Weather related
Delayed opening to 9:30 am
At the end of July we got our silencer chute scale assembled at the clinic! 🙌
We are ready to precondition and wean calves followed by preg checks right around the corner. We are still able to come to you as well with our portable Titan West, but this is a much needed add on that we are very happy with for in clinic haul-ins.
Big shout out to the assembly crew, you know who you are and we couldn’t have done it without you!
It’s that time of year again!🧨
If your dog/s have trouble with fireworks, thunderstorms or any other loud noises, we have products here that can help!
One of those products we have is called Sileo®. Over the years our staff and clients have had good luck with Sileo®.
We do have alternatives as well.
Call the clinic or stop in to talk about these products.
Here are some FAQs.
Have a Happy Memorial Day from all of us!
And if you didn’t know, these chains and straps are for pulling calves, of course. 👍 We are stocked up on our calving supplies! Let us know if you need anything specific. 🐮
It is never easy to say goodbye to some of our closest friends, family or companions. Our pets. It is one of the last selfless things we can do for them to end or prevent any chronic pain or suffering that is untreatable. After all, they gave joy and love their whole life, so we could do our best to care for them and give it back for part of ours. We find ourselves having to offer humane euthanasia to our patients even more in the cold months and around the holidays. We grieve with their family for their loss. In remembrance and in their honor, share a picture of your beloved pet below with a story, their favorite toy or something they loved to do…
Is your dog scared of fireworks and/or thunderstorms? We have products that could work for them! We will open today, tomorrow, and Friday from 8 to 5, if you need any calming agents for your pets!
We will not be open next Monday AND Tuesday to allow Dr. Giffin and staff time to spend with their families and friends. ♥️ 🧨 🌭
As always… Dr. Giffin will be available for emergencies.