I have so much back posting to do but this one needed to be made.
Michelle, don’t hate me for leaving the sound on 🫣
Cheers to this lady for being the woman behind the scenes, right up front; and sometimes in costume! We can always get it done and we will always have fun somehow. I am so grateful for you.
I am so grateful to have this beautiful, peaceful place to do everything from silly to serious. To have clients that will entrust me with their horses to bring them along like Sara’s Clover. So thank you to all you moving pieces; barn owners, caretakers, clients, friends… there’s nothing quite like a barn family ❤️
Please enjoy some sillies with “baby” Clover because we sure had fun!!
Time to shine a little spotlight on Taz! This quirky Standardbred has really impressed me with how hard he tries to learn his job. From race horse to pleasure horse, I sure am enjoying this journey.
If his goofy personality doesn’t catch your attention, his movement certainly will! Thank you, Jamie, for trusting me to bring your handsome boy along ❤️
Elvis free
What better way to beat this dreary weather we’ve been having than to let the kids strut their stuff a little! HUGE shout out to Michelle for being a super woman and helping me make this happen!!
We all knew Elvis was fantastic already but he even warmed up in a perfect circle around me each way and enjoyed himself so much, he just kept taking himself through while I adjusted in between. His cool out was to follow me around while I put everything away. You just can’t help but love this horse and this breed 💕
Jasper free
What better way to beat this dreary weather we’ve been having than to let the kids strut their stuff a little! HUGE shout out to Michelle for being a super woman and helping me make this happen!!
Jasper 😍 This little man is going to be something special! It was nice to get to see him move a little and be just as athletic over fences as I thought but still a lazy boy! He even followed me around to cool out afterwards ☺️
Taz free
What better way to beat this dreary weather we’ve been having than to let the kids strut their stuff a little! HUGE shout out to Michelle for being a super woman and helping me make this happen!!
Taz, the slinky, thinks trot poles are nonsense and doesn’t it’s really worth his while to do this “go” thing. The ball was his favorite part.
Lazy boy! Can’t wait to finish getting him sorted out so we can start working!!