The pups have been keeping cool with a splash pad and a swimming pool 🌊 Both provide great opportunities for physical, sensory, and cognitive enrichment.
Pups like Roger have even been able to increase their confidence. We began slowly shaping him using the splash pad. Then, reinforcing him when he started choosing it on his own! Go Roger 🎊
#splashpad #splashpadking #kiddiepool #enrichment #doggydaycare #doggysleepover #dogsofquincy #dog #quincy #dogsofboston #boston #enrichmentfordogs
#seaside #k9s #seasidek9s #waterplay #daycamp #🐾
Pancake and Pretzel used their lil brains to contribute to research at the Canine Brains Project at Harvard 🧠🐾 The study is on motion and emotion and will be published soon!
#bullterrier #caninebrain #research #emotion #motion #scienceisimportant #harvard #academia #education @canine_brains
Duke and Dakota 🐇🐇#doggydaycare #smallplaygroups #dogsleepover #dog #quincy #dogsofquincy #dogplaytime #seaside #k9s #seasidek9s #dogsofboston #boston #bestfriends #🐶 #bestdogfriends #socialization #appropriateplay