Humphrey not respecting my boundaries. He got a chew toy so he doesn’t use me. Adult camels have very powerful bites so teaching now it’s a no go. #abitofhappinessfarm #pettingzoo #bactriancamel
Thank you for all who have been able to come visit, it has felt so good to be open again. Today is the last day in December. Keep an eye out for indoor cow cuddles in January and February. We’ll open up regular hours for March through October.
A Carmel!! A 6 month old Bactrian camel! ❤️ he was born with weak front legs so right now we are giving him lots of love and a bottle and working with vets on what we can do for him. Yet to be named but right now I call him Sweet baby boy. #abitofhappinessfarm #pettingzoo #camels #bactriancamel
We are open until 4 today! Visit our website for more days and times this week and next to come visit! #abitofhappinessfarm #pettingzoo
New pastures and a cool morning make for happy running this morning.
The piggies and alpacas want to go to the splash pad. #abitofhappinessfarm #pig #alpaca #kunekunepig
We are now owners of 3.1 acres! We are fixing fences and animal houses to get ready to have visitors again. Meanwhile, the alpacas are enjoying their sprinkler. Visit the website if you would like to donate. As soon as we have a time frame of re-opening we’ll post it. We appreciate your love and support as we change locations!
Our rescue dog Dolly! Thank you Pronto Pup for finding her for us. Dolly is 1-2 years old and was found abandoned in an orchard. She is a sweet gentle cuddler. @prontopuprescue