Peafowls,eggs and chicks for sale

Peafowls,eggs and chicks for sale Family of peacock, peacock pheasant, Turkey, quails, Emu,Ducks who move from the city to start a liv

Spalding Black shoulder Opal peacock.50-60% Spalding. This birds is Huge. He will be an outstanding addition to any seri...

Spalding Black shoulder Opal peacock.
50-60% Spalding. This birds is Huge. He will be an outstanding addition to any serious program or collection. Coming 4 years old.

In case anyone has 'Peafowl' on their new year list... we have some! Sexed juveniles hatched this summer! India Blue mal...

In case anyone has 'Peafowl' on their new year list... we have some! Sexed juveniles hatched this summer! India Blue males ($300), Black Shoulder females ($250). We also have a few colorful Heritage turkey jakes ($80) and lovely roosters in Polish, Silkie, Bantam Cochin, BLRW and more! Also a few Bantam Cochin pullets in blue and one calico/mille fleur!

Indio Gigabyte up for discussion

Indio Gigabyte up for discussion

Watching the yearlings enjoying the dayGetting ready to go through and thin some out

Watching the yearlings enjoying the day
Getting ready to go through and thin some out

Hazel BS breeder male

Hazel BS breeder male

Checking on some of the raised pens and building more raised pens. Always good to have a few extra!!!

Checking on some of the raised pens and building more raised pens. Always good to have a few extra!!!

Purple pied & Spalding purple pehn

Purple pied & Spalding purple pehn

Yesterday, we shipped 4 chick orders; 2 of which had 20 Indio Gigante chicks each. All arrived in less then 24 hours. πŸ™πŸ»...

Yesterday, we shipped 4 chick orders; 2 of which had 20 Indio Gigante chicks each. All arrived in less then 24 hours. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

We are delighted to share this breed with the country and we are certain we have the best line of Indio Blood!!

We are grateful to everyone who has put their trust in us.

Indio Gigante’s is a slow maturing breed. They will not reach their full potential until about 18-24 months. These 3 gro...

Indio Gigante’s is a slow maturing breed. They will not reach their full potential until about 18-24 months. These 3 grow-outs are about 7-9 months old with so much growing still left in them.

Please look through list ALOT of adult birds that are laying some great breeders plus chicks wire and more! DUCKS, TURKE...

Please look through list ALOT of adult birds that are laying some great breeders plus chicks wire and more! DUCKS, TURKEY, CHICKEN, PHEASANT, PARTRIDGE. FARM DOWNSIZING SALE

πŸ” PVC Coated Chicken Wire 150ft x24” $65
πŸ” 1x1 galvanized 24”x100ft $100
πŸ” PVC Waterers 8ft section 6 ni***es each $5 ea, 5 for $20, 10 for $35
πŸ” Commercial feeders $7 ea
πŸ” Biddie Waterers with float $5 ea
πŸ” Chukars - 3 hens 2 roos $50
πŸ” Millie Fleur - 3 hens 2 roos $75
πŸ” RIR mix – 4 roos $10 ea all for $35
πŸ” Splash Silkies show/breeder quality– 2 hens 1 roo $150
πŸ” Ducks mixed – 10 hens 4 drakes $15 ea hens $10 ea drakes
πŸ” Ameraucana/ EE – 8 hens 3 roos $15 ea hens $10 ea Roos
πŸ” White Silkies show/breeder quality – 3 hens 1 roo $225
πŸ” Crele Polish – 1 roo $15
πŸ” 2 sizzle hens, 1 silkie hen 2 silkie roos $15 hens $10 roos
πŸ” Rhodebar – 4 hens 1 roo $150
πŸ” Bantam Cochin – 3 hens $15
πŸ” Buff Laced Polish – 2 hens 2 roos $100
πŸ” Turkey – 5 hens 2 toms Heritage hens $45 Royal Palm Hen $50 Heritage Tom $40 Royal Palm Tom $45
πŸ” Maran – 5 Roos $10 ea all $40
πŸ” Frizzles 3 hens 1 cochin roo $40 all- tiny like serama size
πŸ” Easter Eggers – 2 juvenile roos $7
πŸ” Frizzle bantam – roo $7
πŸ” Orange Sizzle Roo Mottled Millie Hen $40 pair
πŸ” Brown Leghorn – 2 roos $90 ea both $10/
πŸ” Rhodebar Roos – 4 $10 ea all for $100
πŸ” Buff Orpington Roo – 1 $100
πŸ” Polish Chicks $70
πŸ” Speckled Sussex Chicks $70
πŸ” Silkie Chicks $100
πŸ” Millie Fleur D’Uccle Chicks $5
πŸ” Sizzle Chicks $50
πŸ” Silver Pheasant chicks $50


*Prices subject to change*

India Blue Hen .....$400
India Blue C**k.....$250
India Blue C**k coming 2 years old.....$200
Pair White coming 2 years old.....$750
White Hen.....$500
Black Shoulder Hen .....$400
Black Shoulder C**k.....$250
Black Shoulder C**k coming 2 years old.....$200
India Blue Silver Pied Hen.....$500
India Blue Silver Pied C**k.....$500
India Blue Silver Pied coming 2 years old.....$500
India Blue White-Eyed Hen.....$450
Black Shoulder Silver Pied Hen.....$600
Green Muticus Muticus C**k coming 2 years old.....$800
Spalding Hen .....$500
Spalding C**k coming 2 years old.....$500
Spalding Hen split to white.....$700
Spalding C**k split to Pied coming 2 years old.....$700
Pair Spalding Pied, coming 2 yrs old.....$2,500
Spalding Pied Hen.....$1,000
Spalding White-Eyed Hen.....$700
Spalding White-Eyed C**k coming 2 years old.....$800
Spalding Black Shoulder Hen.....$600
Spalding Black Shoulder Silver Pied C**k coming 2 years old.....$1,000
Spalding Black Shoulder White-Eyed C**k.....$700
Black Shoulder Hen split to Jade.....$500
Black Shoulder Pied C**k split to Jade.....$500
Jade Pied White-Eyed C**k.....$1000
Jade Hen .....$600
Jade Silver Pied C**k split to Black Shoulder.....$1,000
Jade Silver Pied Hen.....$1,000
India Blue Silver Pied Hen split Midnight.....$600
India Blue White-Eyed Hen split to Midnight.....$500
Midnight Black Shoulder C**k.....$500
Midnight White-Eyed C**k coming 2 years old.....$500
Bronze Black Shoulder White-Eyed C**k.....$800
Bronze Pied Hen.....$700
Bronze Silver Pied Hen $800
Bronze White-Eyed C**k.....$800
India Blue Pied Hen split to Bronze.....$600
India Blue Silver Pied Hen split to Bronze.....$600
Spalding Bronze Black Shoulder Hen.....$600
Spalding Bronze C**k.....$600
Spalding Bronze Hen.....$600
Cameo Black Shoulder C**k coming 2 years old.....$500
Cameo Black Shoulder Hen.....$500
Cameo Black Shoulder White-Eyed Hen .....$500
Cameo C**k.....$600
Cameo C**k split to Black Shoulder and Pied.....$700
Cameo Hen.....$500
Cameo Pied C**k coming 2 years old.....$700
Cameo Pied Hen.....$600
Cameo Silver Pied Hen.....$600
Cameo White-Eyed C**k.....$600
Cameo White-Eyed Hen.....$500
Pair Spalding Cameo.....$1,400
Pair Spalding Cameo coming 2 years old.....$1,200
Spalding Black Shoulder Silver Pied C**k split to Cameo.....$800
India Blue Hen split to Montana.....$500
Montana C**k .....$1,000
Montana Hen.....$1,000
Pair Montana.....$2,000
India Blue Pied C**k split to Violette.....$800
India Blue Silver Pied C**k split to Violette coming 2 years old.....$600
Spalding Violette Hen.....$1,000
Violette Black Shoulder Hen.....$700
Violette Black Shoulder Silver Pied Hen.....$1,200
Violette C**k split to White.....$900
Violette C**k, coming 2 yrs old.....$700
Violette Hen.....$500
Violette Pied Hen.....$1,000
Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied Hen.....$700
Opal C**k.....$400
Opal Pied C**k coming 2 years old.....$600
Opal Silver Pied Hen.....$600
Opal White-Eyed C**k coming 2 years old.....$600
Opal White-Eyed Hen.....$500
Pair Opal Pied coming 2years old.....$1,200
Pair Platinum coming 2 years old.....$1,400
Platinum Black Shoulder Hen.....$700
Platinum C**k.....$800
Peach Black Shoulder Hen.....$800
Peach Hen.....$700
Purple Black Shoulder C**k.....$450
Purple C**k coming 2 years old.....$400
Purple Hen.....$500
Purple Silver Pied C**k.....$600
Purple Silver Pied Hen.....$600
Purple White-Eyed C**k.....$600
Purple White-Eyed C**k coming 2 years old.....$500
Purple White-Eyed Hen.....$500
Taupe Black Shoulder C**k coming 2 years old.....$600
Taupe Black Shoulder Hen.....$500
Taupe Black Shoulder Silver Pied C**k.....$1,000
Taupe Black Shoulder Silver Pied Hen.....$800
Taupe Black Shoulder White-Eyed Hen.....$600
Taupe C**k.....$500
Taupe Hen.....$500
Taupe White-Eyed C**k.....$800
Taupe White-Eyed Hen.....$600
Black Shoulder Hen split to Charcoal.....$500
Black Shoulder White-Eyed Hen split to Charcoal.....$600
India Blue Hen split to Charcoal.....$500
India Blue Silver Pied C**k split to Charcoal coming 2 years old.....$500
Spalding Black Shoulder Hen split to Charcoal.....$700
Indigo cock.....$1,000
Indigo Hen.....$1,000
Mocha Black Shoulder C**k.....$1,000
Mocha Black Shoulder C**k split to White coming 2 years old.....$700
Mocha C**k.....$500
Mocha Hen.....$500
Pair Mocha Pied coming 2 years old.....$1,200

PeachicksColors include India Blue, Black Shoulder, White, Purple and Spalding. Age 4 to 6 weeks.  Straight run only. Mi...

Colors include India Blue, Black Shoulder, White, Purple and Spalding. Age 4 to 6 weeks. Straight run only. Minimum order is 2 chicks.

White Mandarin Ducks

White Mandarin Ducks

Opal Silver Pied Peacock

Opal Silver Pied Peacock

Spalding Purple Pied Peahen

Spalding Purple Pied Peahen

Spalding Silver Pied pair split black shoulder. C**k is split peach also. Stunning birds

Spalding Silver Pied pair split black shoulder. C**k is split peach also. Stunning birds

5 year old pied male 400Yearling spalding female 275Yearling black shoulder male 230Yearling white 280 Purple shoulder f...

5 year old pied male 400
Yearling spalding female 275
Yearling black shoulder male 230
Yearling white 280
Purple shoulder female year 1/2 375

Was able to get hold of 16 mandarin ducks with a few white pairs last year and tried to incubating egg.... neeedless to ...

Was able to get hold of 16 mandarin ducks with a few white pairs last year and tried to incubating egg.... neeedless to say i ended up with 11babies.which i can say i need some buyers now.

Will be traveling this route Feb 20th. Could meet along the way. Have purple trios, pairs, and violet pairs. All yearlin...

Will be traveling this route Feb 20th. Could meet along the way. Have purple trios, pairs, and violet pairs. All yearlings. Please PM for details.

Here is my entry.

Here is my entry.

Wintertime is when the peafowl forums are full of posts pleading for help with birds with sinus infections.  Treatments ...

Wintertime is when the peafowl forums are full of posts pleading for help with birds with sinus infections. Treatments for sinus infections are relatively easy using Tylan 200 injected just under the skin at a rate of 1.5ml for three to five days but treating for the infection is only one part of the cure. This time of year people are locking up their birds in coops and barns to protect them from the cold and the birds for the most part like that too.

The main hazard of cooping the birds up is the dust that is stirred up inside the coop when the birds fly up and down from the roosts. Ventilation is key to keeping your birds from getting sinus infections and in good health. Remember that every illness and injury suffered during the winter will set back the birds' production during the breeding season until it is fully healed which can take months.

Be sure to add bedding to reduce dust and adequate ventilation to vent dust out of the area.

Got my new babies today.  Pair of emerald pied spaldings, all the way from Oklahoma.  Tails are a bit messed up from shi...

Got my new babies today. Pair of emerald pied spaldings, all the way from Oklahoma. Tails are a bit messed up from shipping, but when you spend two days in a box what do you expect. :)


Chicks for sale:
Peafowl chicks for sale.
1-Spalding white- $65
2-Spalding pieds-$65 each
2-Black shoulders-$45 each
I am in Snowflake. Pick up only
More hatching every week.

2021 Mid to High % Spaulding pair 450.00 add another hen for 250.00.

2021 Mid to High % Spaulding pair 450.00 add another hen for 250.00.

There are Black shoulder,of which all are beautiful, then every do often this comes along. And he is still molting...

There are Black shoulder,of which all are beautiful, then every do often this comes along. And he is still molting...

We will resume shipping via USPS when we get the new style shipping boxes the first week of January. The new boxes will ...

We will resume shipping via USPS when we get the new style shipping boxes the first week of January. The new boxes will average 250.00 for postage to most part of the US and will hold one mature pair comfortably.


Richmond, VA



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