Velcro quit sticking on your bell boots?! No problem! Swap the straps out in seconds. Save money and get more life out of your boots!
medium and large black on sale now at
Throwing it back with one of our original videos explaining our replaceable closure system on our bell boots! Since this video we’ve expanded our product line and licensed to Weaver Leather! Our products have been added to their Synergy Performance line and can be found under the Synergy and/or Xtended Life Categories on our websites! Ask your local Weaver dealer to carry these boots for you😍
RES Equine Products is Synergy by Weaver Leather
New name , same protection and quality you’ve come to depend on! Shop the Synergy by Weaver Line for all your performance horse needs!
Replaceable Velcro for you Boots
Did ya’ll know our velcro is interchangeable to fit all of our product in the Xtended Life (RES) line?! How cool is that?! The same velcro you use on your bell boots can be used on your horn wraps, splint boots, etc! Check out this short info video to learn more!
The Best Horn Wraps You’ll Ever Use
Tired of spending all your time wrapping steers instead of roping? Sick of wraps ripping, breaking, and not fitting properly? Check out these awesome Xtended Life (RES) Wraps by Weaver.
They’re extremely easy on and off, replaceable pieces, and breathable!
Make the switch and spend more time roping and less time wrapping!
Protect Your Horse. Make the Switch
Synergy Guardian Sport Boot is #👆🏻 for best impact protection in a sport boot on the market. Give your horse the best protection without compromising support, movement, or quality. Check out this original informational video we are re-sharing from our initial introduction.
Saddle Fit Tip: Choosing Proper Cinch Length
Have you ever dealt with your saddle roiling? How about pressure point from your cinch buckles? Feel like no matter how hard you pull your cinch is never tight enough? You may be using too long of a cinch. Check out this short video explaining where your cinch buckles should land in your horse and why.
#cinchlength matters
Saddle Fit Tip: Choosing Cinch Size
Have you ever dealt with your saddle rolling? How about pressure points from your cinch buckles? Feel like no matter how hard you pull your cinch is never tight enough? You may be using too long of a cinch. Check out this short video explaining where your cinch buckles should land on your horse and why.
Saddle fit Tip of the day is addressing dry spots. What do they mean? Pressure or lack of pressure? Brett Mills of RES goes into detail about dry spots and what to look for to ensure your saddle is fitting properly.
*this video is a clip from a recent saddle fit clinic, so please excuse the poor quality*
Here’s a little virtual quick walk through the booth for those of you who can’t be here! We have lots of great Weaver Products as well as handmade bucket hangers by (J Paracord Braiding, Judy Robinson and some fun necklaces and earrings from Ranchy Rose Designs! If you see something you like message us or go online and shop
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