basic Animal health
Basic Animal Health for the win!!
This product is a life/gut saver! We use it both to heal GI issues and on the daily to prevent problems. Happy belly/happy ponies.
GutHealth Xtra Strength Liquid is what we use daily... the Gel for special occassions.
Use code "RACHELMALONEY" for discounts
sweet dixie south
Tuesdays at Sweet Dixie brought to you by Joel 🕺
... Antoinette's 6th ride ever and she just cruises around a show ground... very special filly.. she did have an amazing Andalusian babysitter to ride with 💕
#sweetdixiesouth #gorgeousplace #gorgeousweather #voltairedesign ##desertbloomhorsetraining
jackson storm
In love with young Jackson.
We had a challenging 6-ish weeks when the weather turned cold and the barn started getting really busy with winter folks and Jack was dressing up as a levitating dragon.
There were a number of rides that were more about staying on/citizenship training than sport training for sure. Fortunately I'm more stubborn about good manners and kind intentions than he was about levitating 😄. And this ain't my first rodeo with teenage horse boys! 😉
For a few weeks now he has turned the most mature corner of his life to date and I am thoroughly enjoying the fruits of our labor as I'm getting to have fun now with the modifying process in our rides.. having him mature and educated enough now to get more specific about style and details.
Fun fun!
Next week is his first A Rated jumper Show woop woop. 🙌
Jackson storm
I like to spend time noticing what people do immediately following their competition rounds.
#jacksonstorm #younghorsedevelopment
Young horse development
Love Jackson... won his dressage test Sunday... jumps like this on Tuesday. I felt quite able to ride him up into connection around the course and have him stay with me, which is a wonderful feeling.
A challenge for me sometimes when I start these youngsters and as they are around this age.. is remembering to stay present in trusting the mature changes in their way of going and adjusting (sometimes rapidly) with them; not holding them back with preconceived notions of what the past asked for, staying present. What he needs from me varies from month to month and keeps me on my toes.
Ulissa (Idocus x Ramiro Z) x Bliss MF
#jacksonstorm #younghorsedevelopment #desertbloomhorsetraining #voltairedesign #basicanimalhealth
astrea extensions
The only part of Astreas recent test (First Level Test 3) in which she didn't receive marks of 7 and above were lengthening stride in trot. The lengthens were obvious changes of pace but too quick and choppy.
So I've been getting creative with how to get greater length and suppleness to her extensions this week and even though these aren't giant extensions, I am much happier with the general feeling that I can keep inching further along.
Dressage, horse training, is about riding fine lines of encouragment beyond comfort zone to the outer limits of balance, and reigning back into easy balance. .. playing a suppleness dance which builds confidence and expands skill sets. These ebb and flow riding games are fun that everyone who loves this sport and loves horses can relate on together.
#astraeabpf #astrea #andalusian #ancee #iberianhorses #dressage #ocaladressage #younghorsedevelopment
fencing details
Let me get this straight... so, in dressage, you're supposed to stay "inside" of the white fencing? ??
Checking for a really cute bay friend.
This morning was Jacksons first ever dressage test debut!! What an elegant venue at Overlook Farm offering quality opportunities for schooling these tests with top judges & judges feedback. Thank you Sara Kozumplik Equestrian for opening your doors to us 🙏
Because it wasn't a rated venue, the judge allowed us to redo the jumping the fence portion 😄. Jackson scored in the low 70s for both Training & First Level rides. Proud of how this youngster showed up today - getting multiple 8s and 8.5. A nice start to a long and prosperous career young man.
Thank you to my supportive boy fam, Alejandro for SUPER TOP coaching & Israel & Diane for being the best cheering squad. Love the ponies 💙
Our homebred Jackson Storm 👏
By Bliss MF (Balou du Rouet x Argentinus) x out of Ulissa (Idocus x Ramiro Z x Le Mexico x Voltaire - should i go on about his damline?! ;))
Jackson Storm - get on the wisdom wagon
MANY industries benefit from people feeling lack. If you don't feel good enough, here: buy x, y & z - it'll will make you feel better, more educated, more capable... just get this tool or supplement.
If you feel lacking, you'll avalanche with the lack-wagon, adding to its momentum.. building momentum in it. Momentary reliefs gained from buying into gimmicks of vast promise only last so long before the initial feeling of lack molds back in.
Wisdom reminds us to feel the success. To notice where growing is happening. To get off the label-wagon of timelines and prefabricated notions and step into timelessness which is always most certainly completely beautiful.
This youngster reminds me to hop outside of time and right on into presence. Thanks, buddy.
#jacksonstorm #desertbloomhorsetraining #younghorsedevelopment #goslowtogofast #timeless #localchampionstour #lct #diastistables #voltairedesign #basicanimalhealth
Ruby Schooling
On Tuesday at the Local Champions Tour schooling she was a fresh wild woman and we had to focus a lot during and after the small jumper round schooling halts... "drilling" halts is probably a more accurate description of the point I was driving home... "Ho" means stop! Not drag me around, Miss Ruby.
I couldn't let her out into a forward canter because I felt like a beginner being drug around who couldn't ride that day in her normal snaffle. I changed to a gentle Kimberwick today in addition to those "remember to ho!" lessons.. and now today I felt like we could go jump around anything anywhere with success.
Remember: hard yesterday's often make for easier tomorrows! When you have a difficult ride, I suggest finding one aspect to focus on to improve. Just one. Keep it simple and find a way to get the horse to learn that one lesson. Call it a day, and usually the following ride is a vast improvement.
#triplekrown #desertbloomhorsetraining #voltairedesign #basicanimalhealth
fooler studying dressage
Fooler studying dressage
Basic Animal Health has two products I ALWAYS keep in stock:
1. GutHealth Xtra Strength Liquid
2. GutHealth Xtra Strength Hindgut Stabilizer Gel
We use the liquid every day into bucket for horses who shows any sign of stress or less than ideal body condition. We use the gel on days where something potentially higher stress may happen... like hauling or competing.
Using these products for many years now, I have seen dozens of horses who clearly showed symptoms of living with ulcers for some time (including off the track thoroughbreds thin & cinchy) no longer show symptoms & start looking great after just 6 weeks of these Basic Animal Health products. No prescription or other products that change the PH of the gut were used to addrsss ulcers. Only this product with healthy water, 24/7 forage and correct nutrition. These are my personal observations and experiences and why I know how well this product works.
My routine when I start a horse, is to do about 14 days on the gel & liquid together. Then maintain daily on the liquid (indefinitely for horses prone to being more high strung and in training).. and use the gel only as needed on specific mornings before stressful events.
crown jet new jump
How about the following arm required for the use of this neck?!
In the past year I've free-lunged Jet over small jumps (well under 3') less than a dozen times... and not at all for a few months now. When he was three, he learned to trot lunge over a meter vertical one day, realizing it did take more effort than the 2'6" he had done before but that it also was pretty easy for him. We've jumped around tiny courses (cavaletti-sized) under saddle together, so he understands the concept of going from one side to the other but mostly we've focused on flat-work building blocks with this youngster.
Today we had a little fun after our regular lunge. I lunged him up and down the bank and then this is the first time he's ever been asked to jump a XC oxer... how cool is he that this is his response to being surprised about the size and spread.
Completely brave, willing and athletic.
I let him digest, then we trotted it again and he measured perfectly the second time with better form. (That clip is shared on desertbloomhorses instagram.... Facebook won't let me post more than 1 video these days or I would have shown it here)
Love this young gelding (Rubys kid).
This youngster is the leggiest of our homebreds and requires the most patient building in every way. I belive the reward for going slow with him will be immense.
#crownjet #scopey #younghorsedevelopment #desertbloomwarmbloods