Would you just look at this, this could be the very best heifer we have ever bred here at HCC. Look at the face, look at the color and then look at her pedigree, Oh my, Oh my !!!
Helm Sonata 487
HL Omaha x Helm Ariel 574
DOB: 8/23/24
Sired by "HL Omaha" who is a maternal brother to "HR Rosette" (104" ttt) who is the highest selling cow of all time in the Texas Longhorn public auction arena at $700,000. "Sonata's" Dam is "Helm Ariel 574" who has given us (7) consecutive natural born heifers of which (3) have sold in public auction for a collective $91,000. "Sonata" has an impeccable pedigree filled with Paternal and Maternal Greats, "HL Heads Up", "Hubbells 20 Gauge", "Drag Iron", "Cowboy Tuff Chex", "JP Rio Grande", "Concealed Weapon" (2x), "Tejas Star" and many others. On the Maternal side "Helm Ariel", "HR Rose", "SHR Majestic Mermaid", "HL Tuffs Stardom", "LLL Rosemary", "Hubbells Rio Glory", "RC Pacific Mermaid" , "BL Rio Cachit", "WS Sunstar", "WS Sunrise", "Delta Van Horne" and many more. This very may prove to be the best heifer we have ever bred and she is a real beauty. Great Expectaions Here !!!