Q: Why are there two fenced off areas? A: These two areas are aptly named the "Small Dog Park" and the "Big Dog Park." The "Big Dog Park" is for all dogs, regardless of size. However, we do ask that if it is crowded or if your small dog is skittish around larger dogs, to please take your dog into the "Small Dog Park." The "Small Dog Park" is for smaller dogs, as well as those who are elderly or
"slower" and want to enjoy the socialization of the dog park. This area is also an excellent section of the park for new dog-parkers to try out the dog park before entering into the larger area. DOG PARK RULES:
- Daily hours of operation are from sunrise to sunset.
- All dogs outside the off-leash dog park fence must be and remain on a leash at all times (City Code 12-3011).
- It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of a dog to fail to remove f***s deposited by the dog on publicly owned property (City Code Sec. 12-3011[b]).
- Female dogs in heat are not permitted to use the dog park (City Code 12-3012).
- It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to provide current rabies inoculation for any dog 4 months or older. The metal tag shall be securely fastened to the dog’s collar (City Code 12-3008).
- Puppies using this park must be a minimum of 4 months old. All dogs shall be healthy and properly vaccinated.
- Handlers must carry a leash and remain inside the fenced area within view and voice control of their dogs at all times.
- Acts of aggression against other dogs or people are prohibited. Dogs must be removed if uncontrollable.
- Handlers must stop dogs from digging and must fill any hole created by their dogs.
- Close adult supervision is required at all times for children under the age of 12.
- No dog food or toys of any kind are allowed within the off-leash area.
- No littering. Place all trash in receptacles.
- Climbing on or over the fence is not permitted.
- Parks and Recreation staff has the authority to close the site for maintenance, weather related problems and special events.