Miss Daisy enjoying laying on the grass with her bone♥️.🌼🌼🌼🌼 I STILL HAVE OPEN SPOTS ON THE WAITLIST FOR A DAISY BABY!!!! 🌼🌼🌼🌼
Fill out an app on our website to get on the waitlist for a 2024 litter!!!
🥶It is still this cold! 🥶It should warm up later this week! I cannot wait to go outside and not have everything freeze before I get to my truck! The Blueberries actually went out and played for a bit! I was quite surprised! It wasn’t long… but they did it!
We hope everyone is staying warm!!!! 🔥🌤️
#indigobludanes #theblueberries #bluegreatdane #dog #Wyoming #healthtested #winter #ice #coldweather #freezing #temperature #greatdane #nestthermostat #staywarmandcozy