With StudioSizzle Hair Salon – I just got recognized as one of their rising fans! 🎉
I'm sorry this is so long, but I have witnessed a miracle today!!....
I know some of you saw my post about my kittens. I'm so proud of my dogs, they have all done great!
I/s×s, on the other hand, have not done so well! Sunday, we got 2....
they're so little I can't see them in the grass and they haven't learned yet to stay away from the s×s. On Monday, we got another one (the little runt and my pick from the beginning). After picking it up and apologizing
to it, loving on it and crying, I put it in the back of the s×s with the other 2 (that I had forgotten about the day before). I was about to put them in their final resting place when I thought I saw the little runt move. I thought I probably just bumped or something when I picked the other one up. I watched it and saw it move again and I could see the very shallow breathing. Now, this baby had been in the back of the s×s since early evening YESTERDAY!! I came in and mixed up some milk for it and started feeding it with a syringe about every hour. Each time, I could tell it was a little stronger. About 24 hours after the accident, it finally opened it's eyes....then started trying to crawl around on me. It still can't really stand up and walk much, but
I'm thankful it's alive!We've still got a long way to go, but I have cried, worked with and prayed for this baby all day! I'm posting some pics of the progress.
I had 6 beautiful little pure
KuneKunes born today! I think there are 5 girls and 1 boy.
Aren't these boys handsome?!?!
I absolutely love this color!
One has wattles one doesnt.
Praying mom will decide to feed them!