GROUP CLASS: 🦴 Let’s work those Long Distance Recalls! Bring a long line-Sunday 🗓️12/15⌚️10:30am Isaac Dog Park, Wading River #showmeyourrecall #cometoclass #satisfyyourdog #practice #obedience #dogtraining #alwaysmaintaining #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🐾🐾 Copilots 👨✈️ #dogsincars #copilot #shotgun #mustlovedogs #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🎅GROUP CLASS: A well Trained Dog 🐶 will Steal 🥷your heart ♥️, NOT your decorations!🎄The Power of PLACE command 🛏️ (bring a bed/mat) Sunday 🗓️12/8⌚️10:30am Isaac Dog Park, Wading River #groupclass #savethedecorations #savechristmas #ornamentthief #dogswillbedogs #placecommand #obediencetraining #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🇺🇸 Rocked the Vote! @cosmowilldoanythingforlove #vote #mustlovedogs #refinedcaninesdogtraining #nodogisuntrainable
GROUP CLASS: The dog 🐶 always tells the truth! When you do the work🪖, it shows! You get out of your dog exactly what you put in and when you do the work, it makes your trainers happy and proud! 🥹 Keep it up guys! 🗓️SUNDAY 11/3 🕰️10:30am Calverton Airpark 🛬 Grumman Blvd, Calverton #dothework #noexcuses #showmeyourdog #itsworththeeffort #obediencematters #nodogisuntrainable #justtry #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🎃Happy Halloween!!! 👻 #mustlovedogs #dumbanddumber #bernadoodle #bestdogs #howloween #dogs #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🦴 Proper Training should be useful, no matter what challenges there may be!🧍♀️🐈🚲🐿️ If taught well, obedience works in Any environment 🖼️, with distractions🐿️, with the ability to create distance🛣️ and withstand duration⏱️ #propertraining #usefulobedience #challenges #enviroments #distractions #distance #duration #obedience #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🎃GROUP CLASS: Obedience should be Useful! Practice Place🛏️/Stay✋🏼for those Perfect Puppy 🐶 Portraits🖼️! 🗓️Sunday 10/20 ⌚️10:30am 🏞️Farmingville Hills County Park, Farmingville #puppyportrait #halloween #dogphoto #ownerhandlers #place #stay #obedienceshouldbeuseful #nodogisuntrainable #obedience #dogtraining #refinedcaninesdogtraining #ghostdog
Love Dogs 🐶 #mustlovedogs #fidophoto #puppypictures #allbreeds #nodogisuntrainable #fall #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🦴 Fearful, Reactive, overly Friendly or easily Distracted doesn’t mean you have to Manage, Avoid or Counter Condition your Dog 🐕 when it comes to Pressures in the real world🌎 . With Clear communication 🗣️ you create a strong dog that can find success in any environment. When dogs 🐩 understand What to do under pressure, they feel more Confident 🔥 with every experience. #challengecreateschange #dontavoid #createaplan #buildabetterdog #teachthedog #overcomingpressure #feelingpowerful #confident #nodogisuntrainable #refinedcaninesdogtraining
🚘Take a Ride to GROUP CLASS 🗓️ Sunday 9/22 ⌚️10:30am 🏞️Isaac Dog Park, Wading River #groupclass #cuddybuddy #takearide #trainyourdog #refinedcaninesdogtraining
Practice, Practice, Practice! 🦴Get those Sucessful 🙌🏻 Repetitions in! 🔁 #practice #repetition #generalizebehavior #goodrepamatter #groupclass #obedience #dogtraining #refinedcaninesdogtraining