I highly recommend this book when introducing a new furry member into your family. We strongly suggest taking your time. Go slow … kittens introducing to adult cats is a lot easier than introducing an adult cat to other cats. Go slow and be patient. You can call me with all questions and concerns . Please never think your bothering me . I’d rather you ask and do this correctly then to stress the kitten / cat and yourself .
The key to this is to go sloooow ! I can’t stress how important this is . Allowing time for your new kitty to acclimate. Please remember the worse thing is allowing the new kitty the run of the house . Keeping your new kittyin one room . Allowing time for your kitty to acclimate slowly to their new home environment. This can take one day, several days to weeks .
Every cat / kitten is an individual just like you ❤️
Cat vs. Cat: Keeping Peace When You Have More Than One Cat