Meet sweet Zucchini.
Zucchini is 5 months old, a “mini” bernedoodle.
She is 20 pounds currently, and expected to be a medium sized dog. She was surrendered to Zoe’s House from a commercial breeder with her brother cupid.
Zucchini is the most adorable, precious, cuddly, affectionate puppy her foster family has ever known.
She loves to be held on her back
in your arms or on your chest, just like a baby.
Zucchini is a very happy girl, loves to play outside, and loves the cold weather. She is
full of puppy energy.
She must have a fenced/secure yard to burn her energy, walks daily would be great as well as weather permits. She is great with people of all ages, but can jump up on on little kids, so we prefer ages 6 and up in her new home.
Zucchini currently is being fostered with an 80 lb Bernedoodle and a 10 lb mini Goldendoodle.
She loves to play with them. She is still learning manners, so needs fed separately.
She has not been with any
cats yet, but we can test if needed.
Zucchini is working on her social skills and leash training.
Zucchini is learning “leave it”, “come”, “sit”, “stay”.
Zucchini is a smart puppy, but would benefit from formal puppy training classes and keeping her socialized.
Zucchini follows her foster family everywhere, a little Velcro pup. She will even lay her head on
their feet when they stand still.
She is still afraid of some noises and new
things, but with slow introductions she is more confident with time.
Zucchini will need regular 8-week grooming as this breed requires.
She is working on potty training, she just needs consistency to get there fully in her new home.
She loves to chew things that are no-no's like a typical puppy her age, so she must be supervised when she is awake and roaming around.
Zucchini is spayed, microchipped, utd on vaccines, and preventions.
If she sounds like the right fit for your family please apply at: zoeshouserescue.com
(*She is being fostered in Shewsbury, PA. so any potential adopters must travel with all family members& other dogs to meet her.)
Kennel License 9117
PO Box 2372
Reading, PA. 19608