Here is a simple combination for a home made balanced meal for your pet. This is a grain free and starch free recipe. Dogs are facultative carnivores and do NOT need those carbs. By just feeding a blend of balanced vegetables that provide natural vitamins and minerals, plus protein and a good source of fat, that is all your pet needs to be healthy.
A reminder how seed oils are made. Please look at your food and their ingredients. You and your pets are consuming these on a daily basis. Seed oils: canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, rice bran, safflower, soybean and sunflower oil. The solvent they use is hexane….. is like gasoline.
Another healthy treat option. Don’t over do it since it is higher in calories. I would do once a day only.
#dogfoodallergies #foodallergies #dogfood
Our patient is super excited while waiting to get his home made food served. His ear infections have resolved, he has lost all the extra weight and is lean and happy!