Have you seen all the dog food options in the store? We also have frozen raw available. Come get your healthy dog food here and join our rewards program!
I had the best time working with Katrina on this video. Come check out the new store and check her out for all your video needs. http://www.katrinatoucke.com/
When it snows in June...the kiddos have too much fun.
Took the dogs cross country skiing today. Always amazes me the sharp contrast between the white of the snow and mineral orange water.
Colorado life at its finest.
Summit experiencing the state park for the first time. She has Lola to teach her.
What style of dog collar do you want but can't find? We are researching new designs for the upcoming lines we are creating and would love your feedback. Tell me what you think!
At our favorite ball park...look at those dark clouds forming in the background. Winter is coming in Colorado.
Taking a break from collar making. Finally a vacation. My husband and I really deserve this one because we have worked so hard this year. Next week I will be back to making dog parents happy with new creations, but now we are relaxing. I hope you are getting some down time.