Look out world, Teddy is hopped up on goofballs today. #seniordog #fosterdog #fosteringsaveslives
When there is one night you’re the only two dogs in shelter and there are shenanigans to be had with that lady with the toys.
These two are such sweet cupcakes. We love getting to know our guests and spend time with them.
#ParkFire #youresafe #northerncalifornia #communitysupport
Guinea Pigs 🐹
Our little guinea pig guests are starting to be more social and settled in. Huge shout out to Tori for taking a 3 AM volunteer shift. #ParkFire #northerncalifornia #ittakesavillage #community
Our evacuated dogs are passing the time with KONG enrichment.
Red Bluff Small Animal Evacuation
14 dogs were dropped off overnight
No one believes Teddy is between 15 and 19 years old when they watch him play! #seniordog #fosterdog #terriermix #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #fosteringsaveslives #northerncalifornia
Our sweet little Elfin Rabbit isn’t feeling very well today and could use everyone’s good thoughts. 💔💔
I don’t know why, but watching Teddy’s ears flop when he runs is my favorite. 🐶
#seniordog #terriermix #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #opttoadopt
Elfin Rabbit when dinner is served 10 minutes later than normal. To top it off, I had the audacity to serve him chicken when he clearly wanted pork.
#seniordogs #sundayfunday #rescuedismyfavoritebreed
Apparently Teddy is hopped up on goofballs tonight. I love seeing him feeling so much better and showing more personality. 💜