Our Story
Whisker Warriors Animal Defense Fund, doing business as Rancho Cordova Whisker Warriors, defend those who can’t speak for themselves.
Mission statement: Dedicated to reducing animal overpopulation, specifically through spay/neuter, and to ensure the care and well-being of felines and canines in our community. Defending those who can't speak for themselves
Specific purposes:
Care for Community Cats. Provide resources to continue TNR (Trap Neuter Return) for the homeless cats in our community. Provide food and shelter for Community Cat populations in our community.
Spay/Neuter programs. Partner with the City Council, Animal Services and other non-profits with similar missions to provide resources for residents to have access to free or very low cost spay/neuter services for all pets.
Animal Welfare Education. Partner with Animal Services and other non-profits to provide awareness of services available and education regarding animal care in schools and in the community at large.
Assist Animal Services (RCAS) in their mission. Provide volunteer support to Rancho Cordova Animal Services. RCAS’s mission is: To promote the humane treatment of animals through education, and to eliminate the need for euthanasia of healthy animals. Promote responsible pet ownership and increase the community’s standard of animal care through example, education and compliance with applicable laws.