Horse and Human Rescue

Horse and Human Rescue Horses are very healing for all people. So spend a stress free weekend with a hands on experience.

Just hang with the horses - learn about them and everything "horse." Even take a day trip out to see the wild horses running free on the range.


Those of you who know Debra Poneman from “yes to success “ well this poem was written by a friend of hers named Rosie.

Be powerful.
Be huge.
Be grand.
Be awesome & amazing & extraordinary.
Be mighty.
Be gloriously proud.

Go for broke.

Smash the ceiling.

Stand tall. Stand taller.
Speak up. Speak out.
Be loud. Be louder.
Be seen. Be heard.
Be gorgeous.
Be messy.
Be complicated.
Be vibrant. Be different. Be unique.
Be bold & audacious & wear your scars like feaking stardust.

Make mistakes.
Fall down, get up, fall down, get up.

Fall UP.

Stand up.
Stand up & flutter your gorgeous wings.

Take risks.
Take chances.
Make choices.
Good choices, bad choices, a million plus choices.

De-clutter. Recycle.


Love yourself. Love yourself mightily. Love yourself with every fiber of & in your being.

Live your truth.
Wear your truth.
Speak your truth.

Walk away from bad.
Walk away from toxic.
Walk away from anyone who doesn't get you, or love you, or want you, or think you're the whole freaking enchilada.
Walk away from folks who wish you well but, you know, not too well.
Walk away from anyone who demeans you, belittles you, hurts you, harms you, begrudges you your joy & happiness & success.

Walk away from nasty & cruel & unkind.

Live your life on your terms.
Cower to no one.
Do not crawl or beg for less than.
Do not settle for mediocrity.
Do not hope for the best - demand the best.

Do not believe for one-second that you are not worthy, deserving, lovable, necessary, important, vital, blindingly beautiful and fierce. Really fierce.

Do not go back to the end of the line - start a new line.

Beginning of story.

5 bays and a paint 🎶🎶🎶Penny and Gus in their stalls.  ❤️🐴

5 bays and a paint 🎶🎶🎶Penny and Gus in their stalls. ❤️🐴


For a limited time only, join two experts sharing their secret shortcuts to riding with fluidity, grace and confidence. They will also tell you the #1 secret to greatly reduce spookiness.


Another favourite Steve quote 🤩

for the health of your horse


See the full list


We are in need of shavings, lots of shavings. I strip the barn every two days it takes 16 bags of shavings each time. So it’s about $160 in shavings every two days. If you’d like to donate you can do so with my PayPal or Venmo or Zelle. Or you can call and place a shavings order at the Northwest Farm and Feed in Prosser Wa. For me to pick up or if you’d like to deliver shavings and see the babies that works too they love company.

Zelle is 509-528-2471

Nw Farm Supply
(509) 778-4949


Dear Charlotte,

For as long as we’re breathing, we will spend every second fighting to make this world a safer place for people like you who deserved so much better, in your memory. You won, Charlotte. You survived 10 treacherous years on a dairy farm, you saw freedom, you delivered your final son to safety and raised him as the incredible mother you are, and your eleventh year on this earth was pure love, respect and safety. We are in awe of you. What an absolute honor it has been to have had the chance to know you. I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a hero, a survivor, an inspiration, and you left an enormous mark on all of our lives that we won’t recover from. Fiona and Forrest have Valentino. He will carry on your legacy, and we will be there for him every step of the way. Fiona is going to miss you immensely. She’s already lost without you, and watching over Valentino like her own because you were hers. Rest now. We are so sorry. We love you. We love you. We love you.

- -

With the heaviest of completely shattered hearts, we have to tell you that Charlotte passed away yesterday afternoon. We filled her last moments with tons of snacks, tons of cuddles, tons of “I love you”’s, tons of “I’m so sorry, we’re trying so hard”’s. The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes were photos of her and Valentino. She was covered in a blanket that we rubbed on Vallie before coming to the hospital, and we tore it in half to bring part of it home to him. Before Charlotte is privately cremated along with those photos and half of blanket, she will undergo a necropsy. Her doctors are pretty certain this was cancer. She never stood up again after the second day in the hospital. Her body was so tired. She was in so much pain, so uncomfortable. She is no longer suffering.

Charlotte, you are a legend. We wish you could know how many lives you touched and how many consumers you inspired to boycott the industry they paid to do this to you. We will never forget you, and we will continue to see your beautiful face every time we look into your pasture. Until we meet again, we love you more than words.


Are you scared to want it?⁣

You know — that dream that you keep tucked away in your mind.⁣

Are you afraid of what might happen if you pulled that small spark from the shadows, and fed it fuel? 🕯⁣

What if it burns you? What if it all explodes in your face? 💥🔥⁣

So many of us have this secret longing for something beautiful with our horses. Something MORE.⁣

But it feels unattainable. The moment you peek around the corner at your dream, you immediately feel *inadequate*⁣

“You’ll never be good enough to accomplish that” you hear, whispered from the wounded places in your heart.⁣

“That’s for other people. The people who are better than you” the voice says.⁣

But what is it that you want? 🦋⁣

Do you want to connect with your horse at liberty?⁣

Do you want her to run to you when you call?⁣

Do you want to canter ba****ck and bridleless through a lush spring meadow?⁣

Do you want to compete at a high level?⁣

Do you want to safely plod down a soft trail through the trees?⁣

Do you want to gentle wild and traumatized horses?⁣

Do you want to feel like you see your horse’s soul, and she sees yours?⁣

We know these things can be done. In fact, there are full on blueprints available to follow from those who have figured it out.⁣

The only person saying you aren’t capable enough to do it… is you.⁣

This isn’t to say “if they can do it, ANYONE can do it” because of course there is privilege, disability, and other VERY real roadblocks standing between you and your deepest longings 🥀⁣

But we truly believe that if you have a desire to connect with your horse on this indescribably special, meaningful level… it’s meant for you 🔮⁣

You may face disappointment, failure, judgment, and shame along the way. That’s what you’re really afraid of, isn’t it?⁣

That’s what it would look like to get burned by your own flame of passion: experiencing that pain.⁣

But these emotional wounds can be healed❤️‍🩹⁣

And when you’re brave enough to open your heart to this pain, immeasurable beauty will spring forth with it 🌺⁣

If you get burned, let your ashes fertilize the soil of your dreams 🌱⁣

You. Are. Enough.⁣

Follow your heart and see that it’s true 💛

Check it out.   Have the experience of a lifetime 🐴🐴🐴🐴❤️

Check it out. Have the experience of a lifetime 🐴🐴🐴🐴❤️

Book the cabin for your stay on a horse sanctuary. Check out “Artsy rustic cabin on a horse sanctuary “ thru Airbnb.

If you want just a wonder horse experience that can be arranged also.

Hang out with the herd. “Mostly Mustangs”

Book the cabin for your stay on a horse sanctuary.  Check out “Artsy rustic cabin on a horse sanctuary “ thru Airbnb. If...

Book the cabin for your stay on a horse sanctuary. Check out “Artsy rustic cabin on a horse sanctuary “ thru Airbnb.

If you want just a wonder horse experience that can be arranged also.

Hang out with the herd. “Mostly Mustangs”


Come visit us and see the mustangs. Workshops forming now just awaiting mud season to dry up.


“Farm work doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t make you anything. It reveals you.
There’s gym strong and then there’s farm strong. They’re mutually exclusive. The toughest women you’ll ever meet spend their days on a farm.

There are more uses for twine than you can possibly imagine. You can tie up a hole in a slow feeder, fashion a tail strap for a horse’s blanket, mend a broken fence and use it as a belt.

“Well that certainly didn’t go as planned,” is one thing you’ll say quite a bit.
Control is a mere illusion. The thought that you have any, at any given time, is utterly false.
Sometimes sleep is a luxury. So are lunch and dinner. And brushing your hair.

If you’ve never felt your obliques contract, then you’ve never tried stopping an overly full wheelbarrow of horse manure from tipping over sideways. Trust me, you’ll find muscles that you never knew existed on the human skeleton to prevent this from happening.

When one of the animals is ill, you’ll go to heroic lengths to minimize their discomfort.
Their needs come first. In summer heat and coldest winter days. Clean water, clean bed, and plenty of feed. Before you have your first meal, they all eat.

When you lose one of them, even though you know that day is inevitable, you still feel sadness, angst and emotional pain from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. And it’s a heaviness that lingers even though you must regroup and press on.
You’ll cry a lot. But you’ll never live more fully. You’ll remain present no matter what because you must. There is no other option.
You’ll ask for so many miracles and hold out hope until the very last.

You will, at least once, face-plant in the manure pile. You’ll find yourself saying things like, “we have maybe twenty minutes of daylight left to git ‘er done” whilst gazing up at a nonspecific place in the sky.
You’ll become weirdly obsessive about the weather.
You’ll go out in public wearing filthy clothes and smelling of dirt, sweat and p**p. People will look at you sideways and krinkle their noses but you won’t care.
Your entire day can derail within ten seconds of the rising sun.
You can wash your coveralls. They won’t look any cleaner, but they will smell much nicer.

Farm work is difficult in its simplicity.
You’ll always notice just how beautiful sunrises and sunsets really are.
Should you ever have the opportunity to work on a farm, take the chance! You will never do anything more satisfying in your entire life.”

-Author Unknown


Calm down, mare!” the cowboy shouts as he approaches the wide-eyed, snorting mustang mare tied to the wooden hitching post.

“You’re fine!” he says, as he readjusts the saddle balancing on his hip. But the mare does not seem fine. She tries to back away, hits the end of the rope, and sits back before lurching forwards again, desperately trying to find relief from the rope that feels like teeth clamping down into the crown of her head.

“Calm down, mare!” the cowboy shouts, as he walks towards her with a chunk of carcass from the loins of her hooved brother, before cinching it down on her back in the same way a mountain lion would grab at her flank before ripping into her flesh with fangs and claws. The mare shakes her head and rears up before hitting the end of the rope again.

“You’re overreacting,” the man growls, the smell of a Big Mac on his breath. Now the mare stands very still. She looks defeated. Her head hangs low. She seems smaller now—shrunken. Motionless. Unblinking. Holding her breath. The fire in her eyes is replaced with a dullness as she stares blankly into a world far away from this hitching post, remembering the way she ran across the wide open plains of Wyoming, in a world where there were no two-leggeds in sight.

“See, you made a big deal out of nothing. What a drama queen! ‘Bout time you calmed down,” he chastises her. The mare stands ever so still, frozen, much like an impala being torn apart by a cheetah would do in order to numb out the tearing of teeth on organs.

I wish I could ask her, “What’s happening inside you right now?” I knew what she’d tell me. She’d say, “Something isn’t right here. It feels like a lion is grabbing me. It smells like the body of my dead brothers. My legs are telling me to run away but I can’t. I am being told to calm down, but my body knows what it knows. Something is not right here. It is not safe to be in my body so I must leave it.”

My stomach turns. Every time the man tells her to calm down, I think about what a cop out those words are. I think about how much easier it is to tell her to calm down than it would be to face the damage of his approach and attempt to see the world through her eyes:

“I see this saddle is scaring you. You have every right to be afraid. What is it about the saddle that is scary? Is it the stirrups flinging? The leather creaking? The way it feels to carry it on your back? The way the cinch grabs at your belly? Let me listen to you so that I may know how I can make this scary thing less scary, so that you may feel heard, so that we can use this moment to connect more deeply rather than rupture the threads between us.”

But for a man who was beaten with a belt for letting any tears show from the time he could tie his shoes, for a man who now numbs his own pain with a bottle of whiskey each night, “calm down” is the only response he seems to be capable of.
I wish I could take away the “calm down.”

I imagine untying her from the rotting hitching post. I imagine telling her, “You have survived your whole life on the plains by fleeing at the rustle of a bush. You watched your brothers and sisters fall to their death when they took time to question and contemplate the breeze before fleeing. And now you are supposed to calm down? Now you are supposed to deny the very instinct that kept you alive amongst the sagebrush and mountain lions? Listen! You are not crazy. You have every reason for feeling what you are feeling. You are a genius. You carry nature's blueprint for survival and it is burnt into your blood and your bones.
You are not crazy.
You are not crazy.
You are not crazy.”

I imagine telling the cowboy that this is not okay and the way he would stand, legs wide, hands resting on hips, belt buckle shining like the beads of perspiration oozing from underneath his cowboy hat, and eyes narrowed into slits as he would growl at me to calm down, as he would roll his eyes and tell me that I am overreacting, as he would tell me he’s a professional and so he knows best and that this is the way it's always been done, as he would tell me to stay out of his way so he can do his job, as he would explain to me that this is the problem with women–you’re too goddamn sensitive.

Instead, I stand still, right where I am. Motionless. I lower my head. I shrink smaller. Eyes glazed over, I stare down at the dust beneath my boots.

But still, I cannot seem to shake off the ache in my heart from the way I see myself, my mother, and my mother’s mother reflected back to me in those empty almond eyes. I am haunted by the aching of every woman I've ever known stare back at me from the eyes of the wild mare at the hitching post.

The bones of a wild horse offer her the blueprints for survival just as the womb of a woman houses incredible wisdom. But instead of our emotions being honored, we are painted as oversensitive, overreactive, and hysterical. The expression of our emotions is seen as weak, the validity of them is denied and we learn not to trust them.

I once read a quote by Hafiz: The words you speak become the house you live in. Well, ‘hysteria’ is derived from the Greek ‘hystera’, meaning uterus. So I’d say I’m living in one distorted, carnival funhouse of a world, complete with mazes you lose yourself inside of and curved, warped mirrors that make you look unrecognizable even to yourself. Uterus = hysteria.

We are told we are crazy, and we believe them. We are told we are overreacting and we second guess ourselves. We are told to calm down, and we try to numb our feelings, shove them down, and play the cool girl. We shrink ourselves small to make others more comfortable. Our lives become a walking apology for being too much—too passionate, too loud, too expressive, too big.

The messages may sound different but they’re all the same:

“Calm down.”
“Geez, it was just a joke!”
“Why are you so upset? Must be that time of the month again!”
“Wow, why do you have to be such a drama queen about it?”
“Chill out.”
“You’re overreacting.”

Calm down is an easy way out so you do not have to take responsibility for your actions.
Calm down is an excuse to not have to understand me.
Calm down is a dismissal that says my feelings do not matter to you.
Calm down is saying my feelings are wrong and I shouldn’t trust them.
Calm down is a muzzle to quiet the truth coming from my bones.

We need less women to “calm down” and more women to grow louder, to howl with sacred rage at the way the Earth is being ravaged. We need more women who are passionate and turned on. We need more women who are not afraid to take up space. We need more women who are terrifying and opinionated and disruptive instead of pretty, polite, and pleasing.

Listen to me!
Do not tell me for one second how to feel.
I am not hysterical, your behavior is problematic. I am not crazy.
My animal body knows what it knows. And I trust what my bones are telling me with the unwavering trust of a wild mustang mare as she flinches on a wide-open prairie from the smell of a mountain lion stepping quietly through the sagebrush 3 miles away.

We are not crazy. We are the Wild Women.


“I think my horse is too much for me”⁣

She says, choked up from the fear, guilt, and shame that swarms her as she stares into a deep pit filled with perceived failures, bad advice, judgemental comments, injuries, and the fear of what will happen if she sells her horse.⁣


If you’re working with a fearful, traumatized, troubled, or challenging animal, you may have felt this way before 🥀⁣

Between your passion for horses and pressure from the outside world to ACHIEVE... everything you’re going through now feels like deep failure, and a threat to your very worth as a human being. Maybe not consciously, but that’s the fear that lurks deep beneath the surface 🌊 It’s painful, scary and isolating.⁣

I’m writing about this because I want you to know: if this is you, you are not alone ♥️⁣

Countless people are walking this path, and countless more have been there before 🐾⁣

Some power their way through, and reach their goals at any cost. Some decide to call it quits. Others will lean into the lessons the experience has to offer, feel the pain... and RISE 🦋⁣

All of these are valid. I’m not here to tell you what you need to do. You know what’s right for you.⁣

But if you’re interested in transmuting, renewing, rising... I have guidance to offer from personal experience 🌈⁣

Firstly, get support. Get help from someone who has a proven track record of the results that you’re looking for, in the way you want to go about it.⁣

More importantly... stop judging yourself. Stop judging your horse. It will only slow you down, and cause pain for you in the long run.⁣

This is a million times easier said than done, but the process of reaching toward non-judgement is absolutely life changing. It breaks the chains of shame that you’ve been carrying around for far too long.⁣

You’re not inadequate. You’re capable.⁣

Your horse isn’t naughty/crazy/dumb. She needs compassionate guidance.⁣

Your relationship is not a lost cause. Your story is just beginning 🌱⁣


Ridgway, CO





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