My friend sent me a creative idea for those of us who have loved and cared for fur friends. They live a kinda short life and we mourn their friendship and Agape.. unconditional love .. they give us. Make a ( in my case fake) succulent garden from their food dish.. if you want, place their collar and tags around the dish. I had a crockery dish that has ‘dog’ on the front. Since we have had cats, dogs, birds, ; I chose to include what was available. My friend gave me the ‘ friendship Angel’ and I found the dog and cat little jewelry boxes at Hobby Lobby along with the little flowers, succulent and butterflies. The little church sits on top of a little bird bath from the fairy garden collection. I am a sucker for sparkles so I held them in place with them ( they are in the wedding collection area )... so here is to all our old friends Maggie,Ajax, Chester , Trigger, Maddie , Max , Ginger... several birds... and my childhood friends Bootsie and Mitsy... oh yea, and Mr. Wandernose... a painted turtle I had when we lived in Mitchell.