to artificial light, or even light coming through windows (all windows block out red and IR light), or light coming through sunglasses - the master clock in the brain is being told it is a different time of day and this disrupts the timing of all of our biological processes. This creates a circadian mismatch, or chaos within our body. This also creates cellular dehydration which then gives our cells a positive charge. This positive charge basically means we are loosing our health as we loose this protective coating of coherent domain water, and it looses itā€™s structure and is no longer able to communicate. [PMID: 36030088]

This got me wondering about fly masks as so many are advertised as ā€œUVā€ blockers. And what this is doing to a horseā€™s circadian rhythm. And how their physiological processes effected when the sun entering their SCN is filtered through a mask that is blocking UV light coming from the sun.

The sun contains every color of the rainbow. Some we see, and some light frequencies we donā€™t see. When the sun rises it is super rich in red and infrared light, and as it continues to rise it starts to bring other colors in. At solar noon every color of the rainbow is present. Then as it starts to go towards the opposite horizon it gets more violet and green then red and IR again as it sets.

Natures light is always changing throughout the day. And our bodies, when attuned to this light are responding in unison transforming energies from the sun to our mitochondria. Creating liquid crystalline water that is the primordial quantum molecular machine resulting in 100% efficiency of cellular optimization. Synchronizing all processes in present time.

Not only does artificial light stay the exact same throughout the day, but filtering light through windows or sunglasses also causes a confusion our biology and the timing of when different processes need to happen.

So for example, when our eyes see the sunrise, this mix of red and IR light turns on our hypothalamus through the SCN which is responsible for communicating with our hormone pathways telling them to wake up and synchronize.

When our eyes and skin (skin has non visual photo receptors that support the light coming through the eye) see the rise of UVA, which is when the sun is about 10 degrees above the horizon, this stimulates a few very important processes.

The first pathway to start when our naked eyes see UVA rise from the sun, is serotonin. Serotonin actually comes from tryptophan. Tryptophan is an aromatic amino acid, means it is designed to interact with light and is essentially considered a time crystal. As soon as tryptophan captures UVA light in the back of our eyes, that catalyses tryptophan to become serotonin.

There is a large store of serotonin there found in mammalā€™s guts. The serotonin stores in the small bowel can be harvested to make pineal melatonin from the gut stores of serotonin. The stimulus of this complex program is UV and IR light during the day via the RPE of the eye, with no blue at night. When these factors are present we will get no peristalsis in the gut. This also shut down fat burning. Fat burning by the TCA cycle requires us to see the sunrise. Dr. Jack Kruse

Neuropsin is also stimulated by UVA rise which is involved in anchoring our circadian rhythm.

But then, the dark environment is just as important to this process. When our eyes capture the dark environment, this tells serotonin to convert into melatonin. Melatonin sensitizes the photoreceptors within the retina [PMID: 1582795].

So essentially being outside at UVA rise is what helps us get a restorative sleep. This is true for all mammals.
[PMID: 1582795]

So what do you think happens if the first light in the morning that your eyes see is an artificial light from a lamp, or a phone screen? This tells our brain through our SCN that it is later in the day. This process of tryptophan becoming serotonin is compromised, and you might consider yourself ā€œnot a morning personā€ taking a long time to wake up. Or, you might be tired all day, always exhausted. And you go to bed exhausted yet you might not sleep well since you are now lacking melatonin production.

What about horses who get UVA blocked? Or if the first light they see is a barn light, then goes to their turn out pasture with a fly mask on blocking all UV light? Think about how important serotonin is to the gut. And the gut is intimately connected to brain health, skin health, metabolic health, etc. From what I see, all of these issues seem to be chronic conditions among our equine family. A disruption in circadian rhythms has been directly linked to poor gut microbiota. [PMID: 32668369].

There are also other amino acids that trap UVA rise to become things like dopamine, norepinephrine, thyroid hormone, and most importantly the production of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). Which is a pro hormone that becomes a whole host of downstream molecules that do things like reduce anxiety, improve memory, support healthy immune, reduce compulsive behaviors, enhance dopamine, responsible for ACTH to lower inflammation, or beta endorphins to lower pain.

Anyone with a horse knows of ACTH as this is what is tested for cushings disease. Cushings is another chronic disease among our beloved horses. So is insulin resistance, which has direct links to lack of sunlight. Neurodegeneration has been associated with GI issues via the gut brain axis. Which can be a result when any of the above mentioned pathways are weakened.

UVA rise hitting our naked eyes and bare skin is what stimulates ALL of these neurotransmitters and neuropathways to begin.

When we block UVA, these processes suffer.

Then we have UVB rise, which comes after UVA. You can get the circadian app to see this timing for your location. UVB is crucial not only for for vitamin D synthesis, but also UVB directly modulates microbiome to increase microbial diversity. This happens more when UVB hits the skin, but when the eyes and skin are not in the same circadian timing these pathways can become compromised.

Vitamin D is responsible for anti-inflammatory responses, healthy immune function, among so many other things.

Sunglasses blocks or changes natureā€™s light coming through the eyes. Sunglasses tell our brain that it is twilight, so important functions start to slow down. We have a circadian mismatch between our eyes and the photo receptors on our skin. Important process like digestion, that slows down when the sun goes down, might always be slow. An indoor life, or an outdoor life in sunglasses, is like living in perpetual twilight. Does the same hold true for a horse who always wears a fly mask? If our digestion slows when the sun goes down, and sunglasses cause our body to think it is later in the day, can fly masks do the same thing?

All mammals have this physiology and in the last 15-20 years the sun has become demonized yet we still need it for our survival. As we move further away from nature, our furry 4-leggeds com along with us. We have forgotten how healing the sun is for our survival. Studies that demonize UV from the sun have been done in isolation, without balancing the red and IR and all of the other colors of the rainbow that harmonizes the light spectrums. And now we are covering up our horses with fly masks, fly sheets, blankets, even sprays. And they are also getting sicker and sicker.

Inflammatory problems in so many horses I see mostly with skin and gut. Insulin, cushings. Osteoarthritis, ulcers, microbiome issues, ligament tears, anxiety issues. Could these be a result of blocking their access to nature?This is a picture of my horse with a fly mask that he wore for the most part of his last 3 years. He died from an unexpected gut problem.

So Iā€™m a little late to catching up- ok, a lot late! But ponies with winning braids made me photo dump of mane highlight...

So Iā€™m a little late to catching up- ok, a lot late! But ponies with winning braids made me photo dump of mane highlights for the last month worth of braiding. Thank you to all the wonderful colleagues who let me help on their accounts ā¤ļø also see who can guess which horse is Doni šŸ“šŸ™ con DIOS de cabrestero

This year has been a deep dive into helping my horse Doni specifically by way of nerve release technique. I somehow foun...

This year has been a deep dive into helping my horse Doni specifically by way of nerve release technique. I somehow found Gil Hadley and I felt guided to take "The Nerve Tour," thinking immediately about how I could understand the horse's nervous system better by undertstanding a human's. I bit the bullet and spent all afternoon in Baltimore (my favorite city-cue eye roll now) and while I thought I was prepared, I wasn't. There was so much going on beyond anatomy, and it was beautiful. The energy was always centered around awe for God's creation, the complexity of the body, gratitude for the life of the donor's and the knowledge they gave us, new ways of thinking and approaching things, questioning what we know/knew; and well, I left with a bag full of things I've been ruminating over since then. So I'd like to share 4 things before I forget:

First- how often do we take into account that each body is its own body? Rarely do these bodies in dissection come out as they are portrayed in biology and anatomy books or media. Plus, no two bodies are the same. Often, things are missing, mis-shaped, added, etc. different sizes, shapes, locations. As Gil said, "We don't always see everything in one form, we need many to understand" and encouraged us that because we are all sort of "exceptions" to the book in different ways, we should interpret the information each body gives us not as conflicting but additional. How hard is it to work on the body in any form when no two forms are identical!!! We really have to see "what's in front of us" and kind of forget "what SHOULD be in front of us" !!!! How INCREDIBLE is it to shift our thinking instead of seeing things as "right/wrong" based off an "accepted" illustration but to a paradigmn that we are all legitimate versions of a meat suit that is as unique inside as it is outside... that we don't need to see that as "conflicting" but as "additional" info so as to gain more pieces to the puzzle, a more accurate and complete model of the body than the anatomy book.

When we touch another body, horse or human, how deep is our understanding of their unique anatomy? What about their energetic anatomy?? That is, their unique energetic signature, the frequency, they emit. Are we aware how we are interferring??? Because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. They are just as much participants as they are standbyers when we work with them. I love the analogy Gil used- the photo below is "The tree of souls" which if you recall the characters in the movie Avatar connect their tails with via roots to share information and connect deeply with members of the community. In the "real world" we call this a mycorrhizal network, where non-human, mostly plant life forms connect and converge via tree roots (really the fungi on them) in a mutually beneficial relationship that involves sustance and signals. Yes, trees can sense danger and are screaming below our feet to warn the others... How sh*tty is it that the plants have to be scared of us... among other threats. When did humans become a threat to the Earth as opposed to a friend? Food for thought.
Gil sees what while we don't have tails to connect with trees like this, we still affect each other's nervous systems when we touch: we exchange frequencies- our energetic signatures, among other things, and in this way, we connect into something literally deeper and more profound than the skin. The image of connecting our bodies to who we work on and the bidirectional action/reactions- reminds me of the need to protect ourselves from taking on the other person's energy, or giving too much of our own away, among other things. Not everything that we are given is meant for us, or good for us, and not all that we have to offer is for everyone either. But connecting through the sacrum to another soul (like the Avatars to the Tree of Souls) was such a profound image that I likely won't be able to NOT think about it when I work on my horses. It echoes back to Celeste Lazaris' work about connection and consent- yes, we really need the horse's permission to enter his space and then even more so his body and soul (which are inseperable) and that involves the nervous system trusting us, like the mycorrhizal network in which each life form is vulnerable. Without a certain level of vulnerability and trust, there is no benefit... So let us take a moment next session to reflect on the fragility and reverance, the meaning of touch, and our duty to do no harm.

Another focus that came from left field was the continuity between what is inside and what is out. You've heard "change how you see things and the things you see will change" but it's been explored since maybe the beginning of time by cultures perhaps more intuitive and connected with the Earth than our "modern" Western one how the structure of nature is reflected in our bodies, or/and vice versa. Gil used empty tree branches as the illustrative comparison to nerves, hence he named "the nerve tree" when talking about the nerves and their path in the body. It was incredible to see the nervous system removed from the body and it really did look like a tree. I don't know how many times tears leaked during these 6 hours, but there were tears at the marvel of everything. Bodies of water, waterways converging, patterns in snowflakes, raindrops, trees, leaves; it is all around us, and a part of our own internal "bodyprint" from the pattern of gyri and sulci in the brain, to the arteries, vein, nerve paths and shapes. We cannot separate ourselves from our Maker. The Maker of all living things. We cannot separate ourselves from One-ness with the planet, as much as we try or think we can. We cannot fool nature, who is just waiting for us to accept who we are and what we have to offer. We just need to own it, accept we do not know so many things and stop trying to be right all the time. We know so little. So very little. And it shows. Nature, animals, see us naked on the inside and see us as we are. It is funny to me that we think we can fool them or others into believing we are something we are not... Be AUTHENTIC, be real, not perfect (that's another post for another day).

So lastly I leave you with the profound and proverbial sack of bricks that hit me on the side of the head when Gil talked about how "Separating the heart from the brain is physically impossible:" seeing the dissection pictures really showed me how pop culture is truly far from reality. They work together. They have to. Integral anatomy. I always say "EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED!! Nothing works in a vaccuum" and it turns out it's true: you can't just "listen to your brain" or "your heart" they are one... they cannot operate one without the other. Did you know your brain torques in fluid suspension with every beat of the heart??? Your brain actually beats with your heart... The more I learn, the less I realize I know.

Happy Automn Equinox, everyone. In love, light, and connection.

Now casually for your consideration in utero: SES Coro (Into Mischief x African Legacy x Johannesburg) and proven stalli...

Now casually for your consideration in utero: SES Coro (Into Mischief x African Legacy x Johannesburg) and proven stallion Fabregas (Florencio x De Niro) Royal pedigree in either side speaks for itself. Since the death of our previous chosen stallion, we chose the next best match, Fabregas.

Sure of the TOP Dressage-bred foals in Canada 2019, 2022, 2023! Known for his class, superior rideability, and correct build which he passes on, he is actively doing well at GP and has offspring successfully winning notably in the dressage and hunters. SES aims to create correct, sustainable horses for long term soundness and comfort and ones that have talent for a pro but temperament for an ammy.

Very much looking forward to powering through this weekend at Colonial Classic as we close out summer show season. What ...

Very much looking forward to powering through this weekend at Colonial Classic as we close out summer show season. What an awesome season itā€™s been this year!


Say YEA !!!

Not having money is just not an excuse. While I may not be in a position to donate dollars, I can at least help the caus...

Not having money is just not an excuse. While I may not be in a position to donate dollars, I can at least help the cause in other ways like donating my services to the most deserving- service animals. Flying Free Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc. cares SO much for everyone and everything under their care. Therapeutic riding, equotherapy, equine assisted healing: these are all things close to my heart and meaningful to my own story. I am so so happy I can give back

Tis the season!!! Only got a couple pictures last weekend was a doozy and this weekendā€™s forecast is more of the same lo...

Tis the season!!! Only got a couple pictures last weekend was a doozy and this weekendā€™s forecast is more of the same lol but so pleased with New Jersey Thoroughbred Spectacular! One of the better run shows Iā€™ve been to complete with a well stocked hospitality table. M

And PSA: one way for your braider to love you and go above and beyond for you: be a good client! Extra points: leave homemade food lol I had a PHENOMENAL new one at this show I hope you can support her in New Jersey if you go, face cupcake and brownie. She was so sweet (pun half intended) and left treats šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² for most of us Braiders we donā€™t get breaks at nightā€¦ 10-12 hours on the ladder. We might sneak a snack and chug some liquid between horses so when people leave me food (anything! But especially good, homemade food lol) well. Itā€™s just a REAL treat. Telling Braiders to grab a water or snack out of your pile is a huge courtesy that while not expected, really makes a difference to us. But this family went above and beyond and I canā€™t be more thankful. I LOVED THEM!!! The cake was light but sturdy, and not overpowering or too sugary/sweet which is the biggest problem I find when I am not making them myself. So I was THRILLED!!! The coffee one was probably my favorite but she makes close to 40 flavors šŸ˜® hoping you guys can show her some love. And shop SMALL whenever possible. Thanks for the support as I continue to learn and improve

Thanks  for the support!! As of right now there is a waitlist for Colonial Classic, possibly a few slots for Saturday ni...

Thanks for the support!! As of right now there is a waitlist for Colonial Classic, possibly a few slots for Saturday night, but still able to help out with magnawave and stall picks/feedings!

Why is it so important that you keep dentals up to date and make sure you have a GOOD dentist? EVERYTHING is connected, ...

Why is it so important that you keep dentals up to date and make sure you have a GOOD dentist?

EVERYTHING is connected, as I always say. Some people know just that the hyoid apparatus connects the mouth to the hind end but thatā€™s not even the tip of the iceberg. God is so amazing and His thought into creation never ceases to amaze me. The teeth being properly floated for a balanced mouth means the rest of the body can better achieve balance too. The body influences the teeth and the teeth influence the body as well when you talk ā€œbalanceā€. Whether Western or Oriental philosophy, anatomy doesnā€™t lie and nothing works in a vacuum.

Lest we forget that last piece- we must look at the whole picture and all the variables even when it seems ā€œunrelatedā€


Putnam, CT





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