Ollie is a year old, 7lb poodle mix who is playful, people orientated and outgoing. Ready for a new family to scoop him up
Meryl is still looking for a new family. She is 9months old, 40 lbs, spayed/vaccinated/microchipped. Meryl loves other dogs big and small and would love a big brother or sister. She is patient, smart and curious. Meryl has a calm, gentle personality and is fostered around cats/kids. House/crate trained, learning basic manners and all around sweet girl
Meryl out here living her best life. #adoptme #redbluffca #sunsetwalks
Meryl is always very demure and mindful when playing fetch. This adorable lady is now ready for adoption. 8 months old, 35lb queensland mix, good with cats/kids/ dog, housetrained, fully vetted mellow, playful and perfect. #demure #mindful #meryl #redbluffcalifornia #adoptme
After over 100 days in a shelter, Eagle is fitting nicely into his foster family until a forever home can be found. This cute 6 month old has been great with kids, cats and other dogs. Learning basic manners and crate training. He is good natured, smart and affectionate. Available for adoption from @tehamaanimals in Red Bluff, CA. Neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Only $45 to take him home today.
George is all healed up and ready for his family to find him. He is a 10 month old, 85 lb mastiff mix. He is goofy, outgoing and gentle. Fostered around kids, cats and other dogs. Crate trained, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and heartworm prevention. Available from @tehamaanimals in #redbluffca.
Just over 3 weeks since Roz had both her front leg fracture repairs and we couldn’t be more proud of her. She still has another month of exercise restriction and rest but she’s enjoying her little outdoor time.
Our Roz gal is up and walking today. We’re so amazed by this sweet lady!
If you look just “Over the Hedge” you’ll see our newest arrivals. This sweet little family was found abandoned with mom when they were just days old. They’re growing up so fast and will be available early next month. Mom is a 12 lb poodle mix and all the pups appear to have taken after her with curl coats.
Frank is a young husky/shepherd available from @tehamaanimals in #redbluff