Epona Mustangs

Epona Mustangs mustangs & c**t starting with a compassionate approach. Epona Mustangs on Instagram, YT, and TikTok

Super nice horses available!!

Super nice horses available!!

in love with these photos by Rhen Vega Photography, she did an incredible job capturing Cinna 🤍i promised to tell her st...

in love with these photos by Rhen Vega Photography, she did an incredible job capturing Cinna 🤍

i promised to tell her story but what i wrote proved too long for instagram, and so did the video i made. it’s up on youtube, with the written version as well. i wanted to share all of cinna’s story, from the very beginning, with all the roadblocks along the way, and how this beautiful mare changed my life.

the long and short of it, for those who have not been following cinnamon from the beginning, was that malnourishment when she was in utero in the wild was the most likely cause of her premature arthritis which was already developing when i got her as a yearling. she was sound and had a good quality of life to give her time to wait and see what she did because there was hope that her pasterns would fuse and she would be perfectly fine to live out her days, but things started looking worse and it became apparent that was not going to be the case, so i let her go last month.

i miss my cinna girl, i may not have been able to see her much the past year but knowing she was out there and we’d be together again one day had always brought me comfort, i basically grew up with her and prince. it’s been hard knowing she’s gone, even though i know she is at peace.

i’ve always listened to cinnamon and when she was happy, lively, and full of fight i did everything i could to give her ...

i’ve always listened to cinnamon and when she was happy, lively, and full of fight i did everything i could to give her the best chance. i always listened to the vets and got many different opinions and we gave her five more happy years. she got to live her best life in a field with friends and was always the first to start playing and enjoying herself.

tragically the time came when cinna told us she was getting tired… there was for a long time hope her body would have given her more years but it was not doing as we’d hoped and so i made the decision to lay her to rest in her home in texas and i said the hardest goodbye, to my best friend.

thank you to Crista and Annika for taking exceptional care of Cinna these past 9 months and taking her and Prince in when you did. i was so grateful to know my horses were in the best hands. and i can’t thank you enough for helping me through this hard week ❤️

and thank you Camille for being there with me, you’ve been a part of cinna’s journey from the start as well as the reason i got into mustangs/makeovers, you have always supported us snd cheered the loudest when we performed for the last time in the makeover ❤️

i was able to visit her for her last two days and we made sure they were good ones. she got spoiled with many treats, scratches, hand grazing and was very peacefully laid to rest surrounded by people who loved her. cinna had a way of charming so many hearts of horses and horse-lovers everywhere she went and her story moved a lot of people. she had so many rooting for her to have the best outcome, it is just so unfortunate the circumstances of her birth gave her only six years.

i will write more about cinna and her story when we get the photos we had taken of her last morning.

rest easy sweet cinnamon.


Kirby 🩷 week two update!! Training has been a little slow due to the weather, it has been storming a lot in Florida ⛈️ s...

Kirby 🩷 week two update!!

Training has been a little slow due to the weather, it has been storming a lot in Florida ⛈️ so we have missed some days, but that’s okay! There is no timeline and Kirby is adjusting to domestic life well. It’s nice to take it slow anyway ☺️

As well as picking up all four feet, Kirby can wear a saddle pad and has learned basic groundwork body control, as well as desensitizing with the flag and ribbon wand. He’s a quick learner!! He’s learning how to cuddle and likes scratches under his chin. He’s pictured on the first slide expressing when he got confused during halter training on day one, but he quickly figured it out and that was the one time he reared.

The first three videos in Kirby’s training series are posted to youtube for all those interested in watching, the third one went up this morning! Thank y’all for the support on those!!

Always so exciting getting a new mustang in 😁 Kirby is doing very well one week home!! Despite missing a few days due to...

Always so exciting getting a new mustang in 😁 Kirby is doing very well one week home!! Despite missing a few days due to weather, Kirby already leads, can be groomed all over his body, and picks up all his feet.

I know y’all love pickup videos, those are always everyone’s favorite on youtube! They’re fun for me to make too, and I tried something a little different with the editing on Kirby’s, it’s out now at the link in the comments 🥰

Planning to vlog this one’s journey too, maybe not as extensively as Odyssey’s, I will see how much interest there is! I’m still uploading Odyssey’s videos, we’re onto the riding phase which is really fun to share all the things I do to get them super solid under saddle.

This is the picture of him that drew me in on the online corral!!

Say hello to my newest project!! This is my May internet adoption win, I just picked him up Thursday. He is a 5 year old...

Say hello to my newest project!! This is my May internet adoption win, I just picked him up Thursday. He is a 5 year old gelding from Twin Peaks, CA (I know, I know) listed as 15hh. I’ve decided to call him Kirby 🩷

Edit: I love the Twin Peaks herd, the joke is that I get so many of them! He’s my 5th one and I’ve loved every single one

I’m excited to get some more weight on him after his long haul, he already looks a bit better on his third day home! He seems like a sweet and goofy boy, he will be available later on with training under his belt. I’m enjoying working with him ☺️

back in the saddle after 3 weeks 🥳feels good to ride my makeover horse again!! last week I received great news from the ...

back in the saddle after 3 weeks 🥳

feels good to ride my makeover horse again!! last week I received great news from the doctor about my MRI. nothing was torn in my knee!! I just have a massive hematoma in my knee that is slowly going to go down on its own. this is the best case scenario!! from the amount of swelling the first doctor I saw thought I had torn my ACL, but thankfully that was not the case. I was cleared to start riding! I am already feeling much better, the bruise eventually faded (pic in one of my recent posts) and most of the visible swelling has gone down.

it’s been so hard not riding my makeover horse… now we are back on the grind 💪 thankfully Elisa and Meghan could ride him some while I was out. I rode Fledge first to see how I felt riding again. today Odyssey did really well after a week off and a very light month for him ☺️

he is turning into quite a fancy little pony!! we will be working hard to bring our A-game to Kentucky this September!

Odyssey having a green horse moment back on ride  #4 🫣I’m almost caught up on editing his training videos, I just posted...

Odyssey having a green horse moment back on ride #4 🫣

I’m almost caught up on editing his training videos, I just posted the one where I hit the dirt! It was totally a moment where he said “I want to go back to my friends!” and then looked at me like, “why are you on the ground?” but he never did it again.

In just over a week I’ll finally know what went wrong when I injured my knee! I was hoping against the odds it would be back to normal by now and I could say it was just a bad bruise, but it’s still not quite right 😕

Thankfully Meghan and Elisa have ridden Odyssey, I have some videos to share of them riding him next!!

I don’t want my other social medias to become nothing but me promoting my youtube videos, but sadly I don’t have much other content to share on here except throwbacks 😆 I work hard on editing my videos to share the reality of working with horses. It can’t possibly go smoothly all the time, and this was a good example! My channel is close to getting monetized, which is a cool milestone I’ve been working at for a while!!


Second ride on Odyssey video!! I also showed how I taught him trailer loading.

Second ride on Odyssey video!! I also showed how I taught him trailer loading.

Odyssey learning how to jump on day 29!! He makes such a cute shape over the fences 😍 We took all three of our mustangs ...

Odyssey learning how to jump on day 29!! He makes such a cute shape over the fences 😍 We took all three of our mustangs to the jump field to teach them together, mustang training is more fun with friends!

Today I uploaded a video showing how I taught him to jump on the ground, as well as how I prepared him for his first trim!! There’s a lot of important steps that go into making a mustang’s first trim a safe and smooth experience, and Odyssey demonstrated it perfectly.

No new news on my knee injury, I’m able to walk better now that the swelling’s gone down some more. But it is still purple 😳 I miss riding so I’m occupying myself catching up on my youtube editing 😂


Thank y’all for all the well wishes on my last post! 🩷 I had another doctor’s visit which didn’t confirm anything new, b...

Thank y’all for all the well wishes on my last post! 🩷

I had another doctor’s visit which didn’t confirm anything new, but now I have an MRI scheduled in two weeks. fingers crossed 🤞🤞 my knee is still purple but the swelling is going down :)

in the meantime y’all will be graced with more consistent youtube uploads, I’ve just posted Odyssey’s first ride this morning!! it’s a really funny one and requires some creative editing, you’ll know why if you saw the last video 🤣 he just wanted to make my editing job difficult 🤦‍♀️

anyway, thank you to everyone for being patient with me as i get back to your messages and comments, and for now enjoy some pictures of me jumping Fledge last week 🩵

while I had written up a caption about this picture of me jumping Hwin last week I have some unfortunate news- yesterday...

while I had written up a caption about this picture of me jumping Hwin last week I have some unfortunate news- yesterday I had a horse slip and fall while I was riding and while I was thrown clear of the horse’s landing I landed wrong on my knee and most likely tore my ACL. I went to the ER and had it x-rayed so now I need an MRI to confirm but that was the doctor’s estimate 🫠

until I get that MRI though, I don’t have any definitive answers, but considering my knee swelled up to twice its size and black and blue (pic is from today, swelling is diminished but bruising is pretty epic), that is likely what happened 😞

not sure when i’ll be back on a horse, but not much I can do about that now :)

thank you to and for being so helpful and amazing during this ❤️

Odyssey’s first little field trip! He was great! Loaded up and hauled great, stood relaxed tied at the trailer eating ha...

Odyssey’s first little field trip!

He was great! Loaded up and hauled great, stood relaxed tied at the trailer eating hay, and went to work in the arena. At the end we popped over some jumps!

We are working on straightness and relaxation to the fences. Taking it slow and he’s gaining lots of confidence!

Odyssey will be available soon. I will be competing with him in the Mustang Classic english-only mustang makeover in September, after which he can go to his new home. I’d like to pick out an owner for him before the show however, so please reach out if you are interested in learning more about him!

Odyssey is a 7 year old, 13.2hh (I am 5’3”) mustang gelding from Triple B, Nevada.


My latest upload! Introducing the mounting block and first sit on Odyssey. This is a shorter one but covers a very impor...

My latest upload! Introducing the mounting block and first sit on Odyssey. This is a shorter one but covers a very important milestone!

“When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” -RumiI love my job 🥰Two years ago t...

“When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” -Rumi

I love my job 🥰

Two years ago this month I graduated high school and went into the horse industry, skipping college and going straight to pursuing my passion ❤️‍🔥 It’s been a crazy journey with so many horses, shows, and cross country road trips.

So many mustangs have touched my heart, more than I have pictured here- and so many special moments- I could share show photos but I chose to share a lot of raw, meaningful moments. The quiet, peaceful ones and the less glamorous (because it’s not easy or always pretty working with mustangs!) and some of the places I’ve been.

Mustangs have taken me places I never could have guessed Id go, and I’ve had opportunities I could only dream of!! I’ve literally been from coast to coast and gotten to work with so many special horses and talented people already.

I’m so happy where I am now learning from ! I’m learning so much and so excited to keep growing and working with horses and especially mustangs ❤️

had so much fun with Rune in the 90cm and 80cm at Sweet Dixie! we even came in 3rd in the 80cm with a clear round! lots ...

had so much fun with Rune in the 90cm and 80cm at Sweet Dixie! we even came in 3rd in the 80cm with a clear round! lots to work on still but it was great practice! thank you to for the opportunity to show him!!

Odyssey is looking pretty good at about 80 days from wild!! 🤩Watching the physical transformations of these mustangs is ...

Odyssey is looking pretty good at about 80 days from wild!! 🤩

Watching the physical transformations of these mustangs is so rewarding. What’s equally important to me is what you can’t see in pictures- the mental transformation! Odyssey was a spicy little guy with a lot of opinions as seen by our first leading session and the times he tried to bite me 😂 Which is pretty normal for an older gelding who was most likely a band stallion. Once he learned he didn’t have to fight he figured out fast that domestic life is pretty sweet!

I had to start body clipping him on day 10 because he took his Nevada winter coat with him to Florida! He’s had his hooves trimmed, teeth floated, treated for ulcers, etc- everything to help him feel his best. He loves coming into his stall and meets us at the gate!

My first goal is a happy, confident mustang that feels good and trusts in me! After that starting them under saddle is the easy part ❤️


⏱⏱ Not much time left!!! Adopt or purchase a mustang from a BLM Wild Horse & B***o Program off-range corral or adoption event before June 1st and you could qualify to compete for you share of 💵💵$125,000 in cash and prizes during the Mustang Classic 2024!!!
Full details 👉https://www.mustangclassic2024.com/the-competition
Upcoming Events:
May 9-10 / Bell, FL
May 10 / Florence, AZ
May 10-11 / Cassoppolis, MI
May 16-18 / West Columbia, SC
May 17 / Wheatland, WY
May 17-18 / Willis, TX
May 17-18 / Delta, UT
May 24-26 / Greeley, CO
May 31 / Ewing, IL

Western 🤠 or English 🎩 Odyssey? I think he looks pretty darn cute both ways myself, but I will be training him english f...

Western 🤠 or English 🎩 Odyssey?

I think he looks pretty darn cute both ways myself, but I will be training him english for the ! However I like them to be prepared for anything.

You can watch Odyssey’s first western saddling at the link in the comments!! I’ve also uploaded his first ever saddling and first time wearing a tarp recently.

Check out my latest upload in Odyssey’s series!! This shows some of the tarp training I’ll do to prepare a c**t for carr...

Check out my latest upload in Odyssey’s series!! This shows some of the tarp training I’ll do to prepare a c**t for carrying a rider and build their confidence. Link in the comments ❤️

Super cool horses available!

Super cool horses available!


⭐️Rimini aka Rimi RIMINI aka Remi (Top pics) 6yo Tb 16hd gelding by Overanalyze. Slowly restarted. Puppy dog personality, barefoot. Great legs. Nice mover and scopey jumper. Easily free jumps 1.35 m. Has been xc schooling and done some schooling shows. Very brave and wants to keep the rails up. He is a forward type ride. Has plenty of scope to move up the levels in eventing or jumpers. Has a powerful jump. Lives out with a herd of geldings. Very good boy, no buck or rear. Ocala, Fl.
Low xx,###

⭐️ (bottom pics) 15.1 1/2 5yo mustang. Super flashy guy who is very sweet and tries to please. Still green, Wtc and has been xc schooling and jumping small courses. I can see him making a great foxhunter, low level eventer etc. Great hacking out. Perfect for body clipping and the farrier.
Ocala, Fl
Lowest xx,###

Odyssey is one cool little dude 🤩 He’s got about a dozen rides on him now, started out ba****ck and now he’s got english...

Odyssey is one cool little dude 🤩 He’s got about a dozen rides on him now, started out ba****ck and now he’s got english and western under his belt!!

Really happy with how this guy is progressing. Odyssey is my Mustang Champions Mustang Classic prospect! He’s a 13.2hh (yes, you read that right! I’m 5’3”) 7yo gelding from Triple B, NV. He’s got a good brain and takes to new things well!

I’m really excited to continue developing him. I’ve also been sharing his journey on youtube. Latest installments in his series include learning him wearing his first cinch, learning to ground drive, and packing around the saddle for the first time! Thank you to everyone who’s been following along!! 🥰

How cute is Odyssey in the english saddle? 😍You can watch his first ever saddling as well as learning to ground drive in...

How cute is Odyssey in the english saddle? 😍

You can watch his first ever saddling as well as learning to ground drive in his training series!! He took to it so well 🥰

Link in the comments

New youtube video! Showing all the preparation that goes into my first time putting a girth on one. Odyssey took to the ...

New youtube video! Showing all the preparation that goes into my first time putting a girth on one. Odyssey took to the surcingle so well!!

“But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be uniqu...

“But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”

“‘One only understands the things that one tames,’ said the fox. ‘Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me.’”

“It’s the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important...People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose”

- The Little Prince

Every day I love this little horse more. He sticks at 13.2 and he’s full of heart. He’s taking everything in stride! Nearly one month out of the wild and he’s doing so well.

I’ve just posted a new video of Odyssey learning how to lead into the barn, and getting bathed and clipped!!

Please consider supporting my friend in her goal to compete in RRP with Nemo!

Please consider supporting my friend in her goal to compete in RRP with Nemo!

Check out my latest Odyssey update video! He learns to wear a saddle pad, lunge in the round pen, and get comfortable wi...

Check out my latest Odyssey update video!

He learns to wear a saddle pad, lunge in the round pen, and get comfortable with the ribbon wand waving all over him.


Reddick, FL



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