✨UrgentVet treats cats & dogs – providing care for non-life threatening conditions that happen after your regular vet is closed but that aren’t serious enough for the emergency vet. ✨
#UrgentVet #UrgentVetRichardson #fearfree #richardsontx #veterinarymedicine #yourpetcantwaittofeelbetter
✨✨✨Happy 1 year to our clinic! In one year we have helped over 2,000 animals, participated in community events such as a Pup Easter Egg Hunt and Puptopia, and most of all we have formed great relationships with clinics in the area to provide urgent care to their patients when they are closed.✨✨✨
#UrgentVet #UrgentVetRichardson #richardsontx #veterinarymedicine #dogstagram #catstagram #pets #oneyearanniversary