When the 1st Virginia Cavalry marches through Little Washington, they step in time to Col. Bourgeois’ festive tune!
Getting ready for the 2024 International Mounted Guard Military Invitational!
In downtown Philly waiting for troopers to come out and tack Liberty Hall ponies who are mounting them in their 250th anniversary parade today! Pretty cool moment for LH and our horses!
Steelers and the Liberty Hall win with Ligonier Polo Association - what a great weekend! LH is 4:0 this season!
Ooh Rah! Liberty Hall’s MPC Ponies carried their troopers to victory in the General Patton Polo Tournament!Ozymandias, Ranger, Dodger, Venus, Chimayo, and Blackie played their little hearts out! 🐎✨
Saturday was the Women’s Tournament at Doc Todd Burdicks with LH members Nina Cater McKee, Elizabeth Proper and Matt Judith Gore playing! All played well - Judi and Chimi won the tournament and Judi MVP! 🏆
LH pond is restocked with bass/catfish/minnows etc!!!
And they say cows dont eat the afterbirth. Hmmm. Good
Had a blast at the 3rd Annual Culpeper Rodeo! The 1st Virginia Cavalry did fantastic job and the crowd was a pleasure.
Shawn made this cool reel with snippets of the best moments
Miss Rodeo Virginia convinced Sarah to run in a stick horse race - making horse people spin on their own feet is just wrong 😉
Many thanks to all those that helped us again this year. We couldn’t do it without you!
Liberty Hall is off to the rodeo this Saturday! This year the LH ponies will have the honor of assisting the 1st Virginia Cavalry present the national colors at the start of the evening's events. This is our third time being out and have loved each and every one.
Get your ticket in advance and save some cash for the awesome food trucks!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-culpeper-professional-rodeo-tickets-809795208267
From 2022 (the 1st year for all!) the Young Ladies of Liberty Hall did such an amazing job...
Weekend full of Polo! Grass polo in Middleburg, and another grass game at Chetwood Park. Absolutely beautiful.