At the end of your leash

At the end of your leash 🐾Schedule a chat, please complete application on, check spam for reply! 🐾 MyFoxLA’s Inland Empire’s HOTLIST Multiple Winner!

For more than 30 years Jen Freilich and her team of Super Trainers have brought smiles and worked wonders with clients throughout Southern California. Students have traveled far and wide across ocean’s to spend time learning her award wining methods, training programs and business model. Voted **BEST TRAINING** in the Inland Empire since 2011! So Cal’s number one choice for:

Breed Selection

er Puppy Raising
Behavior Solutions Seminar
Caine Nutrition Consulting

Private Training & Group Classes
Canine Good Citizen Training & Testing
On / Off-Leash, Advanced & Rally Obedience
Therapy Dog and Service Dog Training
Official Pack to Basics Socialization
ForceFree Method Remote Collar Training

Pet First Aid & CPCR Training
Rattlesnake Avoidance Training Clinics
Acupuncture / Acupressure, Chiropractic & Massage Clinics
Trick Classes, Monthly Workshops & Seminars, Presentations, Fundraisers

Professional Dog Trainer Mentoring
Elite Boarding Programs you won’t find anywhere else! Specializing in many areas such as proper puppy raising, multi-canine households, the rehabilitation of fear / aggression and helping our senior canine companions age gracefully with a passion for true wellness and longevity. Jen Freilich, IACP-CDT
Owner / Trainer / Behavior Specialist
IACP Professional Member #3919
Volhard Dog Nutrition Consultant
Official Pack to Basics Socialization
Certified ForceFree Method Trainer
AKC Canine Good Citizen Trainer / Evaluator
Certified SATS Perception Modification Trainer
Pet First Aid & CPCR Instructor

At the end of your leash! Dog training and wellness center. Contact Me: 951-288-5034

Voted Best Dog Training in the Inland Empire since 2011 by MyFoxLA and YOU! Please enjoy this little video, and get to know us a little better:

Jen Freilich, Owner / Training Director / Behavior Specialist
With more than twenty years of experience, there is one thing Jen has always specialized in: creating happy dogs and happy families. Her talents take you from puppies to fearful, unruly and aggressive cases, to helping you create a balanced companion, and develop the relationship you have always dreamed of. Jen’s years of experience have led her to study with some of the world’s top trainers as she has developed her own unique training style that is sure to bring you the success you are looking for. It’s not just about becoming a leader, but for Jen, it’s about teaching you how to lead with love. As one of only a handful worldwide certified to run Pack to Basics Socialization classes she holds the key to unlocking the true potential in your canine companion. Brandon Jolley, Head Trainer
Turning your joker into a super dog is what Brandon does best. Being raised with dogs from a young age and studying with only the best in the country, he has what it takes to turn your situation around and end the canine chaos in your home. Whether you are looking to solve behavior problems, teach your dog how to walk on a loose leash, or reach reliable off-leash levels, Brandon has the skills you are looking for. His calm nature, and endless patience is a true gift when working with even the most challenging cases. This team is a winning combo and a true dynamic duo. As certified ForceFree Method trainers, your journey from unruly prankster to balanced, off-leash reliable companion is not far away. For your trainers here, this is not just a job or a career. It is a way of life, and it is their passion. Their award winning training has made them top dogs year after year as their clients, along with MyFoxLA, has awarded them the title of Best Dog Trainers in the Inland Empire. With these superheroes, you are in the very best hands. Thanks for reaching out to us! What we offer is just too awesome to share via messenger, but if you would like a personal chat regarding your canine companion & training programs, please fill out the contact form on our site ( and one of our Superheroes will give you a call!

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - BuddhaIf you are unaware, Purina has been in qui...

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Buddha

If you are unaware, Purina has been in quite a bit of hot water for some time now. All you have to do is a search right here on facebook and you will find enough information to cause serious concern.

I absolutely do not recommend Purina, or any other brand you can buy off of a grocery store shelf, however....

I can help you find the right nutrition for your dog,
be it a better quality of kibble with proper supplementation,
an easy raw diet,
or a combination of both.

Just choose the free option here:

Several neighbors within a mile radius of Nestle Purina Petcare's plant in Denver claim "noxious odors" have created symptoms including headaches and nausea.

Have you heard about the changes to Disney's Disability Access Service? I do agree, changes are needed considering I see...

Have you heard about the changes to Disney's Disability Access Service?

I do agree, changes are needed considering I see what appears to my trained eye as fraudulent service dogs every single time I go to the parks.

Now, keep in mind, I've said nothing about the handlers. I don't have the power to look at a person and know if they have invisible disabilities or not, just like most people are unable to see how chronically ill I am just from looking at me.

However, as a professional dog trainer with more than 30yrs of experience, I can spot a dog with poor training a mile away. There is a difference between a dog that is in training, practicing and learning, and a dog that is just a pet that has little to no real connection to it's handler and is not working with or for the handler. There's a disconnect that you can see.

I do have many ideas for Disneyland's DAS pass, do you think they'd like to hear them? ;)

What do you think?

First hand reports of the new Disability Pass approval changes for Walt Disney World to cut down on abuse.

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month; this post contains some of my fav treatments regardless of what you are dealing wit...

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month; this post contains some of my fav treatments regardless of what you are dealing with.
If I’m not heeling dogs during obedience,
I’m helping them through Nutrition and Iridology Consultations,
Phototherapy Patches, Reiki, Emotion Code™ and the Masterson Method™ of Bodywork.
While helping my clients help their dogs live a longer, healthier, happier life, I’m also helping my clients resolve issues and feel better through the same modalities.
The Masterson Method™ requires us to be in the same room, the others can easily be done at a distance.
This lovely lady has flared sciatica after a little tumble (she really must stop doing her own stunts, lol). I was standing in my grass barefoot, grounding, eating white mulberries off my tree with Angel, Han and Rey using intuitive muscle testing to help her. The longer I talk while grounding, the ideas flow.
1. Phototherapy - Gallbladder points GB30 (Tan IW), GB34 (Glut), GB41 (Wh IW), X39 on residual pain.
2. Grounding - Stand in the grass barefoot or lay down and nap. Reduce inflammation/pain.
3. Homeopathy - There’s a remedy for that!
4. Iyengar Yoga - Ready to join my class?
5. CBD / THC FECO in Castor Oil to pe*****te deeply.
6. Massage & Chiropractic support.
7. Magnesium Flake bath soaks are just a few that will work nicely for her.
Super Trainer 🦸🏻‍♀️ Tip: Since diagnosis July 2018 I’ve spent a significant amount of time researching. I found the body truly does keep the score, trapped emotions really do get stuck in the body until you release them allowing your body to do what it does best. I’ve spent the last 21 months studying and working on me and my certification and now it’s time for me to share the Emotion Code with you. I’ve opened up appointments for 5 people and 2 animals, over 50% off, either comment below or message me if you’d like me to send you information. 🌀

🐕‍🦺 🏹

Welcome to Lyme Disease awareness month where I just might info dump in order to spread truth, crush lies and bust myths...

Welcome to Lyme Disease awareness month where I just might info dump in order to spread truth, crush lies and bust myths. Yes, I’m late, but the posts will be worth it!
Tick Borne Diseases (TBD) are designed to cause massive destruction in the body, be it you or your 🐾 pup, or even your unicorn. For me, my hypothalamus has taken quite a hit and causes me a great deal of misery, especially in the thermoregulation area. �The hypothalamus maintains homeostasis in the body, responds to both internal and external signals, adjusts to stress and orchestrates our daily physiological cycles. Acts as the endocrine systems control center, influencing the pituitary gland - known as the master gland, governing the activity of other hormonal glands.
- Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone
- Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone
- Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone
- Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone
- Dopamine (For my fellow ADHD’ers!)
- Somatostatin
Research on the SP6 patch worn 12hrs day / 7 days produced significant improvement in physiologic functional status from baseline:
- Liver, Pancreas, Right/Left Kidney with an average statistical power >97%
- Thyroid, Intestines, Hypothalamus >87%
- Adrenal Glands >75%�
Hypothalamus Role:
- Crucial for behaviors associated with pleasure, rage, aversion and laughter. Influences sexual arousal, trust, recognition, maternal behaviors and aspects of the reproductive system.
- 🐾Think of all the behavior issues we see in dogs - Fear, Reactivity, Aggression.�
Causes of Dysfunction: �- Head Injuries (TBI), Tumors, Stroke, Malnutrition, Infections, Surgery, Radiation, Inflammation, etc.�.
Symptoms of Dysfunction: �- Disorganized body rhythms (insomnia), High / Low Blood Pressure, Water Retention or Dehydration, Muscle Loss & Weakness, Infertility, Thermoregulation, Poor Bone Health, etc.
- 🐾Think about how this affects your senior dogs with muscle loss and hind end weakness along with hip dysplasia, even pups with JLPP.
This patch supports weight loss, addresses addiction and cravings, improves digestion, balances hormones and more!�Where to place patch:
1. Left Spleen 6 (SP6) - This is where you see the patch on my lower leg: Strengthens the spleen and stomach, resolves dampness, harmonizes liver, strengthens kidneys, nourishes blood and yin, cools and invigorates blood, calms the Shen. One of the most versatile and commonly used points as it crosses the Spleen, Kidney and Liver meridians, can support many conditions associated with all three organs, important point for emotional conditions as well.
- 🐾 Regulates entire digestive tract, treats pain, weakness, prolapse, incontinence, urogenital problems just to name a few for your pup.
2. Stomach 36 (ST36) - Tonifies Digestion, Immunity, general wellness
3. Kidney 3 (KD3) - Urinary, Reproductive
4. Triple Warmer 17 (TW17) - Vagus Nerve Stimulation & Regulation

Super Trainer 🦸🏻‍♀️ Tip: Pretty easy to see why I love wearing this patch, right? This is just one of the many ways I am rebuilding my body for $1.66 day. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for more information, I’m happy to help you support and rebuild you, your canine companion and unicorn.� � 🐕‍🦺 � 🏹


Feeling so full of gratitude for these three and the mindful walks we share.
Can you believe Angel’s one year anniversary is just around the corner? April 29th is the official date she was sent to me. What a blessing she has been. Over the last year we’ve worked with our Naturopath Poppy Philips and the The Masterson Method, Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork with Will Friday (by the way, guess who’s Certified in the Masterson Method for Dogs? Me!🙋🏻‍♀️) along with phototherapy, better nutrition and lots of love, but it’s all been worth it.
We ride on my property, but I have yet to take her out riding off property. I was told she’s fine, no problems. I just didn’t feel it was right until recently. Let’s be real for a minute: Last time I was a proficient rider I was 15yo, I’m pushing 50 and spent the last 6yrs in the fight of my life which includes brain damage that’s halfway healed so the last thing I need is to get thrown in the middle of the street. 😉
For me, personally, I wanted to wait until our relationship had a deeper connection. She’s always been a good girl, but I knew part of it was due to the multiple hard lives she’d lived. I knew she was obeying because she assumed the consequences would be high if she didn’t. She was always tense and stiff. Still a bit stiff, but she is relaxing now that she knows she’s loved and safe. She is finally learning how to return love and seek connection.
Walking with her reminds us (Han, Rey and I) to stop and take a look around, observe the environment and be mindful.
She stops often, sometimes because she was startled by something, which has also been impressive in its own way. I’m mindful of “how” she reacts. She’s on my right, so she could easily flip out and run over us. She’s very careful not to. She’ll sort of jump (horse people know what I’m saying) in place, hardly moving towards me. I thank her and let her know how proud of her I am. Sometimes it’s because she wants to know what something is so we go investigate it together. We name and explain everything. And sometimes she sees or hears something in the distance and stops so she can focus on it. We all stop and wait with her until she’s ready to move forward. We’re a team, we support and heal each other so we also honor each other.
If I hope for her to take care of me when I’m on her, to keep me safe, to protect me and to assist me with tasks, I have to take care of her as well. Throughout the past year the four of us have learned to trust and respect each other while building a stronger relationship.
Super Trainer 🦸🏻‍♀️ Tip: Take time when walking your dogs to stop, practice your auto-sit, give your dog a moment to take it all in, do a sit stay or down stay, practice recalls, notice the chem tr… er, I mean notice the cloud patterns. Walk your horse when you walk your dogs, which also helps them to bond through shared energy and experiences while helping you become a stronger leader. 🐕‍🦺 🏹

It's that time of year already, please be very careful with your animals around foxtails. It's best to get rid of them a...

It's that time of year already, please be very careful with your animals around foxtails. It's best to get rid of them as quickly as possible. There is not much that scares me, but these, they scare me. I've seen them cause very serious damage.

Uncover the hidden threat of foxtail plants, summer's silent adversary targeting dogs with its sharp seeds. Unveil the strategies to identify, prevent, and tackle this botanical hazard, ensuring a safe season for your four-legged friends.

Little known fact about your fav dog trainer; my first career was as an automotive technician. 😂Oil change and tire rota...

Little known fact about your fav dog trainer; my first career was as an automotive technician. 😂
Oil change and tire rotation included with each training program? No? 🤣


Happy 8th Birthday,Hannie-Bear! 🥳It seems unimaginable that 8 years have passed since I brought this giant beefcake home...

Happy 8th Birthday,
Hannie-Bear! 🥳
It seems unimaginable that 8 years have passed since I brought this giant beefcake home. Of course, he was a chunky little bear 🐻 then.
I have so much to say about this guy and our journey, but the day has been long and this girl is exhausted. 😉
Tomorrow I will share some of this journey with you, but tonight I leave you with…
Leap Day. February 29, 2016 Hyperion’s Han Solo of Olympus Walk SD, TT, RI, TKA, CGCU/A was born and my life was never the same. (But that’s really a long story!)
Happy Birthday, Han! You are simply the best and I don’t know what I would do without you. ❤️


Cancer has been on the rise for as long as I can recall. I’ve dedicated part of my life as a professional dog trainer an...

Cancer has been on the rise for as long as I can recall. I’ve dedicated part of my life as a professional dog trainer and behavior specialist to observing and studying what dogs need for biological fulfillment as well nutrition, health and longevity.

This goes beyond the basics of:

📌 Spring Water
📌 Species Appropriate Nutrition
📌 Appropriate Exercise & Socialization (including play and obedience, mental and physical stimulation).

These basics are important, however, it’s simply just the basics.

I’ve learned a thing or two, earned a few certifications in nutrition, iridology and homeopathy, helped many dogs live a better life and always continuously learning more.

Here’s a few things that I’ve learned, in brief:

1. Cannabis is not scary, it’s your friend. You just need to learn how to use it safely and appropriately.

2. Homeopathy is also your friend and works wonders. There is pretty much a remedy for everything.

3. Herbs are an amazing go-to for so many things, after all, isn’t it Psalm 104:14, God gave herbs for the service of men?

4. There is a safe way to minimally V using titers to protect and then use Homeopathy to detox the adjuvants without affecting the V benefits.

5. The Spay / Neuter agenda absolutely does not take your dogs healthspan or lifespan into consideration, please reconsider. There are multiple better options, like Vasectomy and O***y Sparing Spay. When there is no option and altering is required, there are hormone and glandular replacements to help replenish all that is lost.

6. An appropriate raw diet is one of the most important things you can do for your dog. On the other hand, a poorly made deficient food will do the opposite.

7. The canine species, by DNA, is very social and live in packs, like a family. Regular, proper socialization is an important part of their health and happiness. They need time to play with their friends just like you do.

8. Having a Holistic, TCM trained Veterinary Acupuncturist coke to your home to care for your dogs is golden.

9. Having a Board Certified Naturopath care for your pets is also golden.

10. While all of this may sound overwhelming, please find comfort in knowing that you have someone in your world that can guide you through all of this with ease. If there is anything I can do to help you, please fill out the Canine Wellness form on our site and look for a reply from me personally. 🙏🏼❤️

Bonus: There is something to be said about full body rads at certain times in your dogs life so you can see what’s going on inside. 😉

A devastating illness that hits 8,000 to 10,000 pets per year, the early symptoms can be subtle and hard to recognize. Pay close attention as your pet grows older, especially if he falls into one of these high-risk groups. Plus, what to do if you can't or won't do surgery.

This girl is pure sunshine and totally thrives in situations like this. She loves meeting new dogs and making new friend...

This girl is pure sunshine and totally thrives in situations like this. She loves meeting new dogs and making new friends, but this workshop she had her favorite. Fernando, thank you so much for loving on Han and Rey, they fully enjoyed every minute of it! (oh yeah, there’s a couple of Han photos in there!) I know you all know what I mean when I say it fills my heart with so much joy to see my dogs happy, playing, enjoying the adventure they are on and living life to it fullest.
Workshops can be super stressful for some dogs and very challenging for their people. It really takes a lot to get through the weekend for some. I commend those that brought difficult dogs in order to get help from some amazing trainers. It was a really good weekend, loved every minute of it.


Another fabulous workshop in the books! Long days, but so worth it. In bed between 11-12pm, up at 5am, starts at 8:30am,...

Another fabulous workshop in the books! Long days, but so worth it. In bed between 11-12pm, up at 5am, starts at 8:30am, lunch at 1pm, resume at 2pm, dinner at 4:30pm, resume at 7pm to about 10/11pm. Except for Sunday, done at 1pm. Load the car with 3 days / 4 nights worth of everything one Lyme Warrior and two dogs could need, especially multiple medical, homeopathic and first aid kits plus a portable ice maker because clean ice is really nice. Home by 3pm (freeway was CRAZY!). Unload, unpack, take care of Angel, feed dogs, nap before rest of chores and dinner.
Anytime spent with Joel, Jay and Larry is time very well spent. It’s one of my favorite workshops; three trainers, three different styles of training which complement each other beautifully, all shared with complete love and compassion. 100% successful sessions with every single dog.
Three of my fav trainers, friends and clients, three days with two of my besties - one exhausted, adrenal fatigued, but fulfilled Jen. So much more to share with you, but for tonight, just a couple of parting shots. Nikki, absolutely loved spending the weekend with you! So much fun, especially laughing at our boys. Fernando, so grateful I got to spend time with you this weekend, always a pleasure. Thank you for loving Han & Rey and hanging on to them so I could work with Joel and Jay. 🙏🏼
PS - That intact male Rottweiler and that intact male Am Staff (who did not grow up together and only spent time together once before, months ago) are not about to fight. I don’t want anyone to worry. 😘 They spent the whole weekend kissing and spooning. In case you’re wondering, Han is the little 🥄.


When health and longevity are important to you, we are here to help you choose the right food, recipe, supplements and r...

When health and longevity are important to you, we are here to help you choose the right food, recipe, supplements and remedies for your favorite pup.

For those looking to transition to a raw diet, please fill out the Canine Wellness Consulting form on our site, choosing the FREE option works perfectly to get us started:

For those looking to improve how kibble is fed, I recommend switching to Fromm Family Foods (our favorite recipe is Highlander Beef, Oats 'n Barley!) and adding proper supplementation from our site here:

- Volhard Endurance
- Volhard Digestive Enzymes
- Volhard Vitamin B Complex
- Volhard Krill Oil

Both companies are family owned and maintain the highest standards in the industry. Please feel free to post any questions in the comments, I'm more than happy to be your guide on this journey.

Often, my clients will correct their dog when munching on my grass, or ask me why their dog eats grass. I always explain...

Often, my clients will correct their dog when munching on my grass, or ask me why their dog eats grass. I always explain my grass is safe, no pesticides or chemicals and it's just fine. :)

Here is a little article to explain:

Does your dog start chomping grass the moment she gets outdoors? Should you try to stop her? This recent article offers an entirely new explanation, disputing the long-held belief that dogs eat grass to throw up. In my experience, there are 4 additional health-related reasons dogs eat grass.

So full of gratitude for you! Yes, YOU! Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes and love, my heart is full. ❤️🙏...

So full of gratitude for you! Yes, YOU! Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes and love, my heart is full.
I’m reading through each post and feel so lucky to know each of you. Thank you for being a part of my world!
With many thanks to everyone that joined me yesterday and to Bhargav for shooting some great shots, here are just a few to get started! And yes, this is how photo shoots go with Han and Rey 🤦🏻‍♀️. Of course I turned her into a unicorn! (You knew I would! 🤣)



How to heal an Angel: 1. Tell her she is a “love horse.”2. Daily Reiki, Massage, Acupressure by me (her choice).3. Bento...

How to heal an Angel:
1. Tell her she is a “love horse.”
2. Daily Reiki, Massage, Acupressure by me (her choice).
3. Bentonite Clay in her plastic bucket (no metal); Alternate Willard Water Ultimate & Wu Jin San in her stainless bucket.
4. Deworm. (Panacure)
5. Organic Horse Feed.
6. Give her a voice; introduce her to our Board Certified Naturopath, Poppy.
7. Put special patches strategically on halter to turn her into a Super Horse. Eventually, she’ll have a padded biothane halter and breakaway neck collar which will make patching so much easier, for now - vet wrap works (Stay tuned!).
8. Find her a Chiro / Body Worker, Farrier and Vet.
9. Train her using SATS Perception Modification.
10. Spend time with her, hug her, kiss her, make her feel welcome.


Tell me you have   without telling me you have ADHD. 🧠I just spent 30 min looking for that little thing! 😂❤︎attheendofyo...

Tell me you have without telling me you have ADHD.
I just spent 30 min looking for that little thing! 😂


So, this is happening right now. There’s a horse on my training field!!! 🐴 Stay tuned! ❤︎        ...

So, this is happening right now.
There’s a horse on my training field!!!
🐴 Stay tuned!


Food for thought....Personally, as a Canine Iridologist and Nutritionist, I walked away from kibble a long time ago.If y...

Food for thought....
Personally, as a Canine Iridologist and Nutritionist, I walked away from kibble a long time ago.

If you need help,
I can make it easy and simple for you,
I can make feeding kibble much better for your companion,
I can also help you feed a combo of kibble and raw if that is a better option for you.

If your pet's food comes out of a bag, you need to know about this warning by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Recent testing detected at least seven potentially toxic chemicals on 11 pet food packages from seven pet food brands that could place both you and your pet at risk.

Did you know? Just in case, here you go!

Did you know? Just in case, here you go!

You may already know that a small amount of these two fruits can cause kidney damage, neurological problems and death in dogs. But did you know that even their juices (used in some baked goods and protein bars) are harmful? Be aware, researchers have now added two other items to the 'deadly' list.

🐍 LAST CALL! 🐍RATTLESNAKE AVERSION TRAININGSUNDAY, MARCH 12THCurrent Score 52 / 952 dogs currently set to receive life s...



Current Score 52 / 9

52 dogs currently set to receive life saving training.
9 life saving spots available, but going fast!
Our annual Rattlesnake Aversion Training sells out each year, will you be here?

🐍 $85 per dog
🐍 Fast, Safe and Effective!
🐍 Questions? Comment below!
🐍 Event Details:

I've always been open to learning new healing modalities, I never felt it should be this or that, but this-and-that go t...

I've always been open to learning new healing modalities, I never felt it should be this or that, but this-and-that go together like peanut butter and jelly.

The marriage of Eastern Wisdom / Ayurvedic Principles / Traditional Chinese Medicine and the like along with Western Conventional Medicine can prove to be the best medicine when practitioners are willing to work with each other.

I'm a believer in second and third opinions; just because a conventional doctor doesn't know how to heal a thing, it doesn't mean a Homeopath or Naturopath hasn't cured that same thing a thousand times.

Part of my job as a Canine Wellness Consultant is to help my clients navigate this and get the help they need, including a nutritional consulting with me along with many other healing modalities I have at my disposal.

Our newest Game Changer, Dr. Peggy LaCombe, is doing - giving her patients the gift of in-home integrative care.

LAST GROUP CLASS OF THE YEAR!Ready to solve the canine chaos before the holidays?Ready to turn your little joker into yo...


Ready to solve the canine chaos before the holidays?
Ready to turn your little joker into your loyal sidekick or even a... SUPER DOG!

It's that time of year and the holidays are just around the corner! Is your pup going to be a real 🧟‍♂️ monster for Halloween? Afraid she may 🍭 overindulge? Worried your best boy will help himself to the 🦃 turkey, use the wrong 🎄 tree or open the gifts early?

Jumping, chewing, digging, nipping, pulling, stealing, potty accidents and so much more can all be a thing of the past in less than 5 weeks. Walks can be a breeze, down stays will prevent holiday mishaps and coming when called brings smiles.

Ready to start off on the right paw?

Please visit where you can view group and private programs, fill out the Training Application and watch for a personal email with program details as well as an option to chat with Jen.

Training is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
This is one gift 🎁 everyone wants and no one regrets!

Superhero Sidekick Group Class $299+
Registration Closes 11/06 for: Saturday November 12, 19, December 3, 10, 17

Super Trainer Tip: When wrapping up those Christmas Puppies don’t forget to tie a Training Gift Certificate to that bow! 🎀 Jen is available to help you choose the right companion for your family, temperament test, shop for the perfect goodies your new pup will need and prepare your home and family for your new arrival.

Welcome to Southern California's premier balanced dog training and rehabilitation center for complete canine wellness. From group classes to private on and o...


When there’s a little too much dog hair on the floor and you need to vacuum…
Super Trainer 🦸🏻‍♀️ Tip: July 4th will be here before you know it, now is the time to help your companion bravely overcome any fears.
Last Superhero Sidekick Group Class starts in 4wks, registration closes in 3wks! Please fill out the Training Application on our site and we will be happy to chat.


.com 🏹

When it’s a late work night but it’s ok because you have 70 pounds of badass guarding the car while watching you through...

When it’s a late work night but it’s ok because you have 70 pounds of badass guarding the car while watching you through the windows and 135 pounds of beefcake by your side.
Super Trainer 🦸🏻‍♀️ Tip: While only Service Dogs in Training and Service Dogs are allowed inside, the outside is perfect for training. You can work on a focused heel as shoppers go in and out of stores, sit and down stays, 6’ leash recalls (being careful not to put others in danger of getting tangled up in your leash), leave it - as in the 🎃 along the storefront, manners (not jumping on people, sitting politely for petting if appropriate, not lifting a leg on previously mentioned 🎃) and my favorite - food refusal - not taking food from strangers.
Lyme Warrior 🏹 Tip: Lyme Disease rarely shows up to the party alone, most of the time bringing guests like Babesia, Bartonella and Rickettsia. One bite is all it takes. 🎯


.com 🏹

Consider planting   in your garden. Just like Han and Rey, if your dog needs it, it's always available for them. 🍃🌱

Consider planting in your garden. Just like Han and Rey, if your dog needs it, it's always available for them. 🍃🌱

A newly released study of the behavior of bottlenose dolphins suggests they use corals to treat skin ailments and scars or lesions from viral pox infections.


By Appointment Only. (Woodcrest Area. )
Riverside, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 7pm
Wednesday 12pm - 7pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Friday 12pm - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when At the end of your leash posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.




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