Snack time!
Little hungry hungry hippos lol
Baby rats eating their Cheerios 🥰
Baby rats eating their Cheerios 🥰
(🔊 sound up)
Snack time
Rueben enjoying some snacks and pets 🥰
(and a quick pop in from Audio 💙)
Victory × Audio babies
Victory × Audio babies • 1 week old
Just a funny little clip 🤣🍉
The rats enjoying some watermelon treats 💖🍉
Watermelon day 🥰🍉
Tonkinese babies
Just a baby pile 🥰
Tonkinese and Russian blue tonkinese beebs
Harmony × Baelish
Poppy × Fawnzie babies
Such a beautiful silvermane litter!
Adorable dwarf rat babies
These dwarf babies are insanely adorable 😭🥰
(the two black babies are giving kisses, the two agouti babies are alternating between nibbles and kisses 😂🖤)
Nomnoms for the old man
Spending a little one on one time with the oldest buck in our rattery 🖤
His name is Blondie, I don't think I've ever really posted him because he's a pet only
Odd eye baby
Short little video with flash to show the odd eyes on this girl 💖
(One eye is ruby and one eye is pink)
14 week Standard vs 22 week Dwarf
The large buck is 7 weeks YOUNGER than the small buck!
Baby kisses
Mmlemmmmm, baby kisses 😁🥰
Cinnamon doe giving kisses
Strychnine giving ALL THE KISSES 😘🤣🥰
*Ignore my morning face I recorded this like 15 minutes after waking up this AM 🤣*
Khaleesi had her beans this morning 🥰 Look how happy and sweet she is
Black marten velveteen doe