Stopped by a great client of our “s house today w/Madden to meet these 3 day old pups. I was smitten. Mom’s a golden, dad’s a blue lab. We’ll go back in a Couple weeks when they are a bit older to play w them. Daisy is such a good mom. Dad was happy to take us to them when we arrived :-)
Today was the day we pulled the winners from the raffle we had all last month. All proceeds went to Rusty Heart Horse Ranch Rescue in Cherry Valley where my son and I have been volunteering for over a year now. Thank you everyone who participated and or donated additional monies. We sold 125 tickets and raised a total of $1035.00♥️♥️ you guys are the absolute best
Trying something new out:-) poodle feet and prep work for the haircut on this little cutie patootie willow 😜
When I say a dog and I love each other this dog is my number 1 example of that love! Lol! She always makes eye contact with me when I'm grooming her and makes out w my nose any chance she can get and is always trying to get closer and closer if I nudge her back a bit to do my magic lol! I never mind cuz I know when she's coming in it'll be a great start to my day ! Meet akira! A black Pom who has nothing but love in her!