Quincy Veterinary Clinic

Quincy Veterinary Clinic Our mission at Quincy Vet Clinic is to provide compassionate medical care to all of our patients whi

Learn why a well-exercised dog makes for a happy pet owner! https://bit.ly/2VvxgFH

Learn why a well-exercised dog makes for a happy pet owner! https://bit.ly/2VvxgFH

There is an old saying that couldn't be truer: "A tired dog is a good dog." Just like with people, when dogs receive a healthy balance of physical and mental stimulation, they will be happy and well-adjusted. Your dog wakes up each morning with a certain amount of physical and mental energy that he....

How do dogs feel about hugs? https://bit.ly/36zwoCe

How do dogs feel about hugs? https://bit.ly/36zwoCe

Hugging an unwilling dog puts them under stress — which means they may bite next. Here's the science-backed answer to the question "Do dogs like hugs?"


The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. –Samuel Butler

What is feline asthma, and what are the signs? https://bit.ly/3eaGzBF

What is feline asthma, and what are the signs? https://bit.ly/3eaGzBF

Suggested Articles Feline Asthma: What You Need To Know Lung Ailments: A Widespread Source of Feline Woe Dyspnea Pneumonia Nasopharyngeal Polyps For some cats, this common respiratory affliction can have perilous consequences. More than 80 million cats currently live in American homes, and veterinar...

Quick treatment for an abscess can mean a better outcome for your cat. What treatment is needed? https://bit.ly/2UHTHqS

Quick treatment for an abscess can mean a better outcome for your cat. What treatment is needed? https://bit.ly/2UHTHqS

Abscesses — painful infected wounds — usually require a vet visit. Quick, proper cat abscess treatment usually means a better outcome.


“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” ―Anatole France

What's causing that bald spot on your cat? https://bit.ly/3uoum1i

What's causing that bald spot on your cat? https://bit.ly/3uoum1i

It's sometimes hard to notice an issue with your cat losing hair since cats are famous for constantly grooming themselves. But, paying closer attention to your cat's behavior can help you notice more serious signs regarding hair loss. Find out more about your cat and allergies, psychological issues,...

Did you know dogs can get skin tags too? https://bit.ly/3fkdAw1

Did you know dogs can get skin tags too? https://bit.ly/3fkdAw1

Dogs sometimes develop skin tags. Learn about skin tags on dogs and how to identify them. Find out what to do if your dog has a skin tag.

What causes that sore spot when a dog licks too much? https://bit.ly/3bVEyrS

What causes that sore spot when a dog licks too much? https://bit.ly/3bVEyrS

It's a lot like kids who suck their thumb — once the habit starts, it's hard to break. Here's what you need to know about causes and treatment.

Cats are notorious for their moods. Use this guide to better understand their body language. https://bit.ly/34ipBfa

Cats are notorious for their moods. Use this guide to better understand their body language. https://bit.ly/34ipBfa

Is there a way to read cat moods? Dr. Ellen Malmanger shares some insight and tips for how to tell a cat’s mood by their ears, tail, eyes, and body positions.

Drowning in dog hair? Try these tips. https://wb.md/3eNwwlc

Drowning in dog hair? Try these tips. https://wb.md/3eNwwlc

Learn about common causes of excessive shedding in dogs and tips on how to minimize it.

Why does your dog scoot across the floor? https://bit.ly/3aaNhFt

Why does your dog scoot across the floor? https://bit.ly/3aaNhFt

Learn more about dog a**l gland issues and why your dog is scooting here.

What's the easiest way to trim your dog's nails? https://bit.ly/3agTkIW

What's the easiest way to trim your dog's nails? https://bit.ly/3agTkIW

Are you nervous to cut your dog's long nails? Not to fear—here's a step-by-step guide on how to trim dog nails that are overgrown.

Did you know >80% of dogs have some form of dental disease by age 3? Learn how to prevent this in your dog. http://bit.l...

Did you know >80% of dogs have some form of dental disease by age 3? Learn how to prevent this in your dog. http://bit.ly/2OIAXCf

Dog dental care is an essential part of your pet’s overall well-being. Here are five reasons why you should start incorporating dental care into your dog’s daily routine.

Does your dog chew up your furniture or doors? https://bit.ly/3siWW37

Does your dog chew up your furniture or doors? https://bit.ly/3siWW37

When a dog chews on the wrong things or digs in the wrong place but does not have any other symptoms, this is considered a primary destructive behavior. Dogs that have other symptoms like anxiety, fear, or aggression in combination with their destructive behavior.

Does your pup seem shy? Here's how to help him gain more confidence. https://bit.ly/3suCRap

Does your pup seem shy? Here's how to help him gain more confidence. https://bit.ly/3suCRap

If you have a nervous or timid dog, there are a variety of confidence-building exercises that you can use to help them become more confident and brave.

Does your cat vocalize or spray? This could be why. https://bit.ly/3snsPHI

Does your cat vocalize or spray? This could be why. https://bit.ly/3snsPHI

Learn what causes common kitty behavior problems, including chronic licking, aggression, urinary issues, and more, as well as how to solve them.

Are service dogs born or raised? The answer may surprise you. https://bit.ly/3ecAEfk

Are service dogs born or raised? The answer may surprise you. https://bit.ly/3ecAEfk

DARPA, the military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is using the latest in medical technology to determine if young pups can be scientifically tested to determine the best candidates for service.


In case you missed it this past week….
Beginning in 1993, National Vet Tech Appreciation Week exists to enlighten the public about veterinary technicians and assistants and provide an opportunity to support, encourage and show gratitude to these crucial staff members. Vet techs are versatile and highly-trained experts. A vet tech can serve as a laboratory technician, a nurse, a radiation tech, an anesthetist, and a teacher all in one day. Being a vet tech is hard during the best of times, let alone during a global pandemic. Not only are they on their feet all day, get up at all hours of the night for emergencies, they are now having to work extra hard with often anxious clients and higher work loads and increased stress as we deal with ever changing protocols and dangers brought on by this pandemic. Our ability to stay working on the front lines and provide continuous essential veterinary care was in no small part due to these excellent staff members. The effects of the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone with the pandemic triggering one of the worst job crises as well as a huge impact on mental health. Burnout is commonplace and I can't begin to say how grateful and proud I am of the staff members who stayed strong through all of this, stuck through the rough times and worked to create resilience, manage stress and build one of the strongest, best trained, loyal and fun teams I have ever had the privilege of working with. Today I want to take a moment to honor their commitment to our team, our hospital, our clients and patients, and for continuing each day to provide high-quality, compassionate care. Thanks for helping me to remember why I love this field so much and for keeping a smile on your face, day after day, despite the high workload and stress. I hope you all know how much I appreciate you and how proud I am of all of you. And to all our loyal and supportive clients, this week, please take a moment to thank a vet tech for all they do! Your positive comments, words of gratitude and support is greatly appreciated.

Happy Veterinary Technician Week!  The week of October 17-23, 2021 has been set aside as National Veterinary Technician ...

Happy Veterinary Technician Week! The week of October 17-23, 2021 has been set aside as National Veterinary Technician Week to celebrate, recognize, and promote the valuable contributions veterinary technicians and assistants make to the veterinary profession and society. Please join us as we show our technicians how much they mean to us!

While the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all of us, throughout this pandemic, I have watched as Dr. Lindsey and our en...

While the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all of us, throughout this pandemic, I have watched as Dr. Lindsey and our entire team at Quincy Veterinary Clinic has sacrificed, persevered and stayed positive day after day. When the storm winds hit, instead of hiding, Dr. Lindsey, you spread your wings and soared. I know our entire team appreciates all you have done and continue to do. I admire all of my team members’ strength and am grateful for the hard work, sacrifice and expertise you provide for our patients and their owners, no matter the circumstances. I appreciate the smile you bring to my face whenever I see all of you. Teams are only as good as the individuals who form them, and I am so lucky to have some of the best individuals in the world on our team.
In this time of so much stress and discouragement, please take a moment to share your words of gratitude and encouragement with our essential veterinary team in the comments below


COVID-19, and all the changes it has brought to our lives, personally, socially, and professionally has been overwhelming. Life at Quincy Veterinary Clinic has changed as well as we have worked to accommodate the changes in the past year while keeping things moving as efficiently as possible. The most obvious change, and the aspect I want to address in this statement, is that we have been so busy and our schedule fills so quickly that at times we have been unable to provide the same on-demand care our clients have come to expect from us.
Historically, one could call us with a concern, and our schedule was structured such that we could arrange a visit within a day or two if not shorter. This was not possible because we had nothing to do, but because we intentionally built our schedule around being conveniently accessible to our clients and patients when they needed us for urgent care and emergencies.
When COVID-19 hit and the governor of Washington ordered the Shelter in Place, there were restrictions placed on even essential businesses such as ours. Appointment, medical and surgical service availability at all hospitals and clinics were reduced. Quincy Veterinary Clinic remained open and served our community’s emergency and urgent care needs, utilizing the best protocols possible during this time period.
Consequently, we have been inundated with new client and patient requests in addition to keeping up with our long-term clients and have become backlogged as routine care was often postponed. We are aware that many clients have genuine needs. And while we absolutely loathe turning away even one patient who needs assistance, time is a limited resource. We are doing everything we can to meet the needs of as many patients as possible, day in and day out.
To all our clients, we appreciate your loyalty and understanding during this time. We are grateful for your trust and your business. We are managing during this pandemic to the best of our ability while still providing the highest quality veterinary care in a kind, compassionate way for you and your pet. During this time of limited capacity, we will continue to do all we can but please understand that our schedule may not be as flexible for you as in the past. We kindly ask that you call for appointments as far in advance as possible. It is our hope that this is only a temporary necessity as we all work through this unforeseen experience together.
Finally, please take a moment to thank all the veterinary team who have continued putting themselves on the line as essential workers throughout this time. Together, with patience and compassion, we will make our way through these challenging times.

Shawna Bais, DVM and the Team at Quincy Veterinary Clinic

We ask that everyone join us in welcoming Dr. Lindsey to our veterinary team!  We are so excited to have her and eager f...

We ask that everyone join us in welcoming Dr. Lindsey to our veterinary team! We are so excited to have her and eager for you to get to know her better! Dr. Lindsey may be well known to many of you as she is a hometown girl born and raised in the Quincy Valley. She attended K-12th grade in Quincy. She then attended undergraduate studies in Animal Science and Agribusiness at University of Idaho. Dr. Lindsey then attended St. George’s University in Grenada, West Indies for her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and completed her clinical training at Iowa State University. She is passionate about animals both large and small, but food animals are her main interest with a particular interest in pigs. In her free time, Dr. Lindsey enjoys playing with her 3 dogs and cat, swimming, and being anywhere that has warm weather and a beach. She is excited to be back working in her hometown and build long lasting relationships with her clients and patients.

The week of October 11-17, 2020 has been set aside as National Veterinary Technician Week.  This is a chance for all of ...

The week of October 11-17, 2020 has been set aside as National Veterinary Technician Week. This is a chance for all of us to thank and recognize the many valuable contributions our Veterinary Assistants and Licensed Veterinary Technicians make to the veterinary profession and society, but I am especially proud and thankful for the team here at Quincy Veterinary Clinic! They put in long days (and often nights!) and display complete dedication to serving in a caregiver role, while also ensuring that our clients feel valued. They are on the frontlines, compassionately working with clients whose beloved animals need care. They work tirelessly, putting their vast knowledge to treating and caring for every species of animal. And this year, they have been tested like never before. As though it wasn’t stressful enough, deemed essential personnel, they have continued to go to work every day in spite of the risks during COVID. But their love for animals and clients and the work they do keeps them working day after day, with a smile and warm greeting always ready even when they are exhausted. I am forever thankful and proud of this team and hope you take a moment to let them know how much they have meant to you as well.


Please join us as Dr. Bais explains what to do with your pet during the hot summer weather. Thank you for watching and as always, if you have any questions or concerns about your pet's health, please call us at 509-787-2611


Dear Valued Client,

As the Coronavirus and its impact continues to evolve and develop, we remain focused on the health and safety of our communities, as well as our commitment to our patients and clients. During this time we will continue to provide for the comprehensive medical and surgical needs of your animal.

We are here to serve and support you and are working hard to ensure we can provide uninterrupted, dependable service. In response to the growing health concerns, we continue to take steps to make sure our hospital is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. We are also prepared to assist anyone who would prefer curbside appointments and payments for your pet’s needs. If you would like to remain in your car for the appointment, please call ahead at 509-787-2611. We hope we can make your visit to our hospital a positive, efficient and quality experience and look forward to serving you.

Did you know that February is Pet Dental Health Month?  80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal diseas...

Did you know that February is Pet Dental Health Month? 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease by the age of 3, and this will only worsen if effective preventive measures aren’t taken. Preventive care can help protect your pet and catch problems before they become more serious. Call us for an appointment if your pet hasn’t had a dental exam this year.

We all know how important it is to have veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants everywhere in the world. They h...

We all know how important it is to have veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants everywhere in the world. They have a crucial responsibility of helping look after animals and their welfare as well as being there for owners. While we should show our love and appreciation for our veterinary technicians and assistants every day of the year, Oct 13-19, 2019 is National Veterinary Technician Week. This time provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your appreciation. So please join us as we celebrate these amazing team members and bring them a special treat, write a note of thank you, or feel free to comment your appreciation below. I know I am proud to “brag” publicly about our amazing team. They definitely deserve it!

We are committed to providing high-quality care for your pet. Now we have a new and easy way to care for your companion ...

We are committed to providing high-quality care for your pet. Now we have a new and easy way to care for your companion with our improved online pharmacy. Not only can you save time and money, you can have peace of mind that when you order from our online pharmacy, the products come from trusted manufacturers who meet strict safety and quality standards. Visit our pharmacy at quincyveterinaryclinic.vetsfirstchoice.com

Check out our convenient home delivery option for flea and tick preventative plus other medications and prescription foo...

Check out our convenient home delivery option for flea and tick preventative plus other medications and prescription food. Now it is easy to stay up to date and remember to keep your pet protected from fleas and ticks.

Our other clinic cat, Freda, was found as a tiny, orphaned kitten about 2 days old.  Freda was bottle raised by one of o...

Our other clinic cat, Freda, was found as a tiny, orphaned kitten about 2 days old. Freda was bottle raised by one of our staff members. She likes hanging out with her best friend, Boris, and her favorite spot is sitting in her cat bed on top of the refrigerator where she can survey the room. She loves her Science Diet cat food and adores any box that she can try to get in!


DYK? Ticks are second only to mosquitoes in the number of diseases they transmit. Ask us how to keep these pests from attaching to-and feeding on-your pets!

Our Clinic cat, Boris, was surrendered to the hospital after being hit by a car and sustaining a broken leg.  His leg fr...

Our Clinic cat, Boris, was surrendered to the hospital after being hit by a car and sustaining a broken leg. His leg fracture was surgically repaired and healed great. Now you would never know anything had ever happened to him. Boris loves cuddling and his favorite spot is draped over someone's shoulder. He endears himself to everyone with his sweet personality.


616 F Street SW
Quincy, WA


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